I have built a database to track my time on different projects. I currently administer it via a cascade of linked forms and subforms, as follows:

Main Form (frmProjects) (single form view)
- with a subform (sbfrmStageList) (continuous form view) showing stages of the current project
- a button for each stage in the subform opens a secondary form

Secondary form (sbfrmStages) (single form view)
- with a subform (sbfrmTaskList) (continuous form view) showing tasks for the current stage
- a button for each task opens a tertiary form

Tertiary form (sbfrmTasks) (single form view)
- with a subform (sbfrmTimeEntry) (datasheet view) showing dates and hours worked on the current task

I have created a calculated control in the footer section of sbfrmTimeEntry, which totals the hours worked on the current task but does not display it in the datasheet view. I have then pointed another control (in sbfrmTasks) to this calculated control, so it displays the total as a headline figure for each task.

What I want to do now, but can’t figure out how, is to:
- display the same calculated value in sbfrmTaskList
- calculate the total hours worked for each stage and display it in sbfrmStageList

Can anyone advise?