Hello all! I'm a newer Access user, and I could really use some tips for polishing this rough draft database I've designed for my company. The idea is I've created a database moderating company cell phone usage. The form we're using displays all the information we need about the user, their phone, the chips, the serials, their locations, etc.

What I need help with is how to track user spending. I receive bills from the service providor consolidating all my users in an Excel spreadsheet, which should be nicely imported into Access somehow, I'm sure. I need to create a subform that shows the user's monthly spending.

I'm just unsure of how to go about constructing this. Should I upload the Excel bill into a new table every month? If so, how do I link it to the form in such a way that it only shows the individual user's billing information on their record in the main form? This seems like an issue Access would have a better way to instigate than my monthly table uploading idea.

Any information or thoughts on this helps! I appreciate your feedback so much. Thanks you guys!