Hey all,

I had a query taking over half hour to run. It was too long. So I cleaned up data so I could use this, which only takes 22 seconds to run:
SELECT possibles.fullname, uniSelectedContacts.addresses, uniSelectedContacts.cities, uniSelectedContacts.us_states_and_canada, uniSelectedContacts.zip_codes INTO PrepareForDuplicateCheck
FROM uniSelectedContacts INNER JOIN possibles ON uniSelectedContacts.TheName = possibles.fullname;
There's a problem with this query. There are numerous cases where possibles.fullname will not have a middle initial but uniSelectedContacts.TheName will. Because of that, those specific records are not being pulled. Without extracting the middle_initial into its own column in uniSelectedContacts, which will be a tedious task, is there a way to increase accuracy of returned data while still preserving time efficiency?

Thanks for response.