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  1. #16
    katjoe is offline Novice
    Windows 10 Access 2016
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    Apr 2024
    I have made some progress but I am getting the 3144 error in my SQL statement. At this point I am trying to use the variables “filename” and “fLocation” to update two columns in an Access table.
    The “filename” is a variable that points to the Excel file and the “fLocation” holds the value of the name of the folder where the file is stored.
    I have tried several variations as well as the debugger to fix this but I just can’t get it right and I am hoping someone can help me.
    My code:

    Dim fileName as string
    Dim fLocation as string
    Dim strSQL as string
    fileName = Dir(filePath, "*.xlsx")
    fLocation = Test2
    Without the SQL statement the script imports the data . I am doing one step at a time and as each part of the script works I am adding the next step.
    In the loop I have the DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet, next I am updating the table by using the SQL UPDATE.
         strSQL = "UPDATE [TBLTable 2] set[File Name] = ' " & fileName & " ', SET [File Location] = ' " & fLocation & " ' "Where [File Name] and [File Location] IS NULL";"
    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
    'I did try to put this statement before the query, did not make a difference.
    The field name in the table has a space so I used [] around it.
    Thank you in advance!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CJ_London View Post
    I've tidied up your code - Note if you are going to type the tags rather than simply using the # button you need to use [ and ] rather than < and >

    Public Sub ImportData()
    Dim fileName As String
    Dim filePath As String
    Dim WKS As Object
        filePath = "C:\Employee_Group\Reports\Employee_Report"
        fileName = Dir(filePath, "*.xlsx")
        filepath=filepath & "\" 'you need to add the \
        Set objXL = Excel.Application
        Do While Len(fileName) > 0
            Set WKB = objXL.Workbooks.Open(filePath & fileName) 'my guess this is where the error is generated
            Set colWorksheets = WKB.Worksheets
            For Each WKS In colWorksheets
                If (WKS.Name = "Table2") Then
                    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 10, "Table2", "filePath & fileName", True, "" 'this need to be just filePath & fileName, not "filePath & fileName"
                ElseIf (WKS.Name = "Table3") Then
                    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 10, "Table3", "filePath & fileName", True, "" 'this need to be just filePath & fileName, not "filePath & fileName"
                ElseIf (WKS.Name = "Table4") Then
                    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 10, "Table4", "filePath & fileName", True, "" 'this need to be just filePath & fileName, not "filePath & fileName"
                End If
            filename=Dir() 'new line required
        WKB.Close SaveChanges:=False
        Set WKB = Nothing
        objXL Quit
        Set objXL = Nothing
    End Sub
    learn to use the debug window and debug.print code. Also when the code stops, it highlights what line the code is stopped on

    if you enter the code

    debug.print filePath & fileName

    you will see something like


    which tells you you are missing a \

    you will get errors further down because you have encapsulated the concatenation into a string.

    You are also creating an infinite loop since you don't have any code to update the filename in the loop. So between the Next line and the Loop line you need FileName=Dir()

    I've annotated your code where the fixes need to be

    edit: when using vba, at the top of each module will be Option Compare Database. Below this you should add Option Explicit. This means you can hit the compile button and will check you don't have any missing or wrongly spelt code before you run the code. Otherwise these errors will get mixed up with runtime errors when you run the code. You can automate this for new modules by going to tools>options>editor on the vba menu and ticking the Require Variable declaration option (don't know why it is not the default). For existing modules you will need to add Option Explicit manually. In your code you have not declared objXL for example

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Swansea,South Wales,UK
    You need to start to learn on how to concatenate.
    If you are using variables for path and filename, then why not for the respective sheet?

    I put stuff like this into a string variable, so I can debug.print it to make sure it is correct, then I can use it in the function.

    However using just what you have.....
    filePath = "C:\Employee_Group\Reports\Employee_Report\" ' Why not do it in one go?
                If (WKS.Name = "Table2" or WKS.Name = "Table3" OR WKS.Name = "Table4") Then
                    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 10, WS.Name, filePath & fileName, True
              End If
    Any time you are repeating code, there is likely a much better way?

    I get Type Mismatch on your fileName = Dir(filePath, "*.xlsx")

    so check your values.

    This works in the immediate window ?

    ? dir("F:\temp\*.xlsx")
    DailySummary_SubmittalsOverdueDataLeadChart_202405 06-DEMO.xlsx
    Please use # icon on toolbar when posting code snippets.
    Cross Posting:
    Debugging Access:

  3. #18
    katjoe is offline Novice
    Windows 10 Access 2016
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    Apr 2024

    Arrow Excel creation date

    Thank you for your input. I thought about the repetitive of the import statement but not well versed in VB so I questioned myself. I did not think about the WKS.Name concatination. I agree that is a good idea.
    After adjusting the script I actually got the script running and it loops through the files well.
    Moving forward I am adding the next section of getting the created date of the Excel file.

    I used the CreateObject Date property to get the date of the Excel file.

    it goes something like this: dim fs, f,s
    Set fs = ...
    Set f = ...
    Set s = ...
    'I do not have the exact wording with me, it's at work.

    I would like to update a field in two tables with this created date, I have put a sql update inner join statement together that goes like this:
    UPDATE [table2] INNER JOIN [Table3] SET [table2].[Created Date] on [Table3].[created Date] =#... this is where I am not sure.
    I see that the format( yyy mm dd) can be used but unsure how to word it.
    Search and found many different ways of adding the date but not for the created date format,.
    Instead of two update statements I would like to combined them.

    Could you explain this to me?
    I get the error 5: incorrect arguement

    Thanks so much,

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