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  1. #1
    chrisdd is offline Novice
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    Dictionary sorting


    I've got this code which bascially looks at some codes seperated by commas in 2 records, combines the codes and removes the duplicates e.g.

    HP1, HP3, HP5

    HP1, HP2, HP5

    would combine in one record to become

    HP1, HP2, HP3 and HP5

    Issue is that the code will function will happily combine the codes into 1 field but I won't sort them - I get HP1, HP3, HP5, HP2?

    I must confess to getting this code from elsewhere and I'm not the familiar with scripting dictionaries - can anyone help please?

     Function HazPropsList(sConsignmentNote As String, sHazCode As String) As String
      Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
      Dim sItems() As String
      Dim n As Long
      Dim dct As New Scripting.Dictionary
      Dim sOut As String
      rst.Open "SELECT * FROM qryWasteReturn WHERE ConsignmentNoteNumber='" & sConsignmentNote & "' and ewc_code='" & sHazCode & "'", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
      While Not rst.EOF
        sItems() = Split(Nz(rst!HazProps), ",")
        For n = 0 To UBound(sItems)
          If Not dct.Exists(sItems(n)) Then dct.Add sItems(n), sItems(n)
      Set rst = Nothing
      Dim x()
      x = dct.Items
      HazPropsList = Join(dct.Items, ",")
    End Function

  2. #2
    moke123's Avatar
    moke123 is offline Me.Dirty=True
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    I believe I got this from Chip Pearson's website a long time ago.

    Public Sub SortDictionary(dict As Scripting.Dictionary, _
        SortByKey As Boolean, _
        Optional Descending As Boolean = False, _
        Optional CompareMode As VbCompareMethod = vbTextCompare)
    ' SortDictionary
    ' This sorts a Dictionary object. If SortByKey is False, the
    ' the sort is done based on the Items of the Dictionary, and
    ' these items must be simple data types. They may not be
    ' Object, Arrays, or User-Defined Types. If SortByKey is True,
    ' the Dictionary is sorted by Key value, and the Items in the
    ' Dictionary may be Object as well as simple variables.
    ' If sort by key is True, all element of the Dictionary
    ' must have a non-blank Key value. If Key is vbNullString
    ' the procedure will terminate.
    ' By defualt, sorting is done in Ascending order. You can
    ' sort by Descending order by setting the Descending parameter
    ' to True.
    ' By default, text comparisons are done case-INSENSITIVE (e.g.,
    ' "a" = "A"). To use case-SENSITIVE comparisons (e.g., "a" <> "A")
    ' set CompareMode to vbBinaryCompare.
    ' Note: This procedure requires the
    ' QSortInPlace function, which is described and available for
    ' download at .
    Dim Ndx As Long
    Dim KeyValue As String
    Dim ItemValue As Variant
    Dim Arr() As Variant
    Dim KeyArr() As String
    Dim VTypes() As VbVarType
    Dim V As Variant
    Dim SplitArr As Variant
    Dim TempDict As Scripting.Dictionary
    ' Ensure Dict is not Nothing.
    If dict Is Nothing Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' If the number of elements
    ' in Dict is 0 or 1, no
    ' sorting is required.
    If (dict.Count = 0) Or (dict.Count = 1) Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Create a new TempDict.
    Set TempDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
    If SortByKey = True Then
        ' We're sorting by key. Redim the Arr
        ' to the number of elements in the
        ' Dict object, and load that array
        ' with the key names.
        ReDim Arr(0 To dict.Count - 1)
        For Ndx = 0 To dict.Count - 1
            Arr(Ndx) = dict.Keys(Ndx)
        Next Ndx
        ' Sort the key names.
        QSortInPlace InputArray:=Arr, LB:=-1, UB:=-1, Descending:=Descending, CompareMode:=CompareMode
        ' Load TempDict. The key value come from
        ' our sorted array of keys Arr, and the
        ' Item comes from the original Dict object.
        For Ndx = 0 To dict.Count - 1
            KeyValue = Arr(Ndx)
            TempDict.Add Key:=KeyValue, item:=dict.item(KeyValue)
        Next Ndx
        ' Set the passed in Dict object
        ' to our TempDict object.
        Set dict = TempDict
        ' This is the end of processing.
        ' Here, we're sorting by items. The Items must
        ' be simple data types. They may NOT be Objects,
        ' arrays, or UserDefineTypes.
        ' First, ReDim Arr and VTypes to the number
        ' of elements in the Dict object. Arr will
        ' hold a string containing
        '   Item & vbNullChar & Key
        ' This keeps the association between the
        ' item and its key.
        ReDim Arr(0 To dict.Count - 1)
        ReDim VTypes(0 To dict.Count - 1)
        For Ndx = 0 To dict.Count - 1
            If (IsObject(dict.Items(Ndx)) = True) Or _
                (IsArray(dict.Items(Ndx)) = True) Or _
                VarType(dict.Items(Ndx)) = vbUserDefinedType Then
                Debug.Print "***** ITEM IN DICTIONARY WAS OBJECT OR ARRAY OR UDT"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ' Here, we create a string containing
            '       Item & vbNullChar & Key
            ' This preserves the associate between an item and its
            ' key. Store the VarType of the Item in the VTypes
            ' array. We'll use these values later to convert
            ' back to the proper data type for Item.
                Arr(Ndx) = dict.Items(Ndx) & vbNullChar & dict.Keys(Ndx)
                VTypes(Ndx) = VarType(dict.Items(Ndx))
        Next Ndx
        ' Sort the array that contains the
        ' items of the Dictionary along
        ' with their associated keys
        QSortInPlace InputArray:=Arr, LB:=-1, UB:=-1, Descending:=Descending, CompareMode:=vbTextCompare
        For Ndx = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
            ' Loop trhogh the array of sorted
            ' Items, Split based on vbNullChar
            ' to get the Key from the element
            ' of the array Arr.
            SplitArr = Split(Arr(Ndx), vbNullChar)
            ' It may have been possible that item in
            ' the dictionary contains a vbNullChar.
            ' Therefore, use UBound to get the
            ' key value, which will necessarily
            ' be the last item of SplitArr.
            ' Then Redim Preserve SplitArr
            ' to UBound - 1 to get rid of the
            ' Key element, and use Join
            ' to reassemble to original value
            ' of the Item.
            KeyValue = SplitArr(UBound(SplitArr))
            ReDim Preserve SplitArr(LBound(SplitArr) To UBound(SplitArr) - 1)
            ItemValue = Join(SplitArr, vbNullChar)
            ' Join will set ItemValue to a string
            ' regardless of what the original
            ' data type was. Test the VTypes(Ndx)
            ' value to convert ItemValue back to
            ' the proper data type.
            Select Case VTypes(Ndx)
                Case vbBoolean
                    ItemValue = CBool(ItemValue)
                Case vbByte
                    ItemValue = CByte(ItemValue)
                Case vbCurrency
                    ItemValue = CCur(ItemValue)
                Case vbDate
                    ItemValue = CDate(ItemValue)
                Case vbDecimal
                    ItemValue = CDec(ItemValue)
                Case vbDouble
                    ItemValue = CDbl(ItemValue)
                Case vbInteger
                    ItemValue = CInt(ItemValue)
                Case vbLong
                    ItemValue = CLng(ItemValue)
                Case vbSingle
                    ItemValue = CLng(ItemValue)
                Case vbString
                    ItemValue = CStr(ItemValue)
                Case Else
                    ItemValue = ItemValue
            End Select
            ' Finally, add the Item and Key to
            ' our TempDict dictionary.
            TempDict.Add Key:=KeyValue, item:=ItemValue
        Next Ndx
    End If
    ' Set the passed in Dict object
    ' to our TempDict object.
    Set dict = TempDict
    End Sub
    ' modQSortInPlace
    ' By Chip Pearson,,
    ' This module contains the QSortInPlace procedure and private supporting procedures.
    Public Function QSortInPlace( _
        ByRef InputArray As Variant, _
        Optional ByVal LB As Long = -1&, _
        Optional ByVal UB As Long = -1&, _
        Optional ByVal Descending As Boolean = False, _
        Optional ByVal CompareMode As VbCompareMethod = vbTextCompare, _
        Optional ByVal NoAlerts As Boolean = False) As Boolean
    ' QSortInPlace
    ' This function sorts the array InputArray in place -- this is, the original array in the
    ' calling procedure is sorted. It will work with either string data or numeric data.
    ' It need not sort the entire array. You can sort only part of the array by setting the LB and
    ' UB parameters to the first (LB) and last (UB) element indexes that you want to sort.
    ' LB and UB are optional parameters. If omitted LB is set to the LBound of InputArray, and if
    ' omitted UB is set to the UBound of the InputArray. If you want to sort the entire array,
    ' omit the LB and UB parameters, or set both to -1, or set LB = LBound(InputArray) and set
    ' UB to UBound(InputArray).
    ' By default, the sort method is case INSENSTIVE (case doens't matter: "A", "b", "C", "d").
    ' To make it case SENSITIVE (case matters: "A" "C" "b" "d"), set the CompareMode argument
    ' to vbBinaryCompare (=0). If Compare mode is omitted or is any value other than vbBinaryCompare,
    ' it is assumed to be vbTextCompare and the sorting is done case INSENSITIVE.
    ' The function returns TRUE if the array was successfully sorted or FALSE if an error
    ' occurred. If an error occurs (e.g., LB > UB), a message box indicating the error is
    ' displayed. To suppress message boxes, set the NoAlerts parameter to TRUE.
    ' If you modify this code and you call "Exit Procedure", you MUST decrment the RecursionLevel
    ' variable. E.g.,
    '       If SomethingThatCausesAnExit Then
    '           RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
    '           Exit Function
    '       End If
    ' Note: If you coerce InputArray to a ByVal argument, QSortInPlace will not be
    ' able to reference the InputArray in the calling procedure and the array will
    ' not be sorted.
    ' This function uses the following procedures. These are declared as Private procedures
    ' at the end of this module:
    '       IsArrayAllocated
    '       IsSimpleDataType
    '       IsSimpleNumericType
    '       QSortCompare
    '       NumberOfArrayDimensions
    '       ReverseArrayInPlace
    Dim Temp As Variant
    Dim Buffer As Variant
    Dim CurLow As Long
    Dim CurHigh As Long
    Dim CurMidpoint As Long
    Dim Ndx As Long
    Dim pCompareMode As VbCompareMethod
    ' Set the default result.
    QSortInPlace = False
    ' This variable is used to determine the level
    ' of recursion  (the function calling itself).
    ' RecursionLevel is incremented when this procedure
    ' is called, either initially by a calling procedure
    ' or recursively by itself. The variable is decremented
    ' when the procedure exits. We do the input parameter
    ' validation only when RecursionLevel is 1 (when
    ' the function is called by another function, not
    ' when it is called recursively).
    Static RecursionLevel As Long
    ' Keep track of the recursion level -- that is, how many
    ' times the procedure has called itself.
    ' Carry out the validation routines only when this
    ' procedure is first called. Don't run the
    ' validations on a recursive call to the
    ' procedure.
    RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel + 1
    If RecursionLevel = 1 Then
        ' Ensure InputArray is an array.
        If IsArray(InputArray) = False Then
            If NoAlerts = False Then
                MsgBox "The InputArray parameter is not an array."
            End If
            ' InputArray is not an array. Exit with a False result.
            RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Test LB and UB. If < 0 then set to LBound and UBound
        ' of the InputArray.
        If LB < 0 Then
            LB = LBound(InputArray)
        End If
        If UB < 0 Then
            UB = UBound(InputArray)
        End If
        Select Case NumberOfArrayDimensions(InputArray)
            Case 0
                ' Zero dimensions indicates an unallocated
                ' dynamic array.
                If NoAlerts = False Then
                    MsgBox "The InputArray is an empty, unallocated array."
                End If
                RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
                Exit Function
            Case 1
                ' We sort ONLY single dimensional arrays.
            Case Else
                ' We sort ONLY single dimensional arrays.
                If NoAlerts = False Then
                    MsgBox "The InputArray is multi-dimensional." & _
                          "QSortInPlace works only on single-dimensional arrays."
                End If
                RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
                Exit Function
        End Select
        ' Ensure that InputArray is an array of simple data
        ' types, not other arrays or objects. This tests
        ' the data type of only the first element of
        ' InputArray. If InputArray is an array of Variants,
        ' subsequent data types may not be simple data types
        ' (e.g., they may be objects or other arrays), and
        ' this may cause QSortInPlace to fail on the StrComp
        ' operation.
        If IsSimpleDataType(InputArray(LBound(InputArray))) = False Then
            If NoAlerts = False Then
                MsgBox "InputArray is not an array of simple data types."
                RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
        ' ensure that the LB parameter is valid.
        Select Case LB
            Case Is < LBound(InputArray)
                If NoAlerts = False Then
                    MsgBox "The LB lower bound parameter is less than the LBound of the InputArray"
                End If
                RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
                Exit Function
            Case Is > UBound(InputArray)
                If NoAlerts = False Then
                    MsgBox "The LB lower bound parameter is greater than the UBound of the InputArray"
                End If
                RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
                Exit Function
            Case Is > UB
                If NoAlerts = False Then
                    MsgBox "The LB lower bound parameter is greater than the UB upper bound parameter."
                End If
                RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
                Exit Function
        End Select
        ' ensure the UB parameter is valid.
        Select Case UB
            Case Is > UBound(InputArray)
                If NoAlerts = False Then
                    MsgBox "The UB upper bound parameter is greater than the upper bound of the InputArray."
                End If
                RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
                Exit Function
            Case Is < LBound(InputArray)
                If NoAlerts = False Then
                    MsgBox "The UB upper bound parameter is less than the lower bound of the InputArray."
                End If
                RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
                Exit Function
            Case Is < LB
                If NoAlerts = False Then
                    MsgBox "the UB upper bound parameter is less than the LB lower bound parameter."
                End If
                RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
                Exit Function
        End Select
        ' if UB = LB, we have nothing to sort, so get out.
        If UB = LB Then
            QSortInPlace = True
            RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If ' RecursionLevel = 1
    ' Ensure that CompareMode is either vbBinaryCompare  or
    ' vbTextCompare. If it is neither, default to vbTextCompare.
    If (CompareMode = vbBinaryCompare) Or (CompareMode = vbTextCompare) Then
        pCompareMode = CompareMode
        pCompareMode = vbTextCompare
    End If
    ' Begin the actual sorting process.
    CurLow = LB
    CurHigh = UB
    CurMidpoint = (LB + UB) \ 2 ' note integer division (\) here
    Temp = InputArray(CurMidpoint)
    Do While (CurLow <= CurHigh)
        Do While QSortCompare(V1:=InputArray(CurLow), V2:=Temp, CompareMode:=pCompareMode) < 0
            CurLow = CurLow + 1
            If CurLow = UB Then
                Exit Do
            End If
        Do While QSortCompare(V1:=Temp, V2:=InputArray(CurHigh), CompareMode:=pCompareMode) < 0
            CurHigh = CurHigh - 1
            If CurHigh = LB Then
               Exit Do
            End If
        If (CurLow <= CurHigh) Then
            Buffer = InputArray(CurLow)
            InputArray(CurLow) = InputArray(CurHigh)
            InputArray(CurHigh) = Buffer
            CurLow = CurLow + 1
            CurHigh = CurHigh - 1
        End If
    If LB < CurHigh Then
        QSortInPlace InputArray:=InputArray, LB:=LB, UB:=CurHigh, _
            Descending:=Descending, CompareMode:=pCompareMode, NoAlerts:=True
    End If
    If CurLow < UB Then
        QSortInPlace InputArray:=InputArray, LB:=CurLow, UB:=UB, _
            Descending:=Descending, CompareMode:=pCompareMode, NoAlerts:=True
    End If
    ' If Descending is True, reverse the
    ' order of the array, but only if the
    ' recursion level is 1.
    If Descending = True Then
        If RecursionLevel = 1 Then
            ReverseArrayInPlace InputArray
        End If
    End If
    RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel - 1
    QSortInPlace = True
    End Function
    Private Function QSortCompare(V1 As Variant, V2 As Variant, _
        Optional CompareMode As VbCompareMethod = vbTextCompare) As Long
    ' QSortCompare
    ' This function is used in QSortInPlace to compare two elements. If
    ' V1 AND V2 are both numeric data types (integer, long, single, double)
    ' they are converted to Doubles and compared. If V1 and V2 are BOTH strings
    ' that contain numeric data, they are converted to Doubles and compared.
    ' If either V1 or V2 is a string and does NOT contain numeric data, both
    ' V1 and V2 are converted to Strings and compared with StrComp.
    ' The result is -1 if V1 < V2,
    '                0 if V1 = V2
    '                1 if V1 > V2
    ' For text comparisons, case sensitivity is controlled by CompareMode.
    ' If this is vbBinaryCompare, the result is case SENSITIVE. If this
    ' is omitted or any other value, the result is case INSENSITIVE.
    Dim D1 As Double
    Dim D2 As Double
    Dim S1 As String
    Dim S2 As String
    Dim Compare As VbCompareMethod
    ' Test CompareMode. Any value other than
    ' vbBinaryCompare will default to vbTextCompare.
    If CompareMode = vbBinaryCompare Or CompareMode = vbTextCompare Then
        Compare = CompareMode
        Compare = vbTextCompare
    End If
    ' If either V1 or V2 is either an array or
    ' an Object, raise a error 13 - Type Mismatch.
    If IsArray(V1) = True Or IsArray(V2) = True Then
        Err.Raise 13
        Exit Function
    End If
    If IsObject(V1) = True Or IsObject(V2) = True Then
        Err.Raise 13
        Exit Function
    End If
    If IsSimpleNumericType(V1) = True Then
        If IsSimpleNumericType(V2) = True Then
            ' If BOTH V1 and V2 are numeric data
            ' types, then convert to Doubles and
            ' do an arithmetic compare and
            ' return the result.
            D1 = CDbl(V1)
            D2 = CDbl(V2)
            If D1 = D2 Then
                QSortCompare = 0
                Exit Function
            End If
            If D1 < D2 Then
                QSortCompare = -1
                Exit Function
            End If
            If D1 > D2 Then
                QSortCompare = 1
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    End If
    ' Either V1 or V2 was not numeric data type.
    ' Test whether BOTH V1 AND V2 are numeric
    ' strings. If BOTH are numeric, convert to
    ' Doubles and do a arithmetic comparison.
    If IsNumeric(V1) = True And IsNumeric(V2) = True Then
        D1 = CDbl(V1)
        D2 = CDbl(V2)
        If D1 = D2 Then
            QSortCompare = 0
            Exit Function
        End If
        If D1 < D2 Then
            QSortCompare = -1
            Exit Function
        End If
        If D1 > D2 Then
            QSortCompare = 1
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    ' Either or both V1 and V2 was not numeric
    ' string. In this case, convert to Strings
    ' and use StrComp to compare.
    S1 = CStr(V1)
    S2 = CStr(V2)
    QSortCompare = StrComp(S1, S2, Compare)
    End Function
    Private Function NumberOfArrayDimensions(Arr As Variant) As Integer
    ' NumberOfArrayDimensions
    ' This function returns the number of dimensions of an array. An unallocated dynamic array
    ' has 0 dimensions. This condition can also be tested with IsArrayEmpty.
    Dim Ndx As Integer
    Dim Res As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Loop, increasing the dimension index Ndx, until an error occurs.
    ' An error will occur when Ndx exceeds the number of dimension
    ' in the array. Return Ndx - 1.
        Ndx = Ndx + 1
        Res = UBound(Arr, Ndx)
    Loop Until Err.Number <> 0
    NumberOfArrayDimensions = Ndx - 1
    End Function
    Private Function ReverseArrayInPlace(InputArray As Variant, _
        Optional NoAlerts As Boolean = False) As Boolean
    ' ReverseArrayInPlace
    ' This procedure reverses the order of an array in place -- this is, the array variable
    ' in the calling procedure is sorted. An error will occur if InputArray is not an array,
     'if it is an empty, unallocated array, or if the number of dimensions is not 1.
    ' NOTE: Before calling the ReverseArrayInPlace procedure, consider if your needs can
    ' be met by simply reading the existing array in reverse order (Step -1). If so, you can save
    ' the overhead added to your application by calling this function.
    ' The function returns TRUE if the array was successfully reversed, or FALSE if
    ' an error occurred.
    ' If an error occurred, a message box is displayed indicating the error. To suppress
    ' the message box and simply return FALSE, set the NoAlerts parameter to TRUE.
    Dim Temp As Variant
    Dim Ndx As Long
    Dim Ndx2 As Long
    ' Set the default return value.
    ReverseArrayInPlace = False
    ' Ensure we have an array
    If IsArray(InputArray) = False Then
        If NoAlerts = False Then
            MsgBox "The InputArray parameter is not an array."
        End If
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Test the number of dimensions of the
    ' InputArray. If 0, we have an empty,
    ' unallocated array. Get out with
    ' an error message. If greater than
    ' one, we have a multi-dimensional
    ' array, which is not allowed. Only
    ' an allocated 1-dimensional array is
    ' allowed.
    Select Case NumberOfArrayDimensions(InputArray)
        Case 0
            ' Zero dimensions indicates an unallocated
            ' dynamic array.
            If NoAlerts = False Then
                MsgBox "The input array is an empty, unallocated array."
            End If
            Exit Function
        Case 1
            ' We can reverse ONLY a single dimensional
            ' arrray.
        Case Else
            ' We can reverse ONLY a single dimensional
            ' arrray.
            If NoAlerts = False Then
                MsgBox "The input array multi-dimensional. ReverseArrayInPlace works only " & _
                       "on single-dimensional arrays."
            End If
            Exit Function
    End Select
    ' Ensure that we have only simple data types,
    ' not an array of objects or arrays.
    If IsSimpleDataType(InputArray(LBound(InputArray))) = False Then
        If NoAlerts = False Then
            MsgBox "The input array contains arrays, objects, or other complex data types." & vbCrLf & _
                "ReverseArrayInPlace can reverse only arrays of simple data types."
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    Ndx2 = UBound(InputArray)
    ' loop from the LBound of InputArray to the midpoint of InputArray
    For Ndx = LBound(InputArray) To ((UBound(InputArray) - LBound(InputArray) + 1) \ 2)
        'swap the elements
        Temp = InputArray(Ndx)
        InputArray(Ndx) = InputArray(Ndx2)
        InputArray(Ndx2) = Temp
        ' decrement the upper index
        Ndx2 = Ndx2 - 1
    Next Ndx
    ReverseArrayInPlace = True
    End Function
    Private Function IsSimpleNumericType(V As Variant) As Boolean
    ' IsSimpleNumericType
    ' This returns TRUE if V is one of the following data types:
    '        vbBoolean
    '        vbByte
    '        vbCurrency
    '        vbDate
    '        vbDecimal
    '        vbDouble
    '        vbInteger
    '        vbLong
    '        vbSingle
    '        vbVariant if it contains a numeric value
    ' It returns FALSE for any other data type, including any array
    ' or vbEmpty.
    If IsSimpleDataType(V) = True Then
        Select Case VarType(V)
            Case vbBoolean, _
                    vbByte, _
                    vbCurrency, _
                    vbDate, _
                    vbDecimal, _
                    vbDouble, _
                    vbInteger, _
                    vbLong, _
                IsSimpleNumericType = True
            Case vbVariant
                If IsNumeric(V) = True Then
                    IsSimpleNumericType = True
                    IsSimpleNumericType = False
                End If
            Case Else
                IsSimpleNumericType = False
        End Select
        IsSimpleNumericType = False
    End If
    End Function
    Private Function IsSimpleDataType(V As Variant) As Boolean
    ' IsSimpleDataType
    ' This function returns TRUE if V is one of the following
    ' variable types (as returned by the VarType function:
    '    vbBoolean
    '    vbByte
    '    vbCurrency
    '    vbDate
    '    vbDecimal
    '    vbDouble
    '    vbEmpty
    '    vbError
    '    vbInteger
    '    vbLong
    '    vbNull
    '    vbSingle
    '    vbString
    '    vbVariant
    ' It returns FALSE if V is any one of the following variable
    ' types:
    '    vbArray
    '    vbDataObject
    '    vbObject
    '    vbUserDefinedType
    '    or if it is an array of any type.
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Test if V is an array. We can't just use VarType(V) = vbArray
    ' because the VarType of an array is vbArray + VarType(type
    ' of array element). E.g, the VarType of an Array of Longs is
    ' 8195 = vbArray + vbLong.
    If IsArray(V) = True Then
        IsSimpleDataType = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' We must also explicitly check whether V is an object, rather
    ' relying on VarType(V) to equal vbObject. The reason is that
    ' if V is an object and that object has a default proprety, VarType
    ' returns the data type of the default property. For example, if
    ' V is an Excel.Range object pointing to cell A1, and A1 contains
    ' 12345, VarType(V) would return vbDouble, the since Value is
    ' the default property of an Excel.Range object and the default
    ' numeric type of Value in Excel is Double. Thus, in order to
    ' prevent this type of behavior with default properties, we test
    ' IsObject(V) to see if V is an object.
    If IsObject(V) = True Then
        IsSimpleDataType = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Test the value returned by VarType.
    Select Case VarType(V)
        Case vbArray, vbDataObject, vbObject, vbUserDefinedType
            ' not simple data types
            IsSimpleDataType = False
        Case Else
            ' otherwise it is a simple data type
            IsSimpleDataType = True
    End Select
    End Function
    Private Function IsArrayAllocated(Arr As Variant) As Boolean
    ' IsArrayAllocated
    ' Returns TRUE if the array is allocated (either a static array or a dynamic array that has been
    ' sized with Redim) or FALSE if the array has not been allocated (a dynamic that has not yet
    ' been sized with Redim, or a dynamic array that has been Erased).
    Dim N As Long
    ' If Arr is not an array, return FALSE and get out.
    If IsArray(Arr) = False Then
        IsArrayAllocated = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Try to get the UBound of the array. If the array has not been allocated,
    ' an error will occur. Test Err.Number to see if an error occured.
    On Error Resume Next
    N = UBound(Arr, 1)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        ' No error. Array has been allocated.
        IsArrayAllocated = True
        ' Error. Unallocated array.
        IsArrayAllocated = False
    End If
    End Function
    If this helped, please click the star * at the bottom left and add to my reputation- Thanks

  3. #3
    CJ_London is offline VIP
    Windows 10 Access 2010 32bit
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    convert to an array, sort the array and then convert back to a string

    Function sortString(s As String) As String
    Dim sarr() As String
    Dim i As Integer
        sarr = Split(s, ",")
        WizHook.SortStringArray sarr()
        For i = 0 To UBound(sarr())
            sortString = sortString & "," & sarr(i)
        Next i
        sortString = Mid(sortString, 2)
    End Function
    ?sortstring(" HP1, HP3, HP5, HP2")
    HP1, HP2, HP3, HP5

  4. #4
    chrisdd is offline Novice
    Windows 10 Office 365
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    OK, so forgive my ignorance but if I add this code as a new procedure where and how should I call it?

    I think this last line puts the string together

     HazPropsList = Join(dct.Items, ",") 

    I've tried calling the function after that but it doesn't work? i.e. the values aren't sorted.

    Many thanks for your help in advance!

  5. #5
    CJ_London is offline VIP
    Windows 10 Access 2010 32bit
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    try my much simpler suggestion in post #3

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