Quote Originally Posted by GraeagleBill View Post
Call Me.Target.Parent.lblCtrlClick(Me.Target.Name)
What a wealth of information and help. For now, I'll pass the work to be done to the Target.Parent, but as time allows I'll return to . I have a boatload of HELP text to update for this app and the primary user needs all this before Christmas. I've bookmarked the URL of this thread so I can revisit the discussion moving forward.

Thanks John, between your help and Micron's persistent dedication to the OP plus the lingering attention given by Colin with the somewhat related OP's elsewhere, I might just end up with some new smarts I hope those that have followed this thread have gained as much as I have, thanks again to all.
I think my attention span on this thread has been almost non existent

However I did linger long enough to read that sentence. Can't pretend to have followed the thread in any depth however