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  1. #1
    catluvr is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Need to generate table with one row in Outlook e-mail

    I'm stuck on the general steps needed in coding this.

    I have a database with code to create an e-mail that includes a table (header + rows) based on a unit number. Here are the steps:

    I pull the unit leader's unique ID from a listbox and determine what unit they are in using a DLookup
    I create a recordset using SQL to run a query that pulls all the members of the unit.
    I make a table header with HTML code.
    I make rows while the code cycles through the recordset

    Then, the e-mail is created with to:, subject, body - including the table, and then the e-mail is sent.

    That all works great -- and was created thanks to all the help I got here!

    Now, my new project:

    In another database, I have a query that pulls troop leaders and troop information. This query is already created.

    I want to send an e-mail to each troop leader that includes their troop information for them to check and confirm.

    No problem! I can do that!

    Except, I want the troop information to be in the form of a table because I think it will be easier to read.

    I can create the header, but do I need a recordset if it's just one line? Should I use a DLookup?

    My query looks like:

    Troop # FirstName LastName Level Grade School MeetDay MeetTime MeetLoc MaxGirls UNQ_ID
    123 Sally Leader Brownie 2 Central Tuesday 3:45 - 4:30 school 15 123Leader
    123 Missy Jones Brownie 2 Central Tuesday 3:45 - 4:30 school 15 123Jones

    456 Debbie Scout Junior 4 Northside Wednesday 5:30 - 7:00 Civic Center 12 456Scout
    789 Jenny Smith Brownie 3 Central Monday 6:00 - 7:15 leader's house 14 789Smith
    890 Debbie Scout Daisy K Northside Tuesday 3:45 - 5:00 school 12 890Scout

    I created the UNQ_ID because each troop has more than one leader - like troop 123 - and I want to send the information separately to each leader (in case my information is wrong and someone is no longer a leader of that troop). Each leader can also be a leader of more than one troop - like Debbie Scout. Hence the UNQ_ID.

    So, I want my e-mail to be: to:, subject, body text

    The body text would be:

    Dear FirstName,

    As a troop leader for Troop ####, please confirm ...
    Table Header: Level Grade School MeetDay MeetTime MeetLoc MaxGirls
    Table Row: Brownie 2 Central Tuesday 3:45 - 4:30 school 15

    Thank you in advance for your response.

    Susie, GS registrar

    So, do I use the existing query and cycle through the records and use a DLookup for each piece of information? Create a recordset that includes just one record?

    I'm not looking for specific code, just a general flow of steps. I think I'm not seeing the trees because I'm stuck in the forest!

    Thank you all ever so much for your wonderful help!

    Girl Scout Volunteer who constantly asks "why did I say I could do this?"

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Swansea,South Wales,UK
    Here is something I used to send emails for various transactions, all transactions for one client in one email, hence the inner loop.

    This is everything. You need to extract what you might use?


    Private Sub cmdEmail_Click()
        On Error GoTo Err_Handler
        ' Automate the routine to send notifications of Payments and deposits for clients
        Dim strFilter As String, strClientType As String
        Dim strDate As String, strSQLEmail As String
        Dim strType As String, strClient As String, str3rdID As String, str3rdParty As String, str3rdPartyType As String, strAmount As String, strRef As String, strMethod As String
        Dim strCaseWorker As String, strDatetype As String, strPad As String, strEndPad As String, strPadCol As String, strBlankLine As String, strNotes As String
        Dim strBalance As String, dblBalance As Double
        Dim iColon As Integer, intTransactions As Integer
        Dim lngCurrentRec As Long
        Dim blnDisplayMsg As Boolean, blnSameEmail As Boolean
        Dim db As Database
        Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, rsCW As DAO.Recordset
        Dim blnSameClientType As Boolean
        ' Now the Outlook variables
        Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
        Dim objOutlookMsg As Outlook.MailItem
        Dim objOutlookRecip As Outlook.Recipient
        Dim objOutlookAttach As Outlook.Attachment
        Dim strSigPath As String, strSignature As String, strAttachFile As String
        Dim strHeader As String, strFooter As String, strBody As String, strTemplatePath As String, strAppdata As String
        Dim intBody As Integer, intAccount As Integer
        ' Set up HTML tags
        strPad = "<tr><td>"
        strEndPad = "</td></tr>"
        strPadCol = "</td><td>"
        strBlankLine = "<tr></tr>"
        On Error GoTo Err_Handler
        'Establish all the static Outlook Data
        ' Get appdata path
        strAppdata = Environ("Appdata")
        ' Set paths
        strTemplatePath = strAppdata & "\Microsoft\Templates"
        strSigPath = strAppdata & "\Microsoft\Signatures\Ssafa.htm"
        'Get the signature if it exists
        If Dir(strSigPath) <> "" Then
            strSignature = GetBoiler(strSigPath)
            intBody = InStr(strSignature, "<div class=WordSection1>")
            'intBody = InStr(strSignature, "<BODY>")
            strHeader = Left(strSignature, intBody + 24) ' 5
            strFooter = Mid(strSignature, intBody + 24) ' 6
        End If
        ' See if Outlook is open, otherwise open it
        'If fIsOutlookRunning = False Then
        Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        'Call OpenOutlook
        'Pause (5)
        ' Else
        'Set objOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
        'End If
        ' Make sure we save any changed data and then get recordset
        If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
        ' Update the status bar
        SetStatusBar ("Collecting records.....")
        strSQLEmail = "SELECT  Format([TransactionDate],""yyyymmdd"") & Format([ID],""000000"") AS UKey, Emails.*, tblClient.ClientDivision From Emails "
        strSQLEmail = strSQLEmail & "LEFT JOIN tblClient ON Emails.CMS = tblClient.ClientCMS "
        strSQLEmail = strSQLEmail & "WHERE (((Emails.EmailStatus) = 'Yes')) " ' AND (Emails.DelayEmail = False)) "
        'strSQLEmail = strSQLEmail & "ORDER BY Emails.Client, Emails.TranType, Emails.ID, Emails.TransactionDate;"
        strSQLEmail = strSQLEmail & "ORDER BY Emails.Client, Emails.TranType, Format([TransactionDate],""yyyymmdd"") & Format([ID],""000000"") ;"
        ' Create the Outlook session.
        'Set objOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
        'Set objOutlook = New Outlook.Application
        ' Open lookup table for Email CC Name (normally a Case Worker)
        Set db = CurrentDb
        Set rsCW = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * from Lookups WHERE DataType = 'Email' AND DeActiveDate IS NULL")
        ' Save the current record position
        lngCurrentRec = Me.CurrentRecord
        ' Now get the data for the emails
        Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLEmail)
        ' Check we have some records to process
        If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No records to process?", vbOKOnly, "Send Emails"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' OK, we are good so send the emails.
        ' Decide whether to display or just send emails
        blnDisplayMsg = Me.chkDisplay
        SetStatusBar ("Creating Emails.....")
        ' Now walk through each record
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            ' Set flag and field to check
            blnSameClientType = True
            strClientType = rs!Client & rs!TranType
            strType = rs!TranType
            ' Create the message if first time we are in a different client or tran type.
             Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItemFromTemplate(strTemplatePath & "\SSAFA Email.oft")
            With objOutlookMsg
                ' Set the category
                .Categories = "SSAFA"
                .Importance = olImportanceHigh
                ' Add the To recipient(s) to the message. (Also work out which account to send on 12/07/19)
                If rs!ClientDivision = "SSW" Then
                    Set objOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add("Jim Needs - Personal")
                    objOutlookRecip.Type = olTo
                    intAccount = 2
                    Set objOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add("South West Wales SSAFA")
                    objOutlookRecip.Type = olTo
                    intAccount = 3
                End If
                ' Add the CC recipient(s) to the message.
                If rs!CCOffice And rs!ClientDivision = "SSW" Then
                    Set objOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add("South West Wales SSAFA")
                    objOutlookRecip.Type = olCC
                End If
                ' Need to get the Case Worker name from table, might be deactivated, so not in recordset
                If rs!CaseWorker > 0 Then
                    rsCW.FindFirst "[ID] = " & rs!CaseWorker
                    If rsCW.NoMatch Then
                        strCaseWorker = ""
                        strCaseWorker = rsCW!Data
                    End If
                    strCaseWorker = ""
                End If
                If strCaseWorker <> "" Then
                    Set objOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add(strCaseWorker)
                    objOutlookRecip.Type = olCC
                End If
                ' Add Glyn in as BCC for CMS update - 12/02/19
                ' Only if SSW and he is not the caseworker
                If rs!ClientDivision = "SSW" And strCaseWorker <> "Glyn Davies" Then
                    Set objOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add("Glyn Davies")
                    objOutlookRecip.Type = olBCC
                End If
                ' Set the Format, Subject, Body, and Importance of the message.
                '.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
                strClient = rs!Client
                If strType = "Payment" Then
                    .Subject = " Payment Made - " & strClient
                    .Subject = "Deposit Received - " & strClient
                End If
                ' Now start the email with header
                'iColon = InStr(strClient, ":")
                ' If iColon = 0 Then iColon = Len(strClient) + 1
                .HTMLBody = strHeader & "<table border = '0' cellpadding = '5' cellspacing = '5'>"
                '    .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & "<td>" & "Client: " & strPadCol & Left(strClient, iColon - 1) & strEndPad
                'End If
                ' Set counter to zero for count of transactions
                intTransactions = 0
            End With
            Do While blnSameClientType
                strDate = rs!TransactionDate
                strType = rs!TranType
                str3rdParty = rs!ThirdParty
                strAmount = Format(rs!Amount, "Currency")
                'strBalance = Format(rs!Balance, "Currency")
                'strBalance = Format(DSum("Amount", "Emails", "CMS = " & rs!CMS & " AND ID <= " & rs!ID), "Currency")
                ' Now using unique key Ukey to get correct running balance for entries out of sequence
                dblBalance = DSum("Amount", "Emails", "CMS = " & rs!CMS & " AND format(TransactionDate,'yyyymmdd')& format(ID,'000000') <= '" & rs!Ukey & "'")
                strBalance = Format(dblBalance, "Currency")
                ' Missed in sequence dates was producing erroneous balances 240620
                'strBalance = Format(Nz(DSum("Amount", "Emails", "CMS = " & [CMS] & " AND ID <=" & [ID]), 0), "Currency")
                'Now Calculated on the fly
                'strBalance = Format(rs!Balance, "Currency") ' was Format(DSum("[Amount]", "Emails", "[CMS]=" & rs!CMS & " AND ID <= " & rs!ID), "Currency")
                ' Make strBalance Red if negative
                If dblBalance < 0 Then
                    strBalance = "<font color=""Red"">" & strBalance & "</font>"
                End If
                strRef = rs!Reference
                strMethod = rs!Method
                'strDatetype = "Date "
                If strType = "Payment" Then
                    str3rdPartyType = "Recipient:"
                    strDatetype = "Date Paid:"
                    str3rdPartyType = "From Donor:"
                    strDatetype = "Received:"
                End If
                strNotes = Nz(rs!Notes, "")
                ' Now build the body of the message
                ' Make sure we have a colon in client, else use whole field
                ' Now add the variable data
                With objOutlookMsg
                    .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & strPad & str3rdPartyType & strPadCol & str3rdParty & strEndPad
                    .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & strPad & strDatetype & strPadCol & strDate & strEndPad
                    .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & strPad & "Method:" & strPadCol & strMethod & strEndPad
                    .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & strPad & "Reference:" & strPadCol & strRef & strEndPad
                    .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & strPad & "Amount:" & strPadCol & strAmount & strEndPad
                    .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & strPad & "Balance:" & strPadCol & strBalance & strEndPad
                    ' Add any notes if they exist
                    If Len(strNotes) > 0 Then
                        .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & strPad & "Notes:" & strPadCol & strNotes & strEndPad
                    End If
    '                ' Add blank line for next set
                    .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & strBlankLine & strBlankLine
                End With
                'Now update the record
                rs!EmailStatus = "Sent"
                rs!EmailDate = Date
                ' Now get next record
                ' Has client or tran type changed?
                If Not rs.EOF Then
                    If strClientType = rs!Client & rs!TranType Then
                        blnSameClientType = True
                        blnSameClientType = False
                    End If
                    blnSameClientType = False
                End If
                ' Increment the counter
                intTransactions = intTransactions + 1
            Loop                                     ' End blnClientType loop
            ' Now add the footer and amend subject to indicate how many transactions in email
            With objOutlookMsg
                .Subject = .Subject & " - " & intTransactions & " " & strType
                If intTransactions > 1 Then
                    .Subject = .Subject & "s"
                End If
                ' Need to amend the footer depending on account being used intAccount = 2 = SSW, 3 is NPT
                If intAccount = 3 Then
                    strFooter = Replace(strFooter, "Divisional Treasurer, Swansea South &amp; West", "Temporary Divisional Treasurer, Neath &amp; Port Talbot")
                End If
                ' Now add the footer
                .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & "</table>" & strFooter
                '.Importance = olImportanceHigh  'High importance
                'Debug.Print strHeader
                'Debug.Print .htmlbody
                'Debug.Print strFooter
                ' Resolve each Recipient's name.
                For Each objOutlookRecip In .Recipients
                    'Debug.Print objOutlookRecip.Name
                ' Should we display the message before sending?
                .SendUsingAccount = objOutlook.Session.Accounts.Item(intAccount)
                If blnDisplayMsg Then
                End If
            End With
        SetStatusBar ("Emails created.....")
        DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, lngCurrentRec
        Set objOutlook = Nothing
        Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing
        Set objOutlookRecip = Nothing
        Set objOutlookAttach = Nothing
        Set rs = Nothing
        Set rsCW = Nothing
        Set db = Nothing
        SetStatusBar (" ")
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
        Resume Proc_Exit
    End Sub
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  3. #3
    Micron is offline Virtually Inert Person
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    Sometimes it's harder to modify than it is to start from scratch so I'll just throw in 2 cents re: the question "do I need a recordset if it's just one line? Should I use a DLookup?"
    If you only need a couple of fields DLookups might be good enough (you know that DLookup can only look up 1 field, yes?). However, don't use DLookups in a query as it makes no sense. I think it's up to the designer to decide multiple lookups or a recordset, taking into account things like experience with coding recordsets and/or the desire to learn, or even time constraints.

    For me, even 3 lookups would be too many if I was going to create more than just a few records. 3 x 50 records would be 150 lookups. Not very efficient and would never impress anyone who knows better and takes over from me.
    The more we hear silence, the more we begin to think about our value in this universe.
    Paraphrase of Professor Brian Cox.

  4. #4
    catluvr is offline Advanced Beginner
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    AH HA!

    I need to set the recordset to be the query I want to use!

    Okay, for some reason, that's what stumped me.

    So ... to do that,

    Sub TroopInfoEmails
    Dim dbs As DAO.Database
    Dim rstQuery As DAO.Recordset
    '.... bunch of other Dim statements as needed
    Set dbs = CurrentDb
    Set rstQuery = dbs.OpenRecordset ("qry TroopMailing")
        Do While Not rstQuery.EOF
                '......Creating e-mails with all the stuff I want ....
                '.... sending or displaying the e-mails
    Set rstQuery = Nothing
    Set dbs = Nothing
    Exit Sub

    Am I on the right track now?



  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Swansea,South Wales,UK
    Well as you have spaces in your query name, so you would need to surround that with [ and ]
    Need to test for EOF before any move record? (or BOF and EOF as some do).

    Break it down into small steps, one at a time. Make sure that step works, before moving on to the next.

    Most people just write a bunch of code and hope for the best that it works. Pie in the Sky programming.
    Finally walk through your code with F8 and breakpoints, if it does not work as you thought it should.
    Please use # icon on toolbar when posting code snippets.
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  6. #6
    Micron is offline Virtually Inert Person
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    Well I composed this then saw there was an answer so may as well paste it in now. You'll see that I'm agreeing with WGM as well as which method I use. Plus my queries start with qry (others are tbl, rpt mdl) -NO spaces or special characters (I don't use underscore either because it's an extra character and I'm too lazy).
    Set rstQuery = dbs.OpenRecordset ("qryTroopMailing")
    If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
      do stuff
    End If
    The more we hear silence, the more we begin to think about our value in this universe.
    Paraphrase of Professor Brian Cox.

  7. #7
    catluvr is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Welshgasman View Post
    Need to test for EOF before any move record? (or BOF and EOF as some do).

    But, doesn't the

        Do While Not rstQuery.EOF
    do that? Move to the first record and do this until it's at the end?


  8. #8
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    No. You are issuing a movefirst, with no idea as to whether any record exists in the first place?
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  9. #9
    catluvr is offline Advanced Beginner
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    I have it all worked out and it run just as I had hoped!

    Thank you all so much!


  10. #10
    Micron is offline Virtually Inert Person
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    Glad you got it working!
    The more we hear silence, the more we begin to think about our value in this universe.
    Paraphrase of Professor Brian Cox.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by catluvr View Post
    I have it all worked out and it run just as I had hoped!

    Thank you all so much!

    Care to post your solution, in case it will help someone else later on down the line?
    After all that is what these forums are for? Change any private data like email addresses.
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