Quote Originally Posted by Gicu View Post
Hello everyone,

I have developed in the past a module doing the exact "pseudo-merge" Paul describes here. I have stored in a table the "boilerplate" text and used db fields delimited by pipe characters to mimic mail-merge fields. Then in the report itself I used a custom function in the control source for the textboxes that replaces the "placeholders" with the corresponding values from the supplied source.
Attachment 37297
Public Function vcProcessText(ByVal OAString As String, strTable As String) As String
Dim a() As String
Dim v As Variant, vFieldValue As Variant
Dim sFieldName As String

On Error Resume Next
a() = Split(OAString, "|")
vcProcessText = ""
For Each v In a
    vFieldValue = ""
    sFieldName = Mid$(v, InStr(v, "|") + 1)
    If sFieldName = "" Then
        vFieldValue = ""
        vFieldValue = DLookup(sFieldName, strTable)
    End If
    vcProcessText = vcProcessText & IIf(vFieldValue = "", sFieldName, vFieldValue)
Next v

End Function
Attachment 37298

If interested let me know and I'll try to package all into a stand alone "utility" file on my website.


hi Gicu
can you put it here or in your website?