I have a report (Go to large screenshot) that has 2 visual glitches. As you can see there is a white horizontal line coming from a change in sections.

There is also a slight shift to the right in the detail section.

The boxes are made using rectangles in the Name Group Header and the course header. This line is not visible on print, just on screen

In order to get the detail section to grow (with the comments box) I'm using 2 Line Methods. I've tried different scale modes and even though the code says the left of the permanent boxes matches the left of the drawn box, there's still a glitch. I feel like it must be behind the scenes rounding or something.

Anyone have any ideas to fix these issues.

EDIT: I have tried Twips and Inches scale modes. I feel like pixels might give me more control, but I don't know how to get the position of controls in pixels

Edit 2: I got rid of the second problem using a hardcoded offset in Twips mode. (though I still don't understand why this was needed)