I would like to know if it is possible to create a conditional formatting expression based on a value that does not have a corresponding control on a crosstab report.

I have an order summary crosstab report that displays the total quantity on order for each of our customers for each product we sell. The tricky part is that we are not authorized to sell all of our product lines to every one of our customers. I would like to shade in gray the (value) controls on the crosstab report if we are not authorized to sell that product to that customer.

If we are authorized to sell a vendor's product line to a particular customer, there is a RelationshipID in our tblRelationships table, with corresponding VendorID and CustomerID. However, I can't include this RelationshipID field in the crosstab query for the report, since I only want to display each product once on the left as a row heading, and each customer name once at the top as a column heading.

Is there a way to accomplish this?