I have two tables, a student table and a grades table. When a student is enrolled for a specific class the class is entered into the student table. Eventually all students in that specific class (i.e. 07-16) are entered via a query into the grades table so grades can be posted eventually in a report (transcript). We are now having to combine two programs that are given at different times so will have different ID's (i.e. PMT 07-16 and BST 10-16) These two classes were always separated but now both have to be listed on the transcript. I am using a .adp file as the interface to access. If I want student or grades info I enter Program = 'PMT', class_number = @class and class_year = @year. Once I have this info input by the user I can access any information from that program, class and year. Now I also need to add information from Program = 'BST' with a different class number and a different year. I need this to be done from the same query to populate the report/transcript.

Is there a way I can run one query to get information from the same table but different class numbers and year? If we had to we could rename the class and year to be the same a the other program and then that would work but it would also mess some other things up so I am trying to figure out a way to do this. Basically there about 20 different courses under the one program PMT and 4 different courses with grades from under the BST program. I need access to the total of 24 different grades so I can do the transcript. All the grades are in the same table but are culled out by Program, class_number and class_year.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.