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  1. #1
    CHEECO is offline Competent Performer
    Windows 10 Access 2016
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    Feb 2016

    Code problem

    I have a code that is kinda and kind not working.<br>
    This is the code. It is a log in form code. The problem is with the Sleep 100 and the Sleep 500 and the Sleep 25. parts of the codes. I have to change this part of the code to 'Sleep 100 and the 'Sleep 500 and the 'Sleep 25 and make them neutral and the code sorta kinda works.. If I don't I get a "Compile error" "Sub or function not defines" It has be baffeled. Thank-you Cheeco<br>
    ' ***********************************************************<br>
    ' &nbsp; Form: frm_main<br>
    ' &nbsp; Function : &nbsp;login screen<br>
    ' &nbsp; Date last Modified : 26/02/2007<br>
    ' &nbsp; 26/02/2007 - redesign for Sydney use. Sydney's menu now in a<br>
    ' &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;switchboard format<br>
    ' ***********************************************************<br>
    Option Compare Database<br>
    Option Explicit<br>
    ' ******************************************************<br>
    ' close form<br>
    ' ******************************************************<br>
    Private Sub close_form_Click()<br>
    On Error GoTo err_close_form_Click<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;DoCmd.RunMacro "macro_exit"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Exit Sub<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;MsgBox Err.Description<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Resume exit_close_form_Click<br>
    End Sub<br>
    ' ***********************************************************<br>
    ' &nbsp; User has entered user_id and Password<br>
    ' ***********************************************************<br>
    Private Sub cmdOK_Click()<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Dim rst As DAO.Recordset<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Dim rstV As Recordset<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Dim stDocName As String<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Dim stLinkCriteria As String<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Dim i As Integer<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Dim oPF As TSC_PF_Simple<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Dim s As Object<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Set oPF = New TSC_PF_Simple<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Set s = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")<br>
    &nbsp;Set s = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")<br>
    &nbsp;s.SPEAK "Good morning Susan. How are you today? Please wait while your database is being prepared for you."<br>
    &nbsp;Set s = Nothing<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;'Init progress form<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; 'Show the form<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;oPF.Title = "Importing Objects" &amp; vbNewLine &amp; "Please wait..."<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;oPF.UpdateTask 0, "Preparing Import"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;oPF.Show<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; 'Since this is just a demo, I simulate a series of slow tasks by using the sleep<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;oPF.UpdateTask 0, "Importing forms: " &amp; vbNewLine &amp; 1 &amp; " of 10"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;For i = 1 To 10<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Sleep 100<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; oPF.UpdateTask i / 10, "Importing forms: " &amp; vbNewLine &amp; i &amp; " of 10"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Next<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; 'The progress form allows the user to cancel a running process, however, not that<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; 'the cancel is only reacted to when the progress form is updated.<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; 'If you want to allow the user the possibility to cancel, set the Allowcancel property to true<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; 'If user cancels an an error 8101 is raised.<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;'oPF.AllowCancel = True<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; 'Simulate another task running<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;oPF.UpdateTask 0, "Importing Queries:" &amp; vbNewLine &amp; "1 of 10"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;For i = 1 To 5<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 'Sleep 500<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; oPF.UpdateTask i / 5, "Importing Queries:" &amp; vbNewLine &amp; i &amp; " of 10"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Next<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; 'Simulate a third task running, but now disallow cancel for this part<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;'oPF.AllowCancel = False<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;'Also change the titel. Note how the form expands to accomodate the long text<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;oPF.Title = oPF.Title &amp; vbNewLine &amp; "Do not turn of or unplug your device at this point"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;oPF.UpdateTask 0, "Importing tables:" &amp; vbNewLine &amp; "0 of 100"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;For i = 1 To 100<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 'Sleep 25<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; oPF.UpdateTask i / 100, "Importing tables:" &amp; vbNewLine &amp; i &amp; " of 100"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Next<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;'Update title before closure. Note how the built in close delay gives just<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;'enough time for the user to see this message.<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; oPF.Title = "Succes" &amp; vbNewLine &amp; "All Done"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; 'This code provide the greating message<br>
    &nbsp;Set s = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")<br>
    &nbsp;s.SPEAK "You may now proceed. and have a good day."<br>
    &nbsp;Set s = Nothing<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;' Validate User ID and Password and then display menu items<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;display_menu<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Exit Sub<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;MsgBox Err.Description<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Resume Exit_cmdOK_Click<br>
    End Sub<br>
    ' ******************************************************<br>
    ' relink database<br>
    ' the user can relink the database by click on the word Password<br>
    ' on the main menu<br>
    ' ******************************************************<br>
    Private Sub database_relink_Click()<br>
    On Error GoTo Err_database_relink_Click<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_relink"<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Exit Sub<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;MsgBox Err.Description<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Resume Exit_database_relink_Click<br>
    End Sub<br>
    ' ******************************************************<br>
    ' maximizee the screen<br>
    ' ******************************************************<br>
    Private Sub Form_Load()<br>
    On Error GoTo Err_Form_Load<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;DoCmd.Maximize<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Exit Sub<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;MsgBox Err.Description<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Resume Exit_Form_Load<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
    End Sub<br>
    Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)<br>
    End Sub<br>
    ' ****************************************************************<br>
    ' when the user id gets the focus, the user id and password are reset to blank<br>
    ' ****************************************************************<br>
    Private Sub user_id_GotFocus()<br>
    On Error GoTo Err_user_id_GotFocus<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;'remove current user and password<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Me!user_id = Null<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Me!password = Null<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Exit Sub<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;MsgBox Err.Description<br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Resume Exit_user_id_GotFocus<br>
    End Sub<br>

  2. #2
    ranman256's Avatar
    ranman256 is offline VIP
    Windows Vista Access 2010 32bit
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    Apr 2014
    It's really hard to read as HTML.
    can you paste it as text?

  3. #3
    CHEECO is offline Competent Performer
    Windows 10 Access 2016
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Thanks ranman256. I did figure it out. I hade to add this line of code

    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

    Now it is working fine.

  4. #4
    Micron is offline Virtually Inert Person
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    Ontario, Canada
    That was my first guess (I dumped all the gibberish into a notepad file and saved as .htm).
    Also, you have two set statements for the same thing: Set s = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
    The more we hear silence, the more we begin to think about our value in this universe.
    Paraphrase of Professor Brian Cox.

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