I need to add a check box to select items that need to be delete form a form. But I only need the check box to reside in form. I currently pull the data in form using this code
Private Sub Combo99_AfterUpdate()

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

Me.txtRetrieveBy = "part"
Me.code = Forms!frmxremoves!Combo99.Column(0)
Me.Date = Forms!frmxremoves!Combo99.Column(1)

[Forms]![frmxremoves].RecordSource = "qrySearch"
Me.CODE.Visible = True
Me.NUMBER.Visible = True
Me.ORDER.Visible = True
Me.txtNumber.Visible = True
Me.PART_NUMBER.Visible = True
Me.DESCRIPTION.Visible = True
Me.SHIP_DATE.Visible = True
Me.safe.Visible = True
Me.info.Visible = True
DoCmd.SetWarnings True


Exit Sub

End Sub

Once these records are displayed I want to be able to select the items that I would like to delete by the use of a check box.

Help please. I can get the check box to appear but if I check it it will check for all the items in the detail. I need this by line item only.

for instance I pull all the parts on a particular order. Each order is one record but one record could have 100 parts. I need to be able to check beside each item that I would like to delete from the order.
