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  1. #1
    KLynch0803 is offline Advanced Beginner
    Windows XP Access 2007
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Post Accessing Table via asp Errors

    Can someone please help me Im having trouble with two pages on site to access my db... Im not really sure if I'm putting this in the right section of this forum as well but maybe someone can help me. I have verified my tbl names, field names are correct and the mappath is correct and that it has read write access. Im not sure what information you realy need to help except the following to start with.

    First page I have problem:

    It returns the error **ERROR: Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.**

        Option Explicit
        On Error Resume Next     Dim sMsg, sErr, sMDB, sConn, vID,vService_Company_Name,vContact_Name,vAddress,vCity,vState,vZip,vPhone,vEmail,vCoverageArea,vServices_Provided,vApproved,vApproval_Date,vPer_Lead_Rate,vCC_Num,vCC_Expiration,vCC_Security_Code,vBiling_Zip_Code    vService_Company_Name = Request.Form("txtService_Company_Name")
        vContact_Name = Request.Form("txtContact_Name")
        vAddress = Request.Form("txtAddress")
        vCity = Request.Form("txtCity")
        vState = Request.Form("txtState")
        vZip = Request.Form("txtZip")
        vPhone = Request.Form("txtPhone")
        vEmail = Request.Form("txtEmail")
        vCoverageArea = Request.Form("txtCoverageArea")
        vServices_Provided = Request.Form("txtServices_Provided")
        vApproved = Request.Form("txtApproved")
        vApproval_Date = Request.Form("txtApproval_Date")
        vPer_Lead_Rate = Request.Form("txtPer_Lead_Rate")
        vCC_Num = Request.Form("txtCC_Num")
        vCC_Expiration = Request.Form("txtCC_Expiration")
        vCC_Security_Code = Request.Form("txtCC_Security_Code")
        vBiling_Zip_Code = Request.Form("txtBiling_Zip_Code")
        vID = Request.QueryString("ID")
        If vID = "" Then vID = 0
        If Request("btnNew") <> "" Then 
            vID = -1
            vService_Company_Name = ""
            vContact_Name = ""
            vAddress = ""
            vCity = ""
            vState = ""
            vZip = ""
            vPhone = ""
            vEmail = ""
            vCoverageArea = ""
            vServices_Provided = ""
            vApproved = ""
            vApproval_Date = ""
            vPer_Lead_Rate = ""
            vCC_Num = ""
            vCC_Expiration = ""
            vCC_Security_Code = ""
            vBiling_Zip_Code = ""
            sMsg = "<font color=darkgreen><b>New Record</b></font>"
        End If    If Request("btnGet") <> "" Then vID=-99    If Request("btnSave") <> "" Then
            If vID = "-1" Then
                vID = InsertNewRecord()
                Call UpdateRecord(vID)
                sMsg = "<font color=darkred><b>Updated Record #" & vID & "</b></font>"
            End If
            Call RetrieveRecord(vID)
            If cLng(vID) > 0 Then sMsg = "<font color=darkblue><b>Retrieved Record #" & vID & "</b></font>"
            If cLng(vID) = -99 Then sMsg = "<font color=darkpurple><b>Lookup Max (last) Record</b></font>"
        End If    If sErr = "" Then sErr = Err.Description
        If sErr <> "" Then sMsg = sErr%>
    <FORM method=post action=_Service_Providers.asp?ID=<%=vID%> id=frm_Service_Providers & name=frm_Service_Providers>    <table border="1" width="440" id="_Service_Providers">
            <tr valign="top"><td width="180"> <INPUT type="submit" value="Save" id="btnSave" name="btnSave"> &nbsp; 
                <INPUT type="submit" value="New" id="btnNew" name="btnNew"> &nbsp; 
                <INPUT type="submit" value="Last" id="btnGet" name="btnGet">
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <%=sMsg%> <INPUT type="hidden" id="txtID" name="txtID" value="<%=Trim(vID)%>">
            </td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=center>&nbsp;</td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Service  Company  Name
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtService_Company_Name" name="txtService_Company_Name" value="<%=Trim(vService_Company_Name)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Contact  Name
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtContact_Name" name="txtContact_Name" value="<%=Trim(vContact_Name)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Address
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtAddress" name="txtAddress" value="<%=Trim(vAddress)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  City
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtCity" name="txtCity" value="<%=Trim(vCity)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  State
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtState" name="txtState" value="<%=Trim(vState)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Zip
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtZip" name="txtZip" value="<%=Trim(vZip)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Phone
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtPhone" name="txtPhone" value="<%=Trim(vPhone)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Email
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtEmail" name="txtEmail" value="<%=Trim(vEmail)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Coverage Area
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtCoverageArea" name="txtCoverageArea" value="<%=Trim(vCoverageArea)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Services  Provided
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtServices_Provided" name="txtServices_Provided" value="<%=Trim(vServices_Provided)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Approved
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtApproved" name="txtApproved" value="<%=Trim(vApproved)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Approval  Date
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtApproval_Date" name="txtApproval_Date" value="<%=Trim(vApproval_Date)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Per  Lead  Rate
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtPer_Lead_Rate" name="txtPer_Lead_Rate" value="<%=Trim(vPer_Lead_Rate)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  C C  Num
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtCC_Num" name="txtCC_Num" value="<%=Trim(vCC_Num)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  C C  Expiration
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtCC_Expiration" name="txtCC_Expiration" value="<%=Trim(vCC_Expiration)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  C C  Security  Code
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtCC_Security_Code" name="txtCC_Security_Code" value="<%=Trim(vCC_Security_Code)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Biling  Zip  Code
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtBiling_Zip_Code" name="txtBiling_Zip_Code" value="<%=Trim(vBiling_Zip_Code)%>">
            </td></tr>    </table>
    </Html><%    Function InsertNewRecord()
            Dim sSQL, vID, sConnect, cnnDBS, rsDataTable        Set cnnDBS = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
            sMDB = Replace(LCase(Server.MapPath("_Service_Providers.asp")),"_service_providers.asp","/fpdb/ServiceBidProwarehouse.mdb")
            sConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & sMDB        cnnDBS.Open sConn         sSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Service_Providers (Service_Company_Name,Contact_Name,Address,City,State,Zip,Phone,Email,CoverageArea,Services_Provided,Approved,Approval_Date,Per_Lead_Rate,CC_Num,CC_Expiration,CC_Security_Code,Biling_Zip_Code) "
            sSQL = sSQL & " VALUES('" & Left(Replace(vService_Company_Name,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vContact_Name,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vAddress,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vCity,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vState,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vZip,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vPhone,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vEmail,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vCoverageArea,"'","''"),0) & "','" & Left(Replace(vServices_Provided,"'","''"),0) & "'," & vApproved & ",#" & vApproval_Date & "#," & vPer_Lead_Rate & ",'" & Left(Replace(vCC_Num,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vCC_Expiration,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vCC_Security_Code,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vBiling_Zip_Code,"'","''"),255) & "') "        sSQL = Replace(sSQL,"'Null'","Null")
            sSQL = Replace(sSQL,",,",",Null,")
            sSQL = Replace(sSQL,",,",",Null,")
            cnnDBS.Execute (sSQL)        sSQL = "SELECT Max([ID]) As ID FROM tbl_Service_Providers"
            Set rsDataTable = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") 
            Set rsDataTable = cnnDBS.Execute(sSQL)
            InsertNewRecord = rsDataTable("ID")        If rsDataTable.BOF And rsDataTable.EOF Then
                InsertNewRecord = 0
                InsertNewRecord = rsDataTable("ID")
            End If        Set rsDataTable = Nothing
            Set cnnDBS = Nothing    End Function    Function UpdateRecord(vID)
            Dim sSQL, sConnect, cnnDBS        Set cnnDBS = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
            sMDB = Replace(LCase(Server.MapPath("_Service_Providers.asp")),"_service_providers.asp","/fpdb/ServiceBidProwarehouse.mdb")
            sConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & sMDB        cnnDBS.Open sConn         sSQL = "UPDATE tbl_Service_Providers SET "
            sSQL = sSQL & "Service_Company_Name='" & Left(Replace(vService_Company_Name,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Contact_Name='" & Left(Replace(vContact_Name,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Address='" & Left(Replace(vAddress,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "City='" & Left(Replace(vCity,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "State='" & Left(Replace(vState,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Zip='" & Left(Replace(vZip,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Phone='" & Left(Replace(vPhone,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Email='" & Left(Replace(vEmail,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "CoverageArea='" & Left(Replace(vCoverageArea,"'","''"),0) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Services_Provided='" & Left(Replace(vServices_Provided,"'","''"),0) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Approved=" & vApproved & ","
            sSQL = sSQL & "Approval_Date=#" & vApproval_Date & "#,"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Per_Lead_Rate=" & vPer_Lead_Rate & ","
            sSQL = sSQL & "CC_Num='" & Left(Replace(vCC_Num,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "CC_Expiration='" & Left(Replace(vCC_Expiration,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "CC_Security_Code='" & Left(Replace(vCC_Security_Code,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Biling_Zip_Code='" & Left(Replace(vBiling_Zip_Code,"'","''"),255) & "'"
            sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE ID = " & vID
            sSQL = Replace(sSQL,"=''","=Null")
            sSQL = Replace(sSQL,"=,","=Null,")
            cnnDBS.Execute (sSQL)        Set cnnDBS = Nothing    End Function
        Function RetrieveRecord(vID)
            Dim sSQL, sConnect, cnnDBS, rsDataTable, sFilter
            On Error Resume Next         Set cnnDBS = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
            sMDB = Replace(LCase(Server.MapPath("_Service_Providers.asp")),"_service_providers.asp","/fpdb/ServiceBidProwarehouse.mdb")
            sConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & sMDB        cnnDBS.Open sConn         If Err.number <> 0 Then sErr = "<font color=red><b>ERROR:  Assign WRITE permissions to Web Folder containing mdb file<br>" & Err.Description  & "</b></font>"        Set rsDataTable = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
            If vID=-99 Then sFilter = "(DMax('ID','tbl_Service_Providers'))" Else sFilter = vID
            sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_Service_Providers WHERE ID = " & sFilter
            Set rsDataTable = cnnDBS.Execute(sSQL)        If Err.number <> 0 Then sErr = "<font color=red><b>ERROR: " & Err.Description  & "</b></font>"        If Not rsDataTable.BOF And Not rsDataTable.EOF Then
                vBiling_Zip_Code=rsDataTable("Biling_Zip_Code")        End If
            Set rsDataTable = Nothing
            Set cnnDBS = Nothing    End Function%></FORM>
    Second Im having trouble with is Error 500
        Option Explicit
        On Error Resume Next     Dim sMsg, sErr, sMDB, sConn, vID, vID,vFirstName,vLastName,vAddress,vCity,vState,vZipCode,vPhone,vEmail,vServicesType,vLeadTime,vAdditionalNotes,vServiceMatchedTo,vMatchedDate    vFirstName = Request.Form("txtFirstName")
        vLastName = Request.Form("txtLastName")
        vAddress = Request.Form("txtAddress")
        vCity = Request.Form("txtCity")
        vState = Request.Form("txtState")
        vZipCode = Request.Form("txtZipCode")
        vPhone = Request.Form("txtPhone")
        vEmail = Request.Form("txtEmail")
        vServicesType = Request.Form("txtServicesType")
        vLeadTime = Request.Form("txtLeadTime")
        vAdditionalNotes = Request.Form("txtAdditionalNotes")
        vServiceMatchedTo = Request.Form("txtServiceMatchedTo")
        vMatchedDate = Request.Form("txtMatchedDate")
        vID = Request.QueryString("ID")
        If vID = "" Then vID = 0
        If Request("btnNew") <> "" Then 
            vID = -1
            vFirstName = ""
            vLastName = ""
            vAddress = ""
            vCity = ""
            vState = ""
            vZipCode = ""
            vPhone = ""
            vEmail = ""
            vServicesType = ""
            vLeadTime = ""
            vAdditionalNotes = ""
            vServiceMatchedTo = ""
            vMatchedDate = ""
            sMsg = "<font color=darkgreen><b>New Record</b></font>"
        End If    If Request("btnGet") <> "" Then vID=-99    If Request("btnSave") <> "" Then
            If vID = "-1" Then
                vID = InsertNewRecord()
                Call UpdateRecord(vID)
                sMsg = "<font color=darkred><b>Updated Record #" & vID & "</b></font>"
            End If
            Call RetrieveRecord(vID)
            If cLng(vID) > 0 Then sMsg = "<font color=darkblue><b>Retrieved Record #" & vID & "</b></font>"
            If cLng(vID) = -99 Then sMsg = "<font color=darkpurple><b>Lookup Max (last) Record</b></font>"
        End If    If sErr = "" Then sErr = Err.Description
        If sErr <> "" Then sMsg = sErr%>
    <FORM method=post action=customer_Records.asp?ID=<%=vID%> id=frm_Customers & name=frm_Customers>    <table border="1" width="440" id="_Customers">
            <tr valign="top"><td width="180"> <INPUT type="submit" value="Save" id="btnSave" name="btnSave"> &nbsp; 
                <INPUT type="submit" value="New" id="btnNew" name="btnNew"> &nbsp; 
                <INPUT type="submit" value="Last" id="btnGet" name="btnGet">
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <%=sMsg%> <INPUT type="hidden" id="txtID" name="txtID" value="<%=Trim(vID)%>">
            </td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=center>&nbsp;</td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  First Name
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtFirstName" name="txtFirstName" value="<%=Trim(vFirstName)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Last Name
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtLastName" name="txtLastName" value="<%=Trim(vLastName)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Address
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtAddress" name="txtAddress" value="<%=Trim(vAddress)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  City
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtCity" name="txtCity" value="<%=Trim(vCity)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  State
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtState" name="txtState" value="<%=Trim(vState)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Zip Code
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtZipCode" name="txtZipCode" value="<%=Trim(vZipCode)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Phone
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtPhone" name="txtPhone" value="<%=Trim(vPhone)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Email
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 260px" id="txtEmail" name="txtEmail" value="<%=Trim(vEmail)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Services Type
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtServicesType" name="txtServicesType" value="<%=Trim(vServicesType)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Lead Time
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtLeadTime" name="txtLeadTime" value="<%=Trim(vLeadTime)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Additional Notes
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtAdditionalNotes" name="txtAdditionalNotes" value="<%=Trim(vAdditionalNotes)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Service Matched To
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtServiceMatchedTo" name="txtServiceMatchedTo" value="<%=Trim(vServiceMatchedTo)%>">
            </td></tr>        <tr valign="top"><td width="180">  Matched Date
            </td><td width="260"> 
                <INPUT style="FONT-SIZE: xx-small; WIDTH: 75px" id="txtMatchedDate" name="txtMatchedDate" value="<%=Trim(vMatchedDate)%>">
            </td></tr>    </table><%     Function InsertNewRecord()
            Dim sSQL, vID, sConnect, cnnDBS, rsDataTable        Set cnnDBS = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
            sMDB = Replace(LCase(Server.MapPath("customer_Records.asp")),"customer_Records.asp","/fpdb/ServiceBidProwarehouse.mdb")
            sConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & sMDB        cnnDBS.Open sConn         sSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Customers (FirstName,LastName,Address,City,State,ZipCode,Phone,Email,ServicesType,LeadTime,AdditionalNotes,ServiceMatchedTo,MatchedDate) "
            sSQL = sSQL & " VALUES('" & Left(Replace(vFirstName,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vLastName,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vAddress,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vCity,"'","''"),255) & "'," & vState & "," & vZipCode & ",'" & Left(Replace(vPhone,"'","''"),255) & "','" & Left(Replace(vEmail,"'","''"),255) & "'," & vServicesType & "," & vLeadTime & ",'" & Left(Replace(vAdditionalNotes,"'","''"),0) & "','" & Left(Replace(vServiceMatchedTo,"'","''"),0) & "',#" & vMatchedDate & "#) "        sSQL = Replace(sSQL,"'Null'","Null")
            sSQL = Replace(sSQL,",,",",Null,")
            sSQL = Replace(sSQL,",,",",Null,")
            cnnDBS.Execute (sSQL)        sSQL = "SELECT Max([ID]) As ID FROM tbl_Customers"
            Set rsDataTable = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") 
            Set rsDataTable = cnnDBS.Execute(sSQL)
            InsertNewRecord = rsDataTable("ID")        If rsDataTable.BOF And rsDataTable.EOF Then
                InsertNewRecord = 0
                InsertNewRecord = rsDataTable("ID")
            End If        Set rsDataTable = Nothing
            Set cnnDBS = Nothing    End Function    Function UpdateRecord(vID)
            Dim sSQL, sConnect, cnnDBS        Set cnnDBS = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
            sMDB = Replace(LCase(Server.MapPath("customer_Records.asp")),"customer_Records.asp","/fpdb/ServiceBidProwarehouse.mdb")
            sConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & sMDB        cnnDBS.Open sConn         sSQL = "UPDATE tbl_Customers SET "
            sSQL = sSQL & "FirstName='" & Left(Replace(vFirstName,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "LastName='" & Left(Replace(vLastName,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Address='" & Left(Replace(vAddress,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "City='" & Left(Replace(vCity,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "State=" & vState & ","
            sSQL = sSQL & "ZipCode=" & vZipCode & ","
            sSQL = sSQL & "Phone='" & Left(Replace(vPhone,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "Email='" & Left(Replace(vEmail,"'","''"),255) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "ServicesType=" & vServicesType & ","
            sSQL = sSQL & "LeadTime=" & vLeadTime & ","
            sSQL = sSQL & "AdditionalNotes='" & Left(Replace(vAdditionalNotes,"'","''"),0) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "ServiceMatchedTo='" & Left(Replace(vServiceMatchedTo,"'","''"),0) & "',"
            sSQL = sSQL & "MatchedDate=#" & vMatchedDate & "#"
            sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE ID = " & vID
            sSQL = Replace(sSQL,"=''","=Null")
            sSQL = Replace(sSQL,"=,","=Null,")
            cnnDBS.Execute (sSQL)        Set cnnDBS = Nothing    End Function
        Function RetrieveRecord(vID)
            Dim sSQL, sConnect, cnnDBS, rsDataTable, sFilter
            On Error Resume Next         Set cnnDBS = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
            sMDB = Replace(LCase(Server.MapPath("customer_Records.asp")),"customer_Records.asp","fpdb/ServiceBidProwarehouse.mdb")
            sConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & sMDB        cnnDBS.Open sConn         If Err.number <> 0 Then sErr = "<font color=red><b>ERROR:  Assign WRITE permissions to Web Folder containing mdb file<br>" & Err.Description  & "</b></font>"        Set rsDataTable = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
            If vID=-99 Then sFilter = "(DMax('ID','tbl_Customers'))" Else sFilter = vID
            sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_Customers WHERE ID = " & sFilter
            Set rsDataTable = cnnDBS.Execute(sSQL)        If Err.number <> 0 Then sErr = "<font color=red><b>ERROR: " & Err.Description  & "</b></font>"        If Not rsDataTable.BOF And Not rsDataTable.EOF Then
                vMatchedDate=rsDataTable("MatchedDate")        End If
            Set rsDataTable = Nothing
            Set cnnDBS = Nothing    End Function%></FORM>

    Last edited by KLynch0803; 01-15-2010 at 10:47 AM. Reason: Fixed code had duplicate on accident. Still have issue

  2. #2
    KLynch0803 is offline Advanced Beginner
    Windows XP Access 2007
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I was missing some expressions that were needed...

Please reply to this thread with any new information or opinions.

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  3. Bugs, errors in 2007
    By Canadiangal in forum Access
    Replies: 3
    Last Post: 09-17-2009, 11:25 AM
  4. dialog box errors in report
    By Jane in forum Programming
    Replies: 0
    Last Post: 11-20-2008, 01:06 PM
  5. Replies: 1
    Last Post: 03-11-2006, 07:38 AM

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