I finished an access database that works great. Now I wanted to convert it to an Access project so that it can work directly with a SLQ server. The data is connect via a VPN and the access database is too slow.

So I ran the move to SQL wizard the first time and it created an Access database with link tables. All works OK.

THEN I tried going to a Access Project file with a direct connection to SQL server. Then I discovered many of the features I was using are now NOT available. So now I am back to ground zero.

In the WHERE clause of a select statement I use to use something like:
TypeNo = [Forms]![Types]![SelectedTypeNo]

This no longer works in an Access Project. SelectedTypeNo is an unbounded combobox that has a value I want to use for the selection. So how do you write a select statment that uses the value of an unbounded combo box?