Greetings all,

This is my first post here and I'm hoping I can find some advice or workaround for this issue.

I've inherited a Access database that is using data access page using ActiveX components. The latest round of microsoft updates (2009-069) Security Update of ActiveX Kill Bits (MS09-055) has broken our data access pages.

Investigating further, it seems that Microsoft has found a security vunrability in their ATL OWC - OWC10 RecordNavigationControl(owc10.dll)
CLSID - 0002E554-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 control and have seen fit to prevent Internet Explorer from loading it through an ActiveKillBit.

Unfortunately this page is the primary data entry/look-up for everything that is stored in the database. Having this control disabled (Killed by this update) renders the users front end access complete useless.

I have managed to find a work around and removed the kill bit for this control, but the next round there is an update, it's going to be disabled yet again.

The route that MS has taken to completely disable it seems short sighted. Should they be updating the control rather than disabling the use of it?

What would be my best way to resolve this? I haven't been able to find any update web-components that fix this.