Stumped again.

I have two tables:

Table: 1

USR ID Owner Name Owner Class ZipCode

1 Patricia Duddly Family 18670
2 Forest Service GOVT 18666
3 Perry Water LLC Business 18444
4 Terry Wood Family 18666
5 Prescott Boyd Family 78345
6 Humboldt County Govt 18666

...and Table 2:

County ZipCode

Humboldt 18670

Humboldt 18666
Humboldt 18650

I want to create a query that that counts how many matches of zipcodes there are (between the two tables) and sorts them by Owner Class. The goal is to get some idea of how many Records in Table #1 have in-county zipcodes. So for the example above...I should get:

OwnerClass ZipMatch ZipNo Match

Family 2 1
GOVT 2 0
Buisness 0 1

I thought I could get this with an "unmatch" query...but it didn't work...