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  1. #1
    RonL is offline Competent Performer
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    Seeking Algorithm Advice - Rippledown Increment Problem

    Hello all. I have a bound form containing two fields (among others), call them ShotNum and ShotNumSuffix. The first is an integer, the second is either a 0-length string or an alphabetic character. The combination of ShotNum & ShotNumSuffix is unique for each record. (There is also an autonumbered ID.) Most records have a different ShotNum and blank ShotNumSuffix, but there will be small groups where ShotNum is the same and ShotNumSuffix varies. (The user wants ShotNumSuffix to designate that a record was (effectively) inserted after the one before. He doesn't want the ShotNum for existing records to increment, because the data are actually a transcription from worksheets that undergo manual, iterative insertions after distribution to other users.)

    I already have code for keeping the "inserted" ShotNum equal to the prior record, and incrementing the ShotNumSuffix. (And the recordsource is a query that sorts on these two fields, so a requery takes care of showing the desired order in the form.) Problem now is how to deal with situation where the user wants an insertion where there exist beyond the "insertion point" records with the same ShotNum. Those records already have ShotNumSuffix values which will need to be incremented. IOW, I want to:

    1. Bookmark the current record and store its ShotNum and ShotNumSuffix values;
    2. Select for all records that have the same ShotNum as the current record;
    3. Create a new one and assign the same ShotNum as stored in step 1, and an increment of the ShotNumSuffix from step 1;
    4. Increment ShotNumSuffix for all the REMAINING records (in the selection).

    I list the steps like that because I know how to do 1-3. I have a good character increment subroutine. I'm just not sure of the simplest way to accomplish step 4.

    To summarize, I want to take a subset of records that have the same value in one field, and a sequential value in a second field, effectively insert a new record in the middle of them, and increment just the second field for the "inserted" record and any for which the value of that second field is the same as or higher than the new one. A "conditional ripple down" if you will.

    I suspect this is simple, but am not experienced enough to see it clearly. I think I could create a recordset from a selection of all records with the same ShotNum and do what I want by looping through. But how would I identify the one record in that new set which was the current one in the form's recordset, and how would I then get the processed records to replace their counterparts in the form's recordset? Is there a way to loop through a selection without creating a separate recordset for it? Should I somehow be using the form's recordsetclone?

    Thanks for any guidance,


  2. #2
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    If I understand correctly, you have:
    ShotNum    ShotNumSuffix
    5       A
    5       B
    5       C
    6       A
    6       B
    6       C
    6       D
    7       A
    8       A
    8       B
    You want to
    6    A
    Insert new record here
    6    B
    6    C
    6    D
    which would results in:
    6    A
    6    B
    6    C (was B)
    6    D (was C)
    6    E (was D)

    Am I close?

    For the NEW record, how is the suffix determined? Some one says "I want this new record suffix to be 'B'"?

  3. #3
    RonL is offline Competent Performer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssanfu View Post
    If I understand correctly, you have:
    ShotNum    ShotNumSuffix
    5       A
    5       B
    5       C
    6       A
    6       B
    6       C
    6       D
    7       A
    8       A
    8       B
    You want to
    6    A
    Insert new record here
    6    B
    6    C
    6    D
    which would results in:
    6    A
    6    B
    6    C (was B)
    6    D (was C)
    6    E (was D)

    Am I close?
    On the nose! (In reality, the majority of records will be a single shotnumber with "" for the suffix, but that's immaterial.)

    For the NEW record, how is the suffix determined? Some one says "I want this new record suffix to be 'B'"?
    I call that an "insert mode" situation. I want the code to do the increments. (They can override after record is created if they wish.) So they'd click the 6A record to make it current and hit Ctrl-I. I trap for that in the Keydown event, like this:

    If (KeyCode = vbKeyI And ((Shift And acCtrlMask) = acCtrlMask)) Then
    strMode = "Insert"
    curshotnumber = Nz(Me.ShotNumber)
    curshotnumsuffix = IIf(IsNull(Me.ShotNumSuffix), "", Me.ShotNumSuffix)
    strRecMarker = Me.Bookmark
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
    Call rklMakeShotNumber(strMode, curshotnumber, curshotnumsuffix)
    Me.ShotNumber = curshotnumber
    Me.ShotNumSuffix = strShotNumSuffix
    Me.Bookmark = strRecMarker
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext, 1
    KeyCode = 0
    End If
    That mode variable signals the called routine to increment the suffix but not the number. I could post the called routine as well, but note: elegant I'm not. And it's not sufficiently sophisticated to do what I want ie. exactly what you show, so what happens now is that the new record you've labeled 6b is actually 6e, and the original 6b through 6d remain unaltered. I'm not looking for code, btw, just a viable approach.

    FWIW, for most data entry, they'd simply tab to a new record, OnCurrent fires and sends an "append mode" parameter to the called routine, which consequently increments only the ShotNumber. (BTW, I learned the hard way that the AcNewRecord parameter of DoCmd.GoToRecord also triggers the current event, so I trap out if On Current is fired while in "insert mode.")

    Thanks for taking time, -Ron

  4. #4
    alcapps is offline Competent Performer
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    RonL nailed it..

    if you not looking for code..
    outline is
    now that you tagged the record to insert already with the ctl I .. control insert.. nice by the way..

    in vba code you would

    take your key number and your character convert your character to ascii.. 65..90
    so if you upper case the letters.. always.. a-z equals 65 - 90
    so if you insert was as A key field was 6 you can say
    filter record ids = 6 order by ascii values
    so in this case you would have A= 65,B=66,C=67,D=68
    loop the the records
    if the char value > 65 (value char value that had the key selected)
    make them their value + 1
    add new record key field 6 + char value(65) + 1

    that way you added on char value to each existing record above your key field..

    then added in A=65 + 1 to equal a B record in.

    requery the form and you are done..

    Hope this helps..

  5. #5
    RonL is offline Competent Performer
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    Thanks for the idea about using the ASC() function in a loop. (It also reminds me to incorporate enforcement of case restriction. Am using lower case at moment, so don't want user to override accidentally with upper case.)

    But I'm wasting lot of time trying to figure out how to set up the loop. The idea is to do it in a recordset, right? (I assume that's what you mean when you say I nailed it?) Within the rklMakeShotNumber sub referenced above, I'm trying:

    Set rst = Me.Recordset
        With rst
        .Filter = "ShotNumber = curshotnumber"
        '.SetFilter = True
        rst.MoveNext  <=IOW, move to either EOF of the filtered set, or the record with ShotNumSuffix='a'
        Do While Not rst.EOF
        If Asc(ShotNumSuffix) >= intSuffixMarker Then
        ShotNumSuffix = IncrementSuffix(ShotNumSuffix)
        End If
        Set rst = Nothing
        End With
    There's probably a lot wrong. Better to think of it as pseudo code. For one thing, the debug shows ShotNumSuffix is null. It's supposed to be "a" from the example above. Curshotnum is "6" from above example.

    I suspect I'm not referencing the form controls properly in the rst. Guess I don't really understand how to use the recordset object in this context, so I humbly request more specific guidance.


  6. #6
    alcapps is offline Competent Performer
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    Ron are the records in order already? when you get to the point of adding a new record?

    in recordset.. world

    if you are at the insert point. the old code you had was close.

    before you add the new record like you do in your first code.

    just before you add the record..

    put in a loop to check for the key until it changes then you are done..

    so add
    'you want to make sure that you know when to stop..

    tempkey = rst
    tempNewSufix =
    do while not rst.eof
    if temp key <> rst.
    'you found the end when the shotnumber changes
    exit loop
    end if
    'change the letter here..
    ShotNumSuffix = chr(asc(ucase(rst!ShotNumSuffix))+1)
    'taking the upper case value of shotnumSuffix.. converting it to a asc number adding 1 to it then converting that to a letter.
    then do the rest like it did before making sure you do the same to the original suffix
    save a new record..
    tempNewSufix to fill that part on the new record..

    hope this helps..

  7. #7
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    I would use the form before update so it would happed automatically and not require a button click.

    Open a recordset on the ShotNumber, ordered by ShotNumber suffix DESC, then re-letter the records.

    This code is semi-tested. I tried a few test cases.... it should be pretty close...
    You will have to change the table name and possibly the field names.
    Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate()
       Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
       Dim sSQL As String
       Dim strShotNumSuffix As String
       Dim oldShot As Integer
       Dim newShot As Integer
       Dim intShotNumber As Integer
       Dim RC As Integer
       Dim i As Integer
       'variable                   control on form
       intShotNumber = Me.ShotNumber
       strShotNumSuffix = UCase(Nz(Me.ShotNumSuffix))
       'create SQL for recordset
       sSQL = "SELECT ShotTable.ShotNumber, ShotTable.ShotNumSuffix"
       sSQL = sSQL & " FROM ShotTable"
       sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE ShotTable.ShotNumber  = " & intShotNumber
       sSQL = sSQL & " ORDER BY ShotTable.ShotNumSuffix DESC;"
       Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSQL)
       If rst.BOF And rst.EOF Then
          'no records so just allow new record to be saved
          '      MsgBox "No records"
          'recordset has one or more records
          RC = rst.RecordCount
          Select Case RC
             Case 1
                'current record ShotNumSuffix  is NULL
                If IsNull(strShotNumSuffix) And strShotNumSuffix = "" Then
                   rst!ShotNumSuffix = "A"
                ElseIf IsNull(strShotNumSuffix) And Not IsNull(strShotNumSuffix) Then
                   'just allow record to be saved
                   '               MsgBox "Save record"
                End If
             Case Is > 1
                'if new ShotNumSuffix < rst.ShotNumSuffix then re-letter ShotNumSuffix
                For i = RC To 1 Step -1
                   'if new ShotNumSuffix > rst.ShotNumSuffix or
                   '    new ShotNumSuffix = rst.ShotNumSuffix then inc letter
                   oldShot = Asc(Nz(rst!ShotNumSuffix, 0))
                   If oldShot >= Asc(strShotNumSuffix) Then
                      rst!ShotNumSuffix = Chr(Asc(rst!ShotNumSuffix) + 1)
                   End If
          End Select
       End If
       'clean up
       Set rst = Nothing
    End Sub
    Remember, do a lot of testing

  8. #8
    RonL is offline Competent Performer
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    I haven't forgotten this thread and I want to thank you guys for taking time to help. I'll make a few comments, then post the code I've worked up, then maybe ask a few questions.

    alcapps - Yes, the records were ordered by shotnum, shotnumsuffix. The increment function I'd been using utilizes the asc() notions you suggested, but you got me thinking about doing everything without calling that function. I'm not clear if you are suggesting that I do *all* the necessary looping before "inserting" the new record, but if you look below, you'll see that's what I've done.

    ssanfu -

    Quote Originally Posted by ssanfu View Post
    I would use the form before update so it would happed automatically and not require a button click.
    Not sure what you refer to here. There's no button click for regular appending a record, and for the "insert", I want the app to respond to a specific keyboard combo.

    Open a recordset on the ShotNumber, ordered by ShotNumber suffix DESC, then re-letter the records.

    This code is semi-tested. I tried a few test cases.... it should be pretty close...
    You will have to change the table name and possibly the field names.
    Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate()
       Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
       Dim sSQL As String
       Dim strShotNumSuffix As String
       Dim oldShot As Integer
       Dim newShot As Integer
       Dim intShotNumber As Integer
       Dim RC As Integer
       Dim i As Integer
       'variable                   control on form
       intShotNumber = Me.ShotNumber
       strShotNumSuffix = UCase(Nz(Me.ShotNumSuffix))
       'create SQL for recordset
       sSQL = "SELECT ShotTable.ShotNumber, ShotTable.ShotNumSuffix"
       sSQL = sSQL & " FROM ShotTable"
       sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE ShotTable.ShotNumber  = " & intShotNumber
       sSQL = sSQL & " ORDER BY ShotTable.ShotNumSuffix DESC;"
       Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSQL)
       If rst.BOF And rst.EOF Then
          'no records so just allow new record to be saved
          '      MsgBox "No records"
          'recordset has one or more records
          RC = rst.RecordCount
          Select Case RC
             Case 1
                'current record ShotNumSuffix  is NULL
                If IsNull(strShotNumSuffix) And strShotNumSuffix = "" Then
                   rst!ShotNumSuffix = "A"
                ElseIf IsNull(strShotNumSuffix) And Not IsNull(strShotNumSuffix) Then
                   'just allow record to be saved
                   '               MsgBox "Save record"
                End If
             Case Is > 1
                'if new ShotNumSuffix < rst.ShotNumSuffix then re-letter ShotNumSuffix
                For i = RC To 1 Step -1
                   'if new ShotNumSuffix > rst.ShotNumSuffix or
                   '    new ShotNumSuffix = rst.ShotNumSuffix then inc letter
                   oldShot = Asc(Nz(rst!ShotNumSuffix, 0))
                   If oldShot >= Asc(strShotNumSuffix) Then
                      rst!ShotNumSuffix = Chr(Asc(rst!ShotNumSuffix) + 1)
                   End If
          End Select
       End If
       'clean up
       Set rst = Nothing
    End Sub
    Remember, do a lot of testing
    Again, thanks for putting time in on that. My intuition told me there's gotta be a way to avoid a Select Case and I do like the idea of moving forward in a loop with Do while not .eof better than backward in a For...Next. I'm sure there's a way to adapt either of the approaches you guys suggest, and if I started from scratch, I'd probably end up with a scheme closer to yours. However, I kept trying to modify what I'd already started, spending a *lot* of time (btw, making all manner of mistake - syntactical, logical, misunderstanding things like the fact that you can't put a null in a string variable, not knowing whether .requery in a recordset does the same thing as me.requery, etc. etc.). Finally, I took a breather, and then it came to me, literally while trying to sleep one night, why not do all the looping and incrementing *before* creating the new record. IOW, make a "space" for the new record then pop it in. That way I don't need to worry about the loop getting hung up by the new record (which seemed to be what was happening with the half-baked things I'd been trying.) Hence the code below, which so far seems to do the job. (No declarations shown, and still need to add error checking and some data validation eg. restrict to lower case.)

    Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    If (KeyCode = vbKeyI And ((Shift And acCtrlMask) = acCtrlMask)) Then
    If IsNull(Me.ShotNumSuffix) Or Me.ShotNumSuffix = "" Then
    Me.ShotNumSuffix = " "
    End If
    lngSuffixMarker = Asc(Me.ShotNumSuffix)
    curshotnumber = Me.ShotNumber
    strRecMarker = Me.Bookmark
    Me.Requery  'This is NECESSARY.  The recordset doesn't seem to work properly without it.
    Call ReorderSuffixesForCurShotNumber
    Me.Bookmark = strRecMarker
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext, 1
    KeyCode = 0
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub ReorderSuffixesForCurShotNumber()
    Set rst = Me.Recordset
        rst.Filter = "ShotNumber = " & curshotnumber
        Set rstFilt = rst.OpenRecordset
        With rstFilt
      ' MsgBox ("Right after .movefirst, rstFilt!shotnumsuffix is " & rstFilt!ShotNumSuffix)
       strFindFirstCriteria = "Asc([ShotNumSuffix]) = "
        .FindFirst strFindFirstCriteria & lngSuffixMarker
       ' MsgBox (".nomatch is " & .NoMatch)
      'MsgBox ("Just before entering Do: ShotNumSuffix is " & !ShotNumSuffix)
        Do While Not .EOF
         !ShotNumSuffix = Chr(Asc(!ShotNumSuffix) + 1)
        .AddNew             'incrementing done, now construct the new record and pop it in.
        !ShotNumber = curshotnumber
        lngSuffixMarker = IIf(lngSuffixMarker < 96, 96, lngSuffixMarker) 'In case current suffix was null or blank.    
        !ShotNumSuffix = Chr(lngSuffixMarker + 1)
        !ShotDescr = "This is the new record.  Suffix is  " & !ShotNumSuffix
        '.Requery  'apparently not needed; anyway, don't understand what .requery does for an rst filtered in this manner.
       End With
        Set rstFilt = Nothing
        'rst.Close   'one of these causes recordsource for form to be nulled.  How come?
        'Set rst = Nothing
    End Sub
    So I've copied me.recordset into a surrogate recordset object, set the filter there, not by SQL, but using the rst.filter property. (Any hazard in this?) Then copied that filtered set into a second recordset (I'm now two recordsets removed from me.recordset) Then I go directly to the record corresponding to the one the cursor was on in the form, and do the incrementing loop from there. Then pop in the new record.

    Questions: Any special implications using a recordset filtered this way? From all I've read, you should close/set to nothing a recordset when done with it, but if I do that with the non filtered one, it unbinds my form completely ie. the recordsource (which is a query) disappears. Why? And re. .FindFirst, does it automatically search from the top of the set? ie. can you invoke it from any position or do you need a .movefirst first? (I'm learning how recordsets are used, and I know they're objects, but I still don't really get them. )

    Any comments on how to make the above more robust would be appreciated. I actually have a good incrementing function (from the net), and plan eventually to use it in place of !ShotNumSuffix = Chr(lngSuffixMarker + 1) .

    Thanks again, -Ron

  9. #9
    alcapps is offline Competent Performer
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    Great your doing what we suggested.

    I would only add a couple things.
    one .. keep the original lngsuffixmarker before you move next an increment the loop.
    tmpsuffixmarker = lngsuffixmarker

    after you do the loop

    use tmpsuffixmarker to increment in the new record.

    you should never have a blank. if you have a blank you will need to stop saving the record.
    have that check early.
    if Len(Trim(Nz(lngsuffixmarker,""))) = 0 then
    exit sub
    end if
    this code checks for null and assigns = "" if it is null
    it removes all the spaces to blank string
    then check the len of the string = 0 then exits..

    anyway I hope this helps
    Last edited by alcapps; 02-06-2013 at 10:04 PM.

  10. #10
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    Not sure what you refer to here. There's no button click for regular appending a record, and for the "insert", I want the app to respond to a specific keyboard combo
    So they'd click the 6A record to make it current and hit Ctrl-I.
    I took this to mean a button.... but it really doesn't matter how the code is executed.

    To summarize, I want to take a subset of records that have the same value in one field, and a sequential value in a second field, effectively insert a new record in the middle of them, and increment just the second field for the "inserted" record and any for which the value of that second field is the same as or higher than the new one. A "conditional ripple down" if you will.
    why not do all the looping and incrementing *before* creating the new record. IOW, make a "space" for the new record then pop it in.
    That is what my code example does..
    Lets say you have records:

    ShotNum  ShotNumSuffix
    6              A
    6              B
    6              C
    6              D
    6              E
    Now you want to add a "New" 6 B record. In the table there is no order - it is a bit bucket, everything mixed together. But you do have to deal with the possibility of duplicate suffixes for a given shotnum record.

    If you just add the new record, you have two records with a B suffix. So a "hole" needs to be created to be able to sort the records properly.
    If you loop forward, changing the current "B" record to a "C", you now have two "C" records (instead of two "B" records). How do you know which "C" record to change to a "D"?

    But if you loop backwards, start at the last record "E" and increment it to a "F", there is a hole. If you then change the current "D" to an "E", you have just moved the hole closer to where the new record should be. If you continue that process (a ripple down) - current "C" to "D" and Current "B" to "C" , ther is now a hole for the NEW record "B". There are never duplicate shotnumber suffixes.

    The beauty is, you don't have to know what the highest suffix record is... you start at the highest record, in this case "E", and move backwards to the NEW record position, incrementing the suffixes.
    The "Select Case" structure is to handle cases where there are no records for the shotnumber or there is one record for the shotnumber (shotnumsuffix is empty).

    This is just an explanation of how my code works. As long as you get the results you want, all is good.

    One other thing...
    I noticed in your code you do not have any declarations. (ex. Dim intShotNumber As Integer)
    I strongly suggest you always declare your variables - this will save you hours of debugging. Trying to find where a letter was added, dropped or changed in a variable is REALLY frustrating. Been there, done that (way to much in the spaghetti code Basic days )
    There is a setting to require variable declarations (only affects new code pages once set).

    'you should always have these two lines at the top of every code page
    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit <<- this is what requires variable declarations.

  11. #11
    RonL is offline Competent Performer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssanfu View Post

    But if you loop backwards, start at the last record "E" and increment it to a "F", there is a hole. If you then change the current "D" to an "E", you have just moved the hole closer to where the new record should be. If you continue that process (a ripple down) - current "C" to "D" and Current "B" to "C" , ther is now a hole for the NEW record "B". There are never duplicate shotnumber suffixes.

    The beauty is, you don't have to know what the highest suffix record is... you start at the highest record, in this case "E", and move backwards to the NEW record position, incrementing the suffixes. ..............
    I didn't see a .AddNew in your code snippet, so I'm not sure how the "hole" is filled. Also, in the first case of your select, seems like the first record is having its intentionally blank suffix replaced by ""a", thereby losing that first record. Will study more. Understood the virtue of avoiding creating two records in the loop with the same suffix. That's the insight I came to, albeit much later than you guys did . Note that my do loop starts after the insertion point, even if that point is the first record. (Assuming .FindFirst works the way I think it does. So far, not a problem.) Don't need to know recordcount here either.

    This is just an explanation of how my code works. As long as you get the results you want, all is good.
    Roger that, and thanks again for the guidance.
    I noticed in your code you do not have any declarations. (ex. Dim intShotNumber As Integer)
    I strongly suggest you always declare your variables - this will save you hours of debugging. Trying to find where a letter was added, dropped or changed in a variable is REALLY frustrating. Been there, done that (way to much in the spaghetti code Basic days )
    There is a setting to require variable declarations (only affects new code pages once set).

    'you should always have these two lines at the top of every code page
    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit <<- this is what requires variable declarations.
    Right. Think I mentioned I was omitting the declarations. Was just trying to show the logical core. Will be sure to use Option Explicit. Thanks again. -Ron

  12. #12
    alcapps is offline Competent Performer
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    Are you still able to get th code to work?

  13. #13
    RonL is offline Competent Performer
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    Yes thx. Marked solved.

  14. #14
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    I know this is marked solved.. just answering your questions...

    I didn't see a .AddNew in your code snippet, so I'm not sure how the "hole" is filled.
    In your first post you state
    I have a bound form
    The code is not inserting a new record via the recordset; the bound form handles that (the new record fills the hole). As soon as you enter anything in a new record, it is created in the table. An ".AddNew" is not needed. If there was an ".AddNew" (in my code), there would be two "New" records created.

    Also, in the first case of your select, seems like the first record is having its intentionally blank suffix replaced by ""a", thereby losing that first record.
    That was handling the case where there might already be a shotnum of 6 with a blank shotnumsuffix and you wanted to insert an New shotnum 6 with a New blank shotnumsuffix. Then the current blank shotnumsuffix should become "A". Just trying to cover all possibilities.

    Anyway, glad you have it working the way you want.

  15. #15
    RonL is offline Competent Performer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssanfu View Post
    The code is not inserting a new record via the recordset; the bound form handles that (the new record fills the hole). As soon as you enter anything in a new record, it is created in the table. An ".AddNew" is not needed. If there was an ".AddNew" (in my code), there would be two "New" records created.
    Ok, thanks, now I really do need to study differences between our codes, since I am adding the new record from the recordset. It seems to work, but maybe it's not really robust. I'm still bothered by fact that I can't close that first recordset without nullifying the recordsource of the form.... .

    That was handling the case where there might already be a shotnum of 6 with a blank shotnumsuffix and you wanted to insert an New shotnum 6 with a New blank shotnumsuffix. Then the current blank shotnumsuffix should become "A". Just trying to cover all possibilities.
    Ah, ok. I should have explained at outset, user never wants the initial shotnum repeated without a suffix. The suffix tells him he inserted the record. (No suffix means it was an appendation - ie. simulating adding a new row at bottom of a spreadsheet.)

    Thx again. -Ron

Please reply to this thread with any new information or opinions.

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    Last Post: 04-18-2011, 07:39 AM
  3. Replies: 5
    Last Post: 11-12-2010, 12:10 PM
  4. Newbie seeking input
    By Bruzer in forum Access
    Replies: 1
    Last Post: 04-07-2010, 09:03 AM
  5. Seeking to pruduce rank by year
    By JLR in forum Queries
    Replies: 0
    Last Post: 01-21-2008, 06:10 AM

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