Hello all ,
I recently create some crosstab querys and now i need to implement some WHERE Clauses or you can say it some paremeters and basically this would be a search query .

First of all this is the first time that i am trying to use parameters to crosstab and as i read , i need to define parameters throught the query parameters and i am not sure even if i made it correct.

Here is my query:

PARAMETERS [Forms]![Form1]![Year] Value;
TRANSFORM Nz(Sum(Main.Duration))+0 AS SumOfDuration
SELECT Employee.EmployeeName
FROM Season INNER JOIN (LeaveType INNER JOIN (Employee RIGHT JOIN Main ON Employee.EmployeeID = Main.EmployeeID) ON LeaveType.LeaveID = Main.LeaveID) ON Season.SeasonID = Main.SeasonID
WHERE (((Season.Aseason) Like [Forms]![Form1]![Year] & "*")) OR ((([Forms]![Form1]![Year]) Is Null))

GROUP BY Employee.EmployeeName
PIVOT LeaveType.LeaveType;

(((Season.Aseason) Like [Forms]![Form1]![Year] & "*")) OR ((([Forms]![Form1]![Year]) Is Null))

The bold basiccaly is the parameters that i want to use so i am not sure if the PARAMETERS that i have wrote is correct .
Anyway, when i am in the query and i run it the resutls are correct.
Then i create a report based on my query and when i open it , it ask me the parameters and i am inserting for example 2012 , but it keeps asking me again its like a nested .
When i am writing to it 2013 it produces an error and it says : .. Does not recognize " as a valid field name or expression .
My first thought its that the query is not correct and the second if i need to change some options from the report properties .
Also the user will fill the query parameters throught a form as you can see [Forms]![Form1]![Year] so there would not be any popup/parameter window .