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  1. #1
    lios1984 is offline Novice
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    Problem with code of random assignment of records

    Hi to everyone!!

    I am having trouble with a database I am making. It's about assigning projects randomly to evaluators. Each project must be evaluated by two people. Each evaluator may be assgined only to one project. Assigning the first evaluator is successful but when it gets to assgin the second evaluator it sometimes skips parts of the code (specifically the one that it considers the 2nd evaluator bound). Why does it do that??

    I tried to insert the line tblevaluators.Movefirst before entering the secon Do until..loop about making an evaluator bound.

    Please help me...

    Public Sub random_assignment()
    Dim dbase As Object
    Dim tbltemp_status As Object
    Dim tblevaluators As Object
    Dim tblproject As Object
    Dim rando As Variant
    Dim evalregion As String
    Dim evalname As String
    Dim evalstatus As String
    Dim numfak As Integer
    Dim apprassign As String
    Set dbase = CurrentDb 'Opens database and tables
    Set tbltemp_status = dbase.OpenRecordset("Temporary assignments")
    Set tblevaluators = dbase.OpenRecordset("Evaluators")
    Set tblproject = dbase.OpenRecordset("Projects")
    Do Until tbltemp_status.EOF 'Deletes previous assignments
        With tbltemp_status
        End With
    Do Until tblproject.EOF 'Updates table with projects to be assigned
        If tblproject.[Status] = "Ready to be assigned" Then
            With tbltemp_status
                ![Project number] = tblproject.[Project number]
            End With
        End If
    tbltemp_status.MoveFirst 'Initialize tables
    Do Until tbltemp_status.EOF 'Searches table of projects
        numfak = tbltemp_status.[Project number]
        apprassign = 1
        Do Until apprassign = "0" 'Function eval is called until its value is 0
            rando = Rand(1, DCount("[ID]", "Evaluators", "[Evaluator_Status] = 'Available'"))
            evalname = DLookup("[Evaluator name]", "[Evaluators]", "[ID] =" & rando) 
            evalregion = DLookup("[Evaluator region]", "[Evaluators]", "[ID] =" & rando)
            evalstatus = DLookup("[Evaluator_Status]", "[Evaluators]", "[ID] =" & rando)
            apprassign = eval(evalregion, evalstatus, numfak) 
        With tbltemp_status 'Insert evaluator's name
            .Fields("Assign to 1st evaluator") = evalname
        End With
        Do Until tblevaluators.EOF 'Evaluator is temporarily taken out of the selection group
            If tblevaluators.[Evaluator name] = evalname Then
               tblevaluators![Evaluator_Status] = "Bound"
            End If
        apprassign = "1"
        Do Until apprassign = "0" 'Function eval is called until its value is 0
            rando = Rand(1, DCount("[ID]", "Evaluators", "[Evaluator_Status] = 'Available'"))
            evalname = DLookup("[Evaluator name]", "[Evaluators]", "[ID] =" & rando) 
            evalregion = DLookup("[Evaluator region]", "[Evaluators]", "[ID] =" & rando)
            evalstatus = DLookup("[Evaluator_Status]", "[Evaluators]", "[ID] =" & rando)
            apprassign = eval(evalregion, evalstatus, numfak) ' Καλείται η συνάρτηση που ελέγχει τα κωλύματα του αξιολογητή
        With tbltemp_status
            .Fields("Assign to 2nd evaluator") = evalname
        End With
        Do Until tblevaluators.EOF
            If tblevaluators.[Evaluator name] = evalname Then
               tblevaluators![Evaluator_Status] = "Bound"
               Exit Do
            End If
        tbltemp_status.MoveNext 'Move to next record
    tblevaluators.MoveFirst 'Initialize table
    Do Until tblevaluators.EOF 'Restore all evaluators in order to be random selected again on next round of assignments
        If tblevaluators.[Evaluator_Status] = "Bound" Then
           tblevaluators![Evaluator_Status] = "Available"
        End If
    DoCmd.OpenReport "Assignment", acViewPreview 'Open report with assginments
    'Close tables and database
    Set tblproject = Nothing
    Set tbltemp_status = Nothing
    Set tblevaluators = Nothing
    Set dbase = Nothing
    End Sub

  2. #2
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    I've been looking at your code and have a few questions.

    You have:

    rando = Rand(1, DCount("[ID]", "Evaluators", "[Evaluator_Status] = 'Available'"))
    Q) Why are you using the Excel worksheet function "Rand()" in the code?

    apprassign = Eval(evalregion, evalstatus, numfak)
    Q) What is EVAL?? A custom function? It is the same name as a built in function.
    I tried the following to test the Eval code and it failed:
    Sub MyTEst()
       Dim evalregion As String
       Dim evalname As String
       Dim evalstatus As String
       Dim apprassign As String
       Dim numfak As Integer
       numfak = 1000
       evalregion = "East"
       evalname = "Jack"
       evalstatus = "Bound"
       apprassign = Eval(evalregion, evalstatus, numfak)
       MsgBox apprassign
    End Sub
    In the "Assign to 2nd evaluator" code, it looks like there might be some corruption:

    apprassign = Eval(evalregion, evalstatus, numfak) ' Καλείται η συνάρτηση που ελέγχει τα κωλύματα του αξιολογητή

  3. #3
    lios1984 is offline Novice
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    Rand() is a function I created instead of adding it each time as line of the primary code.

    Eval is a function I created in order to check some of the evaluator's characteristics. For example, it checks whether the evaluator is Available or the evaluator is in the same region as the project is.

    The corruption you mention is merely some comments in a Greek font that is not recognized. Ignore it.

  4. #4
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    I would suggest changing "Eval" to a different name since it is a native Access function.... maybe "ChkEval".

    Would you post the Rand() and your Eval() functions?

    There are a few things that I would change in your code, but I would like to see your functions and try to execute the code before I post my change suggestions.

  5. #5
    lios1984 is offline Novice
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    Of course!!! I would really appreciate your help on this problem.

    Public Function Rand(ByVal Low As Long, _
                         ByVal High As Long) As Long
    Rand = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd) + Low
    End Function
    Function eval(evalregion As String, evalstatus As String, numfak As Integer) As String
    Dim region As Variant
    Dim tblproject As Object
    Set dbase = CurrentDb
    Set tblproject = dbase.OpenRecordset("Projects")
    region = DLookup("[Region]", "[Projects]", "[Project number] =" & numfak)
    If evalstatus = "Available" Then
        If region = evalregion Then
            eval = "False"
            eval = "True"
        End If
        eval = "False"
    End If
    Set tblproject = Nothing
    Set dbase = Nothing
    End Function

  6. #6
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    In reviewing your code, I have found a couple of things:
    * there are a couple of undeclared variables - do you have "Option Explicit" at the top of the module?
    * the variable "apprassign" was defined as a string but you had a number 1 assigned to it. (1 is not the same as a "1")
    * you have "Do Until apprassign = "0", but the custom function "Eval" returns the text string "True" or "False".....

    You used loops to clear a table and/or do updates.... I changed them to SQL statements.

    In a COPY of your database, replace your code with mine and test it.... Please use a copy of your mdb, since I couldn't test the code.

    Here are the 3 procedures:
    (uses DAO - will need a reference set to Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library)
    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Public Sub random_assignment()
        Dim dbase As DAO.Database
        Dim rsTemp_status As DAO.Recordset
        Dim rsEvaluators As DAO.Recordset
        Dim rsProject As DAO.Recordset
        Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
        Dim sSQL As String
        Dim rando As Variant
        Dim evalregion As String
        Dim evalname As String
        Dim evalstatus As String
        Dim apprassign As Boolean
        Dim numfak As Integer
        Set dbase = CurrentDb
        'SS ------- Deletes previous assignments
        dbase.Execute ("DELETE * FROM [Temporary assignments]"), dbFailOnError
        'Opens recordsets
        Set rsTemp_status = dbase.OpenRecordset("Temporary assignments")
        Set rsEvaluators = dbase.OpenRecordset("Evaluators")
        Set rsProject = dbase.OpenRecordset("Projects")
        'SS ------- Updates table with projects to be assigned
        sSQL = "INSERT INTO [Temporary assignments] ( [Project number] )"
        sSQL = sSQL & " SELECT Projects.[Project number]"
        sSQL = sSQL & " FROM Projects"
        sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE [Status] = 'Ready to be assigned';"
        dbase.Execute (sSQL), dbFailOnError
        'move to beginning of recordset
        'Searches table of projects
        Do Until rsTemp_status.EOF
            numfak = rsTemp_status![Project number]
            'select the 1st evaluator
            apprassign = True
            Do Until apprassign = False   'Function eval is called until its value is False
                rando = Rand(1, DCount("[ID]", "Evaluators", "[Evaluator_Status] = 'Available'"))
                sSQL = "SELECT [Evaluator name],[Evaluator region],[Evaluator_Status]"
                sSQL = sSQL & " FROM Evaluators"
                sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE [ID] = " & rando
                Set rs = dbase.OpenRecordset(sSQL)
                'check for record
                If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
                    evalname = rs![Evaluator name]
                    evalregion = rs![Evaluator region]
                    evalstatus = rs![Evaluator_Status]
                    ' returns a boolean - True or False
                    apprassign = GetEval(evalregion, evalstatus, numfak)
                End If
            With rsTemp_status   'Insert evaluator's name
                .Fields("Assign to 1st evaluator") = evalname
            End With
            'SS ------ Evaluator is temporarily taken out of the selection group
            sSQL = "UPDATE tblevaluators "
            sSQL = sSQL & " SET tblevaluators.[Evaluator_Status] = 'Bound'"
            sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE tblevaluators![Evaluator name] = '" & evalname & "';"
            dbase.Execute (sSQL), dbFailOnError
            'select the 2nd evaluator
            apprassign = True
            Do Until apprassign = False   'Function eval is called until its value is False
                rando = Rand(1, DCount("[ID]", "Evaluators", "[Evaluator_Status] = 'Available'"))
                sSQL = "SELECT [Evaluator name],[Evaluator region],[Evaluator_Status]"
                sSQL = sSQL & " FROM Evaluators"
                sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE [ID] = " & rando
                Set rs = dbase.OpenRecordset(sSQL)
                If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
                    evalname = rs![Evaluator name]
                    evalregion = rs![Evaluator region]
                    evalstatus = rs![Evaluator_Status]
                    ' returns a boolean - True or False
                    apprassign = GetEval(evalregion, evalstatus, numfak)
                End If
            With rsTemp_status
                .Fields("Assign to 2nd evaluator") = evalname
            End With
            sSQL = "UPDATE tblevaluators "
            sSQL = sSQL & " SET tblevaluators.[Evaluator_Status] = 'Bound'"
            sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE tblevaluators![Evaluator name] = '" & evalname & "';"
            dbase.Execute (sSQL), dbFailOnError
        'Restore all evaluators in order to be random selected again on next round of assignments
        sSQL = "UPDATE tblevaluators "
        sSQL = sSQL & " SET tblevaluators.[Evaluator_Status] = 'Available'"
        sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE tblevaluators![Evaluator_Status] = 'Bound';"
        dbase.Execute (sSQL), dbFailOnError
        DoCmd.OpenReport "Assignment", acViewPreview   'Open report with assginments
        'Close tables and database
        Set rsProject = Nothing
        Set rsTemp_status = Nothing
        Set rsEvaluators = Nothing
        Set rs = Nothing
        Set dbase = Nothing
    End Sub
    Public Function Rand(ByVal Low As Long, ByVal High As Long) As Long
       Rand = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd) + Low
    End Function
    Function GetEval(evalregion As String, evalstatus As String, numfak As Integer) As Boolean
       Dim region As String
       Dim dbase As DAO.Database
       Dim tblproject As DAO.Recordset
       Set dbase = CurrentDb
       'default return value to "False"
       GetEval = False
       Set tblproject = dbase.OpenRecordset("SELECT Region FROM Projects WHERE [Project number] = " & numfak)
       If Not (tblproject.BOF And tblproject.EOF) Then
          region = tblproject!region
       End If
       If evalstatus = "Available" Then
          If region = evalregion Then
             GetEval = False
             GetEval = True
          End If
       End If
       Set tblproject = Nothing
       Set dbase = Nothing
    End Function

  7. #7
    lios1984 is offline Novice
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    Thank you very much for your help. I used the code in a copy of my database and it gives me "runtime error 3251: This operation is not supported by this type of object" (I traslated the error message as it's in greek for me). The debugger points to the line: rsTemp_status.Requery.

    What can I do??

    I feel like we're close to the solution..

  8. #8
    lios1984 is offline Novice
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    Now that I tried to run it again it gives me an other error: "runtime error 3061: Too few parameters. 2 were expected" and the debugger points to the line: dbase.Execute (sSQL), dbFailOnError

    It seems that something is going on between those lines...

  9. #9
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    OK, which "dbase.Execute (sSQL), dbFailOnError"?? There are several.
    Do you know how to set a breakpoint; set it at "Public Sub random_assignment()", then single step through the code.

  10. #10
    lios1984 is offline Novice
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    The one in line 38.

    Sorry that I can't be more useful but I haven't really used breakpoints. I tried Step Into if you that is what you mean. If not, I'd like it if you showed me some of the tricks of the art.

  11. #11
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    Any chance that you could convert your database to A2K or A2K3?

    Failing that, add this line (in blue) to the code. While on the Debug line, press F9. That sets a breakpoint. Open the Immediate Window (Ctrl-G, or menu bar "View/Immediate Window)
    Execute the code. It will stop when it hits the breakpoint. Press the F8 key ("Step Into" aka "Single step") one time. Copy what is in the immediate window and post it.

        'SS ------- Updates table with projects to be assigned
        sSQL = "INSERT INTO [Temporary assignments] ( [Project number] )"
        sSQL = sSQL & " SELECT Projects.[Project number]"
        sSQL = sSQL & " FROM Projects"
        sSQL = sSQL & " WHERE [Status] = 'Ready to be assigned';"
        Debug.Print sSQL
        dbase.Execute (sSQL), dbFailOnError
    Last edited by ssanfu; 04-14-2012 at 12:47 PM. Reason: helps to include the code :(

  12. #12
    lios1984 is offline Novice
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    I followed your instructions and this comes up in the Immediate window:

    INSERT INTO [Temporary assignments] ( [Project number] ) SELECT Projects.[Project number] FROM Projects WHERE [Status] = 'Ready to be assigned';

  13. #13
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    OK. The SQL looks correct

    You have a table named "Temporary assignments"?? (FYI, shouldn't use spaces in object names.)
    There is a field named "Project number"?

    In the "Projects" table, is there a field named "Project number"? And a field named "Status"?

    Are the field types for both "Project number" field the same?

    If you copy the SQL string and paste it into a new query, will it execute?

  14. #14
    lios1984 is offline Novice
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    I fixed that. I was too blind to see that I mispelled Status!!!!!

    Now it has the same error I mentioned above:

    Thank you very much for your help. I used the code in a copy of my database and it gives me "runtime error 3251: This operation is not supported by this type of object" (I traslated the error message as it's in greek for me). The debugger points to the line: rsTemp_status.Requery.

    What can I do??

    Sorry but I can't post the database to make it easier to fix.

Please reply to this thread with any new information or opinions.

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