I have VBA code that used to work until we started using mysql for the tables. When the one forms is opened, it checks to see if all the check boxes are blank or not. If all the check boxes are blank then the close form button that I added is grayed out and then once you put a check in any of the boxes the close form button becomes active. But since the tables are stored in mysql, the check boxes are now stored table side in mysql as a 0 or -1 instead of the Yes/No. My question is, since the tables dont use Yes/No anymore, what can I use in my code or change in the mysql table side to make this work again. Here is a peice of the code that used to work before storing the tables in mysql.

CalledContactMadeChangesMade = No And NoActionNoReason = No Then Command17.Enabled = False Else Command17.Enabled = True

