Hi to all. This is my first post so hallo.

I have a problem. In my company we are using Office 2010 with 3 language packs Polish Duth and English.
I created small Access database in Polish but users in different language are having problem to use it.

Why because in queries i use criteria like:

>=[Formularze]![FindKandidate]![AgeFrom] And <=[Formularze]![FindKandidate]![AgeTill]

and in Polish version it is working perfect, but in EN version it should be

>=[Form]![FindKandidate]![AgeFrom] And <=[Form]![FindKandidate]![AgeTill]

If i make it like this then it is working ok in EN but not in PL

So my question is how can I address to my form that it will be working in both versions?
Or it is possible to change in office 2010 only the language to one app (access)? SO leave Word and etc to PL add access only to EN
