I am a newbie to access and this forum so be gentle.
I have included alot here to give as much detail as possible if it is too muxh tell me and next tiem I will do better.

I have been reading everything I can find but still cannot resolve my issue so here it goes:

In a Web Database

I have Info table that lists data in 4 columns:
  1. ID-auto generated
  2. Prod- text
  3. Acronym- text
  4. version- text
  5. RefCode- text (concantenated using Acronym+Version)
In a second table Details I am using a Form to collect additional data. I have ComboBox that queires the RefCode (#5) above.
SELECT TZ_Products_Version.ID, TZ_Products_Version.Prod_RefCode FROM TZ_Products_Version ORDER BY TZ_Products_Version.Prod_RefCode;
Now is where the problem starts. Using the MACRO Editor I have a After Update Embedded UI macro (shown below) to auto fill the version based on the value in the RefCode field.

This UI Macro Calls a Data Macro to get return the value.

For What ever reason I cannot get the <Argument Name="Value">[Prod]</Argument> to return any value. Every time I proceed I get that
Data mismatch in Criteria expression error.

If I change the argument to a exrpession with quotes like this it works <Argument Name="Value">"Show this vaue"</Argument>. But that is not what I want.

Is there somethng special I need to do to return data to a field from a web database?

Thanks for any help

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UI Macro
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="no"?>
<UserInterfaceMacros xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/accessservices/2009/11/application">
<UserInterfaceMacro For="cboTZProductCode" Event="AfterUpdate">
<Action Name="RunDataMacro">
<Argument Name="MacroName">TZ_Products_Version.GetTZProductName</Argument>
<Parameter Name="prmTZProductID" Value="[cboTZProductCode]"/>
<Action Name="SetProperty">
<Argument Name="ControlName">Text94</Argument>
<Argument Name="Property">Value</Argument>
<Argument Name="Value">=[ReturnVars]![retProductName]</Argument>
<DataMacros xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/accessservices/2009/11/application">
<DataMacro Name="GetTZProductName">
<Parameter Name="prmTZProductID" Description="TZ Product ID"/>
<Action Name="SetReturnVar">
<Argument Name="Name">retProductName</Argument>
<Argument Name="Value">Null</Argument>
<Reference Source="TZ_Products_Version"/>
<Property Source="TZ_Products_Version" Name="ID"/>
<Property Source="TZ_Products_Version" Name="Prod"/>
<Action Name="SetReturnVar">
<Argument Name="Name">retProductName</Argument>
<Argument Name="Value">[Prod]</Argument>