Hello, I'm new to this forums.
I have come seeking help in creating a particular search query in Microsoft access.
I have 4 tables in my database:

Predicate Table
PredID|	Predicate|	SentID
"1"	|	"Have" | "1"
Sentence Table
SentID|	SentencesSubject|	ObjectID|	Sentence
"1"	|	"Hawaii"	 | "1" | "Hotels in Hawaii that have scuba"
Object Table

ObjectID|	DirectObject
"1"	 | "Scuba"
Synonymous Table
SynID |	PredID	|Syn1	 | Syn2|	 Syn3|	 Syn4
"1" | "1" |"Include" | "Involve" | "Offer" |"Contain"
This is the current query I have:
SELECT Sentences.Sentence
FROM (Objects INNER JOIN (Predicates INNER JOIN Sentences ON Predicates.SentID = Sentences.SentID) ON Objects.ObjectID = Sentences.ObjectID) INNER JOIN Synonyms ON Predicates.PredID = Synonyms.PredID
WHERE (((Predicates.Predicate) Like ["Enter Predicate"]) AND ((Sentences.SentencesSubject) Like ["Enter Subject"]) AND ((Objects.DirectObject) Like ["Enter Object"]));

Now what the database does is asks the user for 3 inputs (Predicate, Subject and Object) in order to display a result (Sentences). I have that part working.
Now my issues is, lets say the user instead of inputting the Predicate "Have" he instead inputs one of the Synonymous "Include, Involve etc." Then the user should still get the same result (Sentence) if he had input the original Predicate instead of one of the synonymous. I have been trying to work this out for the past 8 hours and no luck. I've tried Google to look for the answer but no luck.

So it would be great if one of you could help me out, that would be really great.

Thank you (I hope I have clearly stated the issue and made it easy to understand, if not feel free to ask questions.)