I am not more than a advanced MS Access user with limited programming skils. On a form I made a field with a combination of different field types. I want ot use it to clip some information as plain text to my wordprocessor. Works fine! BUT now I want to format the Time and date in short time and long date. I just can't get this to work. Anyone out there who is willing to help me?

Sorry for the Dutch names. [startdatum] is the date field and [van1] etc are the time fields.

=([naamlocatie] & "
" & [bezoekadres] & "
" & [bezoekpc] & " " & [bezoekplaats] & " Tel: " & [Tzwembaden.telefoon] & "
" & [internet] & "
ID-cursus: " & [ID-cursus] & "
Startdatum: " & [startdatum] & "
Eerst: " & [activiteit1] & " van " & [van1] & " tot " & [tot1] & "
Daarna: " & [activiteit2] & " van " & [van2] & " tot " & [tot2])