Dear All,

I have a query that contains the following recordset:
UserID Username HolidayDate Status StatusMan ManActionDate bekesikr Bekesi Krisztina 2011.05.20. Szabadság/Holiday Elbírálás alatt/Pending approval 2011.05.24. bekesikr Bekesi Krisztina 2011.05.13. Szabadság/Holiday Elbírálás alatt/Pending approval 2011.05.24. u565873 Pataki Peter 2011.05.30. Szabadság/Holiday Elbírálás alatt/Pending approval 2011.05.24. u565873 Pataki Peter 2011.05.27. Szabadság/Holiday Elbírálás alatt/Pending approval 2011.05.24.
what I would like to achieve is that the first two records are sent to userID bekesikr and the last 2 rows are sent to userID u565873

Could you please advise?
Many thanks