Good morning everyone,

I'm new to the site (and to access). I'm waiting to take some access courses shortly but I really want to get cracking on this DB that my father in-law has been using for too long.

So here's the problem, my father in-law is looking for is a way to print reports based on a selected taxcategory. The PO form has a drop down for taxcategory so each PO record is assigned a taxcategory. Here is the SQL for the Combo box.

Row source: SELECT TaxCategory.TaxCategoryID, TaxCategory.TaxCategory
FROM TaxCategory ORDER BY TaxCategory.[TaxCategoryID];

So my first issue is this: I tried coping the combo box from the PO form to the report form but it won't let me select a value (but I can see all the values), I get the Microsoft "beep" when I try to select a category.

Right now he can select a radio button for All / Paid / Unpaid and he can enter two dates. What I was hoping was to be able to use the Combo Box selection (by default or if no value was selected it would pull records) and make it part of the report (way above my head right now)... Here's what I see when I look at the button for the Report screen.

Dim strDocName As String, strQuirie As String, stQry As String

strQuirie = "POItemQry"
'strDocName = "POSummary"
If [Text10] >= HSTDate Then
strDocName = "POSummaryHST"
strDocName = "POSummary"
End If

Dim mValue, mTitle

Text16.Visible = True

If Me!Option3.Value = -1 Then
Text16.Value = "All Purchase Orders Issued Between " & Format([Text10], "yy/mm/dd") & " And " & Format([Text12], "yy/mm/dd")
stQry = "Date >=#" & [Text10] & "# and Date<=#" & [Text12] & "#"
If Me.Option5.Value = -1 Then
Text16.Value = "All Purchase Orders Paid Between " & [Text10] & " And " & [Text12]
stQry = "DatePaid >=#" & [Text10] & "# and DatePaid<=#" & [Text12] & "#"
'strDocName = "POPaid"
If [Text10] >= HSTDate Then
strDocName = "POPaidHST"
strDocName = "POPaid"
End If
If Me.Option7.Value = -1 Then
Text16.Value = "All Unpaid Purchase Orders Issued Between " & [Text10] & " And " & [Text12]
stQry = "Date >=#" & [Text10] & "# and Date<=#" & [Text12] & "# and IsNull(DatePaid)"
End If
End If
End If
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response, MyString

Msg = "Print Preview Only ?" ' Define message.
Style = vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 ' Define buttons.
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbYes Then ' User chose Yes.
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acPreview, strQuirie, stQry

DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acNormal, strQuirie, stQry
End If
Text16.Visible = False

Sorry about if I'm asking advanced questions for a n00b and I also hope this is in the correct section.

Thanks for any comments and suggestions.