
It's been a long time since I have looked at my old database, and I am now trying to add in another table.

Basically my entire database is for a small business. It needs to hold information in regards to customers, Their till repairs, deliveries to customers, and Loan machines that we have sent them.

I don't know the best way to do this, and everytime I try using a table with lookups, I don't get the information to display correctly.

I have 3 tables of information that are required for the Current_Loan table. They are:
Loan Equipment

What I want to be able to do is:

When I open up the current loan table, I need to be able to select the Loan Till ID, then select the RA number that it corresponds too. I want it then to automatically fill the customer information and the RA information automatically. But I am still required to type this in manually.

As I have not done alot of work with Access before I am not sure if I should create a query that writes this information to a table, or if I should create a form with a subform for the customer and Till repair.

Any suggestions?