I am entering data from an Access form to a field in a web browser control in the follwoing instance successfully.... where i.e. id=id_somedata

<input datafld="rid" size="13" maxlength="12" onchange="handleRecipientPhys(this);" id="id_somedata" />

I am submitting by using the following
Private Sub cmdSetHTMLClaim_Click()
Dim data As String
If IsNull(Me.somedataID) Then
data = ""
data = Me.somedataID
End If
SetBrowserData "SetTextboxValue", data
End Sub

Private Sub SetBrowserData(ByVal FunctionName As String, ByVal data As String)
wbInstance.Document.GetElementById("id_somedata"). Value = data
'Execute javascript function
While wbInstance.Busy
End Sub

My Problem is the following line and properly referencing the control etc... How do i insert into "sak_diag" and "dce_diag" ???
<table id="diag">
Etc. Etc. Etc.
<input datafld="sak_diag" style="display: none" />
<input datafld="cde_diag" size="5" maxlength="5"

Thank You