Hi people,

I'm new to this forum and was wondering if someone could offer me a little bit of help please. I'm fairly new to Access and someone gave me a copy of NorthWind db to have a look at. So far I have created my own db but i'm a little bit stuck, the part that I wanted to take from the northwind db it was how in the Order tables you can view customers details (it takes the CustomerID and all the info from the customer table), I didnt know how the creator of the Northwind db did this so I looked at the table in design view and found they used a lookup method (which I have tried to use in my db but I dont know how to, I have checked all the filed properties but its doesnlt let me look up).

What I am trying to do is simple I have a contacts table which has the following fields:

Contact ID PK

Company ID FK
First Name
Last Name

I have created a form and in that form I have changed the Company ID from a text box to a combo box, what I am trying to do is basically show all the Company names in the Company table in this combobox (I have CompanyID in both tables and in the Company table it is set as auto number and in the contact table it is set as number) . However when i want to save data in to the contacts table I want to save it as the Company ID and not as the company name - is this possible?

Thank you very much.