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  1. #1
    hung_ko is offline Novice
    Windows XP Access 2007
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    Dec 2010

    unwanted "enter parameter value" popup when OpenReport is called

    Hi, i have a query in this Sub and need to print the result to a report. everything works fine, except that there will be several popup windows prompt for waveform11, freqMin, freqMax, and freqRate.
    it didn't prompt for title and id which are the 1st 2 fields in the select statement though.

    is there a way to turn off the popup?

    thank you for help

    Sub RunReport()

    Dim db As DAO.Database ' database object
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset ' recordset object
    Dim fld As DAO.Field ' recordset field
    Dim txtNew As Access.TextBox ' textbox control
    Dim lblNew As Access.Label ' label control
    Dim rpt As Report ' hold report object
    Dim lngTop As Long ' holds top value of control position
    Dim lngLeft As Long ' holds left value of controls position
    Dim title As String 'holds title of report
    Dim strSql As String

    'set the title
    title = "Title for the Report"

    ' initialise position variables
    lngLeft = 0
    lngTop = 0

    'Create the report
    Set rpt = CreateReport

    ' set properties of the Report
    strSql = "select rv.radio_variant_title_tx as title, rv.radio_variant_id_cd as id " + "from radio_variant rv where rv.radio_variant_id_cd = 0"

    With rpt
    .Width = 18500
    .RecordSource = strSql
    .Caption = title
    End With
    ' Create Label Title
    Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, _
    acPageHeader, , "Title", 0, 0)
    lblNew.FontBold = True
    lblNew.FontSize = 12

    strSql = "select rv.radio_variant_title_tx as title, rv.radio_variant_id_cd as id, " + _
    "w.waveform_title_tx as waveform11, " + _
    "frl.freq_min as freqMin, " + _
    "frl.freq_max as freqMax, " + _
    "br.bandwidth_rate_title_tx as freqRate " + _
    "from radio_variant as rv, variant_waveform_link as vwl, waveform as w, freq_range_link as frl, bandwidth_rate as br " + _
    "where rv.radio_variant_id_cd = vwl.[Radio Variant] and " + _
    "vwl.[Waveform] = 27 and " + _
    "vwl.[Waveform] = w.waveform_id_cd and " + _

    "frl.parent_id_cd = w.waveform_id_cd and " + _
    "frl.[Frequency Rate] = br.bandwidth_rate_id_cd"

    'Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql, Type:=dbOpenDynaset)

    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)

    ' Create corresponding label and text box controls for each field.
    For Each fld In rs.Fields

    ' Create new text box control and size to fit data.
    Set txtNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acTextBox, _
    acDetail, , fld.Name, lngLeft + 1500, lngTop)

    ' Create new label control and size to fit data.
    Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, acDetail, _
    txtNew.Name, fld.Name, lngLeft, lngTop, 1400, txtNew.Height)

    ' Increment top value for next control
    lngLeft = lngLeft + txtNew.Width + 25
    'lngTop = lngTop + txtNew.Height + 10

    lngLeft = 0
    lngTop = lngTop + txtNew.Height + 10

    Dim id As String
    Dim recordTitle As String
    Dim waveform As String
    Dim freqMin As String
    Dim freqMax As String
    Dim freqRate As String

    'Debug.Print strSql

    While Not rs.EOF

    recordTitle = rs.Fields("title")
    id = rs.Fields("id")
    waveform = rs.Fields("waveform11")
    freqMin = rs.Fields("freqMin")
    freqMax = rs.Fields("freqMax")
    freqRate = rs.Fields("freqRate")

    Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, acDetail, , recordTitle, lngLeft, lngTop, 1400, txtNew.Height)
    lngLeft = lngLeft + txtNew.Width + 25

    Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, acDetail, , id, lngLeft, lngTop, 1400, txtNew.Height)
    lngLeft = lngLeft + txtNew.Width + 25

    Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, acDetail, , waveform, lngLeft, lngTop, 1400, txtNew.Height)
    lngLeft = lngLeft + txtNew.Width + 25

    Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, acDetail, , freqMin, lngLeft, lngTop, 1400, txtNew.Height)
    lngLeft = lngLeft + txtNew.Width + 25

    Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, acDetail, , freqMax, lngLeft, lngTop, 1400, txtNew.Height)
    lngLeft = lngLeft + txtNew.Width + 25

    Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, acDetail, , freqRate, lngLeft, lngTop, 1400, txtNew.Height)
    lngTop = lngTop + txtNew.Height + 10
    lngLeft = 0



    ' Create datestamp in Footer
    Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, _
    acPageFooter, , Now(), 0, 0)

    ' Create page numbering on footer
    Set txtNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acTextBox, _
    acPageFooter, , "='Page ' & [Page] & ' of ' & [Pages]", rpt.Width - 1000, 0)

    ' Open new report.
    DoCmd.OpenReport rpt.Name, acViewPreview
    'reset all objects
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set rpt = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing

    End Sub

  2. #2
    hung_ko is offline Novice
    Windows XP Access 2007
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i forgot to mention that it seems the popup show after
    DoCmd.OpenReport rpt.Name, acViewPreview is called

    i really need to turn the popups off, thanks

  3. #3
    weekend00 is offline I may not be right
    Windows XP Access 2003
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    the popup is from the report, not from the code. actually, from the query (data source) of the report, so please check the data source of the report

  4. #4
    hung_ko is offline Novice
    Windows XP Access 2007
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hi, Weekend.
    could you be more specific?
    all i have is a select query and i had gotten rid of all the alias for fields and tables
    but it will still prompt for all fields that i selected
    it DIDN'T prompt for radio_variant_title_tx though

    any ideas? thank you
    strSql = "select radio_family.radio_family_title_tx, " + _
    "radio_variant.radio_variant_title_tx, " + _
    "waveform.waveform_title_tx, " + _
    "freq_range_link.freq_min, " + _
    "freq_range_link.freq_max, " + _
    "bandwidth_rate.bandwidth_rate_title_tx, " + _
    "freq_modulation.freq_modulation_title_tx, " + _
    "comsec_device.comsec_device_title_tx, " + _
    "comsec_device.internal_ind, service.service_title_tx " + _
    "from radio_family, radio_variant, variant_waveform_link, " + _
    "waveform, freq_range_link, bandwidth_rate, freq_modulation_link, " + _
    "freq_modulation, variant_comsec_link, comsec_device, " + _
    "variant_platform_link, platform , service " + _
    "where radio_variant.radio_variant_id_cd = variant_waveform_link.[Radio Variant] " + _
    "and radio_family.radio_family_id_cd = radio_variant.[Radio Family] " + _
    "and variant_waveform_link.[Waveform] = waveform.waveform_id_cd " + _
    "and freq_range_link.parent_id_cd = waveform.waveform_id_cd " + _
    "and freq_range_link.[Frequency Rate] = bandwidth_rate.bandwidth_rate_id_cd " + _
    "and freq_modulation_link.parent_id_cd = waveform.waveform_id_cd " + _
    "and freq_modulation_link.[Frequency Modulation] = freq_modulation.freq_modulation_id_cd " + _
    "and variant_comsec_link.[Radio Variant] = radio_variant.radio_variant_id_cd " + _
    "and variant_comsec_link.[Comsec Device] = comsec_device.comsec_device_id_cd " + _
    "and variant_platform_link.[Radio Variant] = radio_variant.radio_variant_id_cd " + _
    "and variant_platform_link.[Platform] = platform.platform_id_cd " + _
    "and platform.[Service] = service.service_id_cd "

  5. #5
    weekend00 is offline I may not be right
    Windows XP Access 2003
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    the easy way to create a query is using Access Designer ( query in design view), you can inner join all the tables easily. run the query to confirm the syntax is correct.

    after finish the design, go to SQL view, copy and paste the code to you VBA editor,

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