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  1. #1
    RMittelman is offline Advanced
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    Problems Executing SavedQuery in Code


    I am trying to execute an Access 2007 saved query from my VBA code, and am encountering some weirdness. The function below should return a recordset from the specified saved query. I have hard-coded the query name and the parameters for simplicity.

    Using ADOX, I can see what the query parameters are, and my function loads each parameter, including trimming the length of string-type parameters if needed.

    The proper record IS being returned in the recordset. I have the particular fields, which I can access by:
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs=MyTest
    ? rs.Fields(0)
    ? rs.Fields(fieldName)
    , etc.

    The weirdness is that I can't get the AbsolutePosition or RecordCount properties after invoking the function. They both return -1. My calling code wants to test for a valid result by saying
    If rs.AbsolutePosition = 1 Then


    But, this isn't working. I've tried playing with properties of the recordset object, the command object & the catalog object, to no avail.

    Any ideas?
    Friend Function myTest() As ADODB.RecordSet
        Dim cmd             As New ADODB.Command
        Dim rs              As ADODB.RecordSet
        Dim cat             As New ADOX.Catalog
        Dim parmType        As ADODB.DataTypeEnum
        Dim parmsSupplied   As Integer
        Dim parmVal         As Variant
        Dim parmNo          As Integer
        Dim tries           As Integer
        Dim params()        As Variant
        Const my_query      As String = "GetPellAmountForProfile"
        On Error GoTo err_handler
        params = Array(1519, 500)
        cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
        tries = 0
        'If query not found as an ADOX Procedure, try finding it as an ADOX View.
        If tries = 0 Then
            Set cmd = cat.Procedures(my_query).Command
            Set cmd = cat.Views(my_query).Command
        End If
        parmsSupplied = UBound(params) - LBound(params) + 1
        If parmsSupplied = cmd.Parameters.Count Then
            For parmNo = 0 To cmd.Parameters.Count - 1
                With cmd.Parameters(parmNo)
                    parmVal = params(parmNo)
                    Select Case .Type
                        Case adBSTR, adChar, adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar, adVarChar, adVarWChar, adWChar
                            parmVal = Left$(parmVal, .Size - 1)
                    End Select
                    .Value = parmVal
                End With
            Set rs = cmd.Execute
            Set myTest = rs
            Set cmd = Nothing
            Set rs = Nothing
            Set cat = Nothing
            myError = "Wrong number of parameter values supplied. Expected " & CStr(cmd.Parameters.Count)
        End If 'Right number of parameters supplied.
        On Error Resume Next
        Set cat = Nothing
        On Error GoTo 0
        Exit Function
        'Could be a view, not a procedure.
        If Err.Number = 3265 Then
            If tries = 0 Then
                tries = 1
                Resume find_cmd
                update_query_params = False
                Resume exit_handler
            End If
            update_query_params = False
            myError = Err.Description
            Resume exit_handler
        End If
    End Function

  2. #2
    ajetrumpet is offline VIP
    Windows Vista Access 2007
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    Mar 2010
    those properties are probably returning -1 because you havent opened the recordset with:


  3. #3
    RMittelman is offline Advanced
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    Simi Valley, CA
    Thanks, Adam, but no cigar. I already tried that. When I execute a move first, I get the old "Either BOF or EOF is true..." error. If I was opening a recordset from the connection object, I would open the connection and set it's cursor location to client before opening the recordset. Since I'm opening the command from the ADOX catalog instead, there's nothing I can set.

    It still works, but I can't test the recordset for "okayness" before accessing the fields.

    Any other ideas?


  4. #4
    ajetrumpet is offline VIP
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    set it's cursor location to client before opening the recordset.
    I have absolutely NO idea what you mean by that. I don't use ADOX often. I don't even have any experience with .command, so i'm not sure what to tell ya.

    all I know is that -1 for those properties usually appears because you haven't opened the actual RECORDS in a recordset, just opened the recordset object. that applies to both ADO and DAO.

  5. #5
    RMittelman is offline Advanced
    Windows XP Access 2007
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    Simi Valley, CA
    Thanks, Adam. And yes, I know you are correct about that. Normally, you open a recordset object using a connection. A -1 means an empty recordset. In my case, I know it is not empty, because even though trying to get the AbsolutePosition property or the RecordCount property returns -1, I can still get the field values themselves. I can't issue a MoveFirst or MoveNext however, without getting an error.

    This is fine if I only queried a 1-record dataset, but there is not a way to verify that the query worked, other than asking for the field values.

    As far as UseClient goes, it is a setting that you apply to either the connection object or the recordset object before actually opening the recordset. You apply it to the CursorLocation property. It can either be UseServer or UseClient, and tells where the data actually resides when you have obtained it. Usually, if you use the server location, you don't have access to the RecordCount property.

    ADOX is a set of extensions to ADO, which give you a bunch more information. For example, If you open a query object in ADO or DAO, you don't know what the parameters are, although you CAN add them and execute the query. Using ADOX lets you actually see what the parameters of the query are, their names, types and sizes. It makes it easier to see what to fill in before executing the query.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to give me a recordcount or an absolute position, so I can't easily verify the query worked.

    Thanks anyway, and if anybody else has an idea, please let me know...

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