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  1. #1
    jabarlee is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Create function to filter subform

    Hello everyone.

    With the help of some googling, I managed to write a sub for filtering my subform, using 2 list boxes and 1 checkbox, and pressing a button
    I use the same code to open a filtered report (pasting it under another button's Click event), and it works fine.
    The thing is that it seems more suitable to have a function that I could use when needed, rather that having the same lines of code again and again. Could you help me convert this sub into a working function?

    Private Sub btn_filter_Click()
        Dim var As Variant
        Dim filtr As String
        Dim mdlt As Variant
        If Me.list_Shifts.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
            For Each var In Me.list_Shifts.ItemsSelected
                Dim shft As String
                ' Get the initial Shift filter:
                shft = "Pt_Shift=" & Me.list_Shifts.ItemData(var)
                ' loop through the next listbox and add that to the shft string
                 If Me.list_Modality.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
                     For Each mdlt In Me.list_Modality.ItemsSelected
                        ' ' since this is the "last" filter listbox, we can
                        ' ' add this string to the "master" filter string
                         If Len(filtr) > 0 Then
                            filtr = filtr & " OR "
                         End If
                         filtr = filtr & shft & " AND Pt_Modality=" & Me.list_Modality.ItemData(mdlt)
                         ' check for the Inactive filter
                         If Me.chk_Pt_InactiveList.Value = False Then
                            filtr = filtr & " AND Pt_Inactive=0"
                         End If
                     Next mdlt
                ' If the Modality filter is not applicable, apply the Shift and Inactive filters
                    If Len(filtr) > 0 Then
                        filtr = filtr & " OR "
                    End If
                    filtr = filtr & shft
                    If Me.chk_Pt_InactiveList.Value = False Then
                        filtr = filtr & " AND Pt_Inactive=0"
                    End If
                 End If
             Next var
        ' If nothing is selected in the Shift filter, do not use it
        ' and continue with the next filters
             shft = "Pt_Shift Is Null"
                 If Me.list_Modality.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
                     For Each mdlt In Me.list_Modality.ItemsSelected
                        ' ' since this is the "last" filter listbox, we can
                        ' ' add this string to the "master" filter string
                         If Len(filtr) > 0 Then
                            filtr = filtr & " OR "
                         End If
                         filtr = filtr & shft & " AND Pt_Modality=" & Me.list_Modality.ItemData(mdlt)
                         ' check for the Inactive filter
                         If Me.chk_Pt_InactiveList.Value = False Then
                            filtr = filtr & " AND Pt_Inactive=0"
                         End If
                     Next mdlt
                ' If the Modality filter is not applicable, apply the Shift and Inactive filters
                    If Len(filtr) > 0 Then
                        filtr = filtr & " OR "
                    End If
                    filtr = filtr & shft
                    If Me.chk_Pt_InactiveList.Value = False Then
                        filtr = filtr & " AND Pt_Inactive=0"
                    End If
                 End If
        End If
        Me.sbfrm_PatientList.Form.filter = filtr
        Me.sbfrm_PatientList.Form.FilterOn = True
    End Sub
    thanx in advance

  2. #2
    pbaldy's Avatar
    pbaldy is offline Who is John Galt?
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    If it's just for this form, it's easy; just paste that code into a form-level function and call it from the different buttons. You can have it accept an argument that determines whether it filters the subform or opens a report at the end. You could also use a single button with a checkbox or option group that determine whether it prints or filters.
    Paul (wino moderator)
    MS Access MVP 2007-2019

  3. #3
    jabarlee is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Well, I have alredy tried that, but obviously I miss something, because it does not return the string I need (filtr). I have checked it with print.debug and filtr variable has no value. And I think that I'm not going to use it outside this form

  4. #4
    pbaldy's Avatar
    pbaldy is offline Who is John Galt?
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    I can't say why without seeing your code. I wouldn't have it return anything, I'd have it open/filter as desired. If you wanted it to return something, you need:

    FunctionName = Whatever

    in your code.
    Paul (wino moderator)
    MS Access MVP 2007-2019

  5. #5
    jabarlee is offline Advanced Beginner
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    All the code I have is the sub I posted before that generates the [filtr] string that I use for filtering my subform:
    Me.sbfrm_PatientList.Form.filter = filtr

    If I create a function FilterForm() pasting the above code (without the last two lines) and then call it within a click sub:

    Private Sub Command78_Click()
    Dim curfiltr As String
    curfiltr = FilterForm
    Me.sbfrm_PatientList.Form.filter = curfiltr
    End Sub
    nothing happens

  6. #6
    pbaldy's Avatar
    pbaldy is offline Who is John Galt?
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    Like I said, at the end of the function you'd need to set the return value:

    FilterForm = filtr
    Paul (wino moderator)
    MS Access MVP 2007-2019

  7. #7
    jabarlee is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Ok, now I got where I should have set it.
    Of course, it worked, thank you very much!

  8. #8
    pbaldy's Avatar
    pbaldy is offline Who is John Galt?
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    Happy to help!
    Paul (wino moderator)
    MS Access MVP 2007-2019

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