hi, i copy this table from internet

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Name:	Screenshot 2023-10-25 003859.png 
Views:	13 
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ID:	50934

and i insert in my table using an array to split the text.
I just noticed that some date are not bold, this is a crucial information that changes everything, could i get if the date is bold or not? i used wel selection from edge (gone now) and now i just select the text and copy.

If you want my procedure you can look here

Private Sub InsertOCFBtn_Click()   Dim arr() As String
   Dim Arr2() As String
   Dim Soggetto As String
   Dim Inizio As Date
   Dim Fine As Variant
   Dim Counter As Long
   Dim Counter2 As Long

   DoCmd.SetWarnings False
   DoCmd.RunSQL ("DELETE * FROM OCFInserisciDEttaglio")
   DoCmd.RunSQL ("Delete * FROM OCFDettaglio WHERE ID =" & Me.ID & "")
   arr = Split(Paste_from_Clipboard, Chr(10))
   For Counter = LBound(arr) + 1 To UBound(arr)
      Debug.Print (Replace(arr(Counter), Chr(13), ""))
      Arr2 = Split(Replace(arr(Counter), Chr(13), ""), Chr(9))
      For Counter2 = LBound(Arr2) To UBound(Arr2)
         Debug.Print (Arr2(Counter2))
         Select Case Counter2
            Case 0
               Soggetto = Arr2(Counter2)
            Case 1
               Inizio = Format(Arr2(Counter2), "mm/dd/YYYY")
            Case 2
               Fine = Format(Nz(Arr2(Counter2), "NULL"), "mm/dd/YYYY")
         End Select
      If IsDate(Fine) Then
         DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO OcfInserisciDettaglio ( Nome, Cognome, Soggetto, [Data Inizio], [Data Fine],data_nascita,[Data/ora creazione],ID ) VALUES (""" & Me.Nome & """, """ & Me.Cognome & """,""" & Soggetto & """, #" & Inizio & "#, #" & Fine & "#, #" & Me.Data_nascita & "# , #" & Now() & "#, """ & Me.ID & """)")
         DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO OcfInserisciDettaglio ( Nome, Cognome, Soggetto, [Data Inizio], data_nascita,[Data/ora creazione], ID ) VALUES (""" & Me.Nome & """,""" & Me.Cognome & """,""" & Soggetto & """, #" & Inizio & "#, #" & Me.Data_nascita & "#, #" & Now() & "#, """ & Me.ID & """)")
      End If

   DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryOcfaggiornaesperienze"
   DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryOcfInserisciEsperienze"
   DoCmd.SetWarnings True
   If CurrentProject.AllForms("lk-ocf_sinossi").IsLoaded Then Forms![LK-ocf_sinossi]!OcfDettaglioSub.Form.Requery
   If CurrentProject.AllForms("Contatti").IsLoaded Then Forms!contatti!Candidati!OcfAggiornamenticandidati.Form.Requery
End Sub