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  1. #1
    Tom123456 is offline Novice
    Windows 7 32bit Access 2010 32bit
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    Oct 2017

    Invalid use of Null in Module error


    I have an access database that uses a module to split rows in a table into 1 or more rows in another table following rules regarding 2 date fields which works - however if a field is blank in the source table it errors out.

    I need the module to function even if a field in the source table is blank as their will be fields in my data table that are not always required (eg PO Number) so they will be blank - is there a way to fix this?

    It returns a run time error 94 'Invalid use of null' when i execute the macro.

    Test Database.accdb


  2. #2
    ranman256's Avatar
    ranman256 is offline VIP
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    make allowances for nulls in the code....

    If IsNull(field) then
    'do this
    'do this

  3. #3
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    Anchorage, Alaska, USA
    The first 2 lines in EVERY code page (which you don't have) should be
    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    These help keep you from declaring a variable, but using a different variable name that has not been declared.
    For instance, you have declared
        Dim InvoiceNo As String
    , but in code you have
            InvoiceNum = rst![Invoice Number]
    and used
    & vat & "', '" & InvoiceNum & "', '"
    in the SQL string.

    ================================================== =======

    This code executes for me. Changes are in BLUE:
    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Public Function SplitData()
        Dim db As DAO.Database
        Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
        Dim ref As String
        Dim lineId As Long
        Dim sales As String
        Dim customer As String
        Dim startDt As Date
        Dim endDt As Date
        Dim priCon As String
        Dim brFam As String
        Dim prdPlat As String
        Dim prdType As String
        Dim prdName As String
        Dim units As String
        Dim amount As Currency
        Dim conMonth As String
        Dim custConDt As Date
        Dim amtCur As String
        Dim navID As String
        Dim vat As String
        Dim InvoiceNo As String   'InvoiceNum
        'Define Instalments information for 2nd dataset loop once date split is in dest Table
        Dim NumOfInstalments As String
        Dim InstallmentPostingDate As String
        Dim Installment1 As Currency
        Dim InstalmentDD1 As Date
        Dim wStartDt As Date
        Dim wEndDt As Date
        Dim nStartDt As Date
        Dim nEndDt As Date
        Dim nAmount As Currency
        Dim lastOne As Boolean
        Dim totDays As Long
        Dim monDays As Long
        Dim monAmt As Currency
        Dim runAmt As Currency
        Dim strSQL As String
        '   Open up query in recordset
        Set db = CurrentDb
        Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("qrySourceTable", dbOpenDynaset)    'enter your query name
        '   Loop through recordset
        Do While Not rst.EOF
            '       Capture record values
            ref = rst!Reference
            lineId = rst![Line ID]
            sales = rst![Sales Person]
            customer = rst!customer
            startDt = rst![Start Date]
            endDt = rst![End Date]
            priCon = rst![Primary Contact]
            brFam = rst![Brand Family]
            prdPlat = rst![Product Platform]
            prdType = rst![Product Type]
            prdName = rst![Product Name]
            units = rst![Unit of Measure]
            amount = rst!amount
            conMonth = rst![Contract Month]
            custConDt = rst![Customer Contract Date]
            amtCur = rst![Amount Currency]
            navID = rst![Navision ID]
            vat = rst![VAT Rate]
            '        InvoiceNum = rst![Invoice Number]
            If IsNull(rst![Invoice Number]) Then
                InvoiceNo = vbNullString
                InvoiceNo = rst![Invoice Number]
            End If
            If IsNull(rst![Number of Installment Invoices]) Then
                NumOfInstalments = vbNullString
                NumOfInstalments = rst![Number of Installment Invoices]
            End If
            InstallmentPostingDate = rst![Installment Posting Date]
            Installment1 = rst![Instalment 1]
            InstalmentDD1 = rst![Instalment 1 Due Date]
            '       Initialize counter
            lastOne = False
            wStartDt = startDt
            wEndDt = EOMDate(startDt)
            runAmt = 0
            '       Capture total number of days
            totDays = endDt - startDt + 1
            '       Loop through records
                '           Check to see if end date is after end of month, and set dates
                If endDt > wEndDt Then
                    nStartDt = wStartDt
                    nEndDt = wEndDt
                    nStartDt = wStartDt
                    nEndDt = endDt
                    lastOne = True
                End If
                '           Calculate monthly days & monthly amount
                monDays = nEndDt - nStartDt + 1
                '           Calculate monthly amount and running amount
                If lastOne Then
                    nAmount = amount - runAmt
                    nAmount = Round(amount * monDays / totDays, 2)
                    runAmt = runAmt + nAmount
                End If
                '           Build SQL query to insert new record
                strSQL = "INSERT INTO DestTable ( Reference, [Line ID], [Sales Person], Customer, [Start Date], [End Date], [Primary Contact], [Brand Family], [Product Platform], "
                strSQL = strSQL & "[Product Type], [Product Name], [Unit of Measure], Amount, [Contract Month], [Customer Contract Date], [Amount Currency], [Navision ID],[VAT Rate],[Invoice Number],[Number of Installment Invoices],[Installment Posting Date],[Instalment 1],[Instalment 1 Due Date]) "
                strSQL = strSQL & "VALUES ('" & ref & "', " & lineId & ", '" & sales & "', '" & customer & "', #" & Format(nStartDt, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "#, #" & Format(nEndDt, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "#, '"
                strSQL = strSQL & priCon & "', '" & brFam & "', '" & prdPlat & "', '" & prdType & "', '" & prdName & "', '" & units & "', " & nAmount & ", '"
                strSQL = strSQL & conMonth & "', #" & Format(custConDt, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "#, '" & amtCur & "', '" & navID & "', '" & vat & "', '" & InvoiceNo & "', '" & NumOfInstalments & "', '" & InstallmentPostingDate & "', '" & Installment1 & "', '" & InstalmentDD1 & "')"
                '           Run SQL
                'MsgBox strSQL
                '            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
                '            DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                '            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
                db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
                '           Increment dates for next round
                wStartDt = BOMDate(wEndDt + 1)
                wEndDt = EOMDate(wStartDt)
            Loop Until lastOne = True
            '       Move to next record
        '   Clean up
        rst.Close  '   Close recordset
        Set rst = Nothing
        Set db = Nothing
        MsgBox "Done"
    End Function

    Object names should be letters and numbers.
    NO spaces, punctuation or special characters (exception is the underscore) in object names
    Do not begin an object name with a number.

    Be aware that "DATA" is a SQL reserved word and shouldn't be used as an object name.

    Good luck with your project.......

  4. #4
    Tom123456 is offline Novice
    Windows 7 32bit Access 2010 32bit
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Hi Both,

    Thanks for the replies - I managed to fix this.


Please reply to this thread with any new information or opinions.

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