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  1. #1
    Canadiangal is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Code working for all questions but question 2 on upgraded database

    I have upgraded this survey database from Access 95 to Access 2010. Everything works fine with the exception of Question 2 of the survey doesn't tally correctly. I did not write this code (and yes I know I need to make certain corrections to update it) and am unsure of what certain parts mean. If anyone has any suggestions, I would certainly appreciate it. I have commented where I could use further explanation. Perhaps that area is not the problem and someone else can see something more obvious. I can upload the database if necessary as well.
    Private Sub Command20_Click()
      Dim db As Database
      Dim rsdata As Recordset, rstally As Recordset
      Dim rskey As Recordset, rstext As Recordset
      Dim Bdate As Date
      Dim Edate As Date
      Dim tst As String
      Dim txt As String, cnt As Integer
      Dim ans As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
      Dim xkey As String, xmonth As Integer, xquarter As Integer, xyear As Integer
      Dim xtype As Integer
      Dim keywant As String, qtrwant As Integer, yerwant As Integer
      Dim survey_form As Integer 'indicates which question set to use
      Dim qcvt(12) As Integer
      Dim btch As String
      Dim S(20) As Long
      Dim scores(20, 6) As Long
      Dim v1 As Long, v2 As Long
      Dim flipit As Boolean, refcode As String
      Dim msg, style, response
      Set db = CurrentDb()
      Set rsdata = db.OpenRecordset("Data", dbOpenTable)
      rsdata.Index = "IDNmb"
      Set rstally = db.OpenRecordset("Tally", dbOpenTable)
      Set rskey = db.OpenRecordset("Clinics", dbOpenTable)
      rskey.Index = "RecNmb"
      Set rstext = db.OpenRecordset("QText", dbOpenTable)
      rstext.Index = "RCode"
      qcvt(1) = 1
      qcvt(2) = 1
      qcvt(3) = 1
      qcvt(4) = 2
      qcvt(5) = 2
      qcvt(6) = 2
      qcvt(7) = 3
      qcvt(8) = 3
      qcvt(9) = 3
      qcvt(10) = 4
      qcvt(11) = 4
      qcvt(12) = 4
      Do While Not rskey.EOF
        keywant = rskey!Key
        survey_form = 2 'Clinic Survey Form
        qtrwant = Forms!PreRep!TheQuarter
        yerwant = Forms!PreRep!TheYear
        Forms!Main!RpTitle = "Clinic Survey - " & rskey!Name
        GoSub DoTally
        msg = rskey!Name & " - Print ?"
        style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
        response = MsgBox(msg, style)
        If response = vbYes Then    ' User chose Yes.
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewPreview
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2", acViewPreview
        End If
    Exit Sub
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
          DoCmd.RunSQL "delete * from Tally;"
          For j = 1 To 20
          For k = 1 To 6
            scores(j, k) = 0
          Next k
          Next j
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        Do While Not rsdata.EOF
          If Len(rsdata!Batch) = 7 Then
            xmonth = Val(Left(rsdata!Batch, 2))
            xquarter = qcvt(xmonth)
            xyear = Val(Mid(rsdata!Batch, 4, 4))
            xtype = Nz(rsdata!Type, " ")
            xkey = Nz(rsdata!Clinic, " ")
            xquarter = 0
          End If
          If (xtype = 2) And (xkey = keywant) And (xquarter = qtrwant) And (xyear = yerwant) Then
            S(1) = Nz(rsdata!Q1)
            S(2) = Nz(rsdata!Q2)
            If S(2) > 9 Then    'This If section might be the cause of the problem, but I am unsure of what is happening here. Can anyone explain?
            v1 = S(2)
            v2 = (v1 / 10)
            S(2) = v1 - (v2 * 10)
             End If
            S(3) = Nz(rsdata!Q3)
            S(4) = Nz(rsdata!Q4)
            S(5) = Nz(rsdata!Q5)
            S(6) = Nz(rsdata!Q6)
            S(7) = Nz(rsdata!Q7)
            S(8) = Nz(rsdata!Q8)
            S(9) = Nz(rsdata!Q9)
            S(10) = Nz(rsdata!Q10)
            S(11) = Nz(rsdata!Q11)
            S(12) = Nz(rsdata!Q12)
            S(13) = Nz(rsdata!Q13)
            S(14) = Nz(rsdata!Q14)
            S(15) = Nz(rsdata!Q15)
            S(16) = Nz(rsdata!Q16)
            S(17) = Nz(rsdata!Q17)
            S(18) = Nz(rsdata!Q18)
            S(19) = Nz(rsdata!Q19)
            S(20) = Nz(rsdata!Q20)
            For k = 1 To 20
              If Nz(S(k), 0) > 0 Then
              scores(k, S(k)) = scores(k, S(k)) + 1
              scores(k, 6) = scores(k, 6) + 1
              End If
            Next k
          End If
        For k = 1 To 20
          rstally!SurveyID = 1
          rstally!QNmb = k
          refcode = Format(survey_form, "00") & Format(k, "00")
          rstally!RCode = refcode
          rstext.Seek "=", refcode
          If rstext.NoMatch Then
            flipit = False
            flipit = rstext!Flip
          End If
          If flipit = True Then
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
          End If
        Next k
    End Sub!

  2. #2
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    I can upload the database if necessary as well.
    Yes, please. Without data there is no way to know where the error is. Could be as simple as missing data.

  3. #3
    Canadiangal is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Where would the most secure place to upload the database be?

  4. #4
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    Secure?? Depends. You could use Box ( to get a free account. Then you would have to PM a link. The problem with that is only 1 person gets to see the dB.

    You could up load it here - thousands would be able to look at the dB. So you would need to change/delete any sensitive data (what most do).

    Before uploading, do a "Compact & Repair", then Zip it.

  5. #5
    Bob Fitz's Avatar
    Bob Fitz is offline Access Developer
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    Maybe From FAQ:
    How do I attach a file to a post?To attach a file to your post, you need to be using the main 'New Post' or 'New Thread' page and not 'Quick Reply'. To use the main 'New Post' page, click the 'Post Reply' button in the relevant thread.
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    If this helped, please click the star at the bottom left of this posting and add to my reputation . Many thanks.
    Bob Fitzpatrick

  6. #6
    Canadiangal is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Thanks, in an area for the long weekend with sketchy Internet. Will upload it when I am back on the 5th.

  7. #7
    Canadiangal is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Error found? Perhaps

    Quote Originally Posted by ssanfu View Post
    Yes, please. Without data there is no way to know where the error is. Could be as simple as missing data.
    You were correct in the regard of the data. It was wrong; however, I don't believe it was entered wrong since only question 2 had bad data. The options for data entry were 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. From the 20 survey questions that were entered, only question 2 had bad data. I couldn't find anything wrong with the field so I thought perhaps it was corrupted, plus I couldn't duplicate the error after entering multiple surveys. I deleted out the field and put it back in again and set the appropriate restraints for the field. Now it can only have 1 character and must be either empty or 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. I am hoping this will solve the issues. That being said, I want to clear out the code that I believe was put in to take bad data and reduce it to 0 However when I take it out I get a run error. This is the code I commented out.
    If S(2) > 9 Then   
            v1 = S(2)
            v2 = (v1 / 10)
            S(2) = v1 - (v2 * 10)
             End If
    So in other words if the answer to question to is larger than 9, then create the variable v1 which would equal S(2), create another variable v2 and take v1 and divide by 10. So if S(2) is 10, then we would have the answer of 1 for v2. 10 - 10= 0, thus throwing out the question and messing up the tallies of the surveys. The complete code is listed above. Can anyone tell me what else I have to delete out here?

    Thank you in advance for any insight you can give.

  8. #8
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canadiangal View Post
    <snip> I want to clear out the code that I believe was put in to take bad data and reduce it to 0 However when I take it out I get a run error. <snip>
    What is the error code/description??

    Commenting out that bit of code shouldn't cause an error. At least it didn't for me when I executed this
    Sub testIF()
        Dim v1 As Long, v2 As Long, S As Long
        v1 = 11
        v2 = (v1 / 10)
        S = v1 - (v2 * 10)
    End Sub
    You've made several changes at the same time. How do you know or why do you think it is the IF function code that is causing the error?

    It would really help if you posted your dB...........

  9. #9
    Canadiangal is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Thank you

    tI did error out, but all is fixed now. Thank you all for you help and suggestions. Part of the errors were variables declared as integers instead of strings, other errors that occurred that I thought were related to the code were actually set in place to make the end user aware of bad data. The later was non-helpful to the end user since they didn't really know how to look for the bad data. Once again I am forever grateful to this forum and to all of you that have the patience and the willingness to help a new user out.

    Quote Originally Posted by ssanfu View Post
    What is the error code/description??

    Commenting out that bit of code shouldn't cause an error. At least it didn't for me when I executed this
    Sub testIF()
        Dim v1 As Long, v2 As Long, S As Long
        v1 = 11
        v2 = (v1 / 10)
        S = v1 - (v2 * 10)
    End Sub
    You've made several changes at the same time. How do you know or why do you think it is the IF function code that is causing the error?

    It would really help if you posted your dB...........

Please reply to this thread with any new information or opinions.

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