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    Canadiangal is offline Advanced Beginner
    Windows XP Access 2007
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Upgraded database needs a print preview prior to printing

    I have upgraded this survey database from Access 95 to 2010. I wanted to add a print preview to this code but I can't seem to get it to work. This isn't my code but copied over from the old database. I tried to add acPreviewReport to the code where previously acPreview was but nothing happened. The old database didn't show a preview either, but printed directly to the printer. I am pasting the code in and yes I realize that much is outdated but I'm not familiar enough with visual basic to redo it. Any insight would be appreciated regarding a print preview.

     Private Sub Command13_Click()
      Dim db As Database
      Dim rsdata As Recordset, rstally As Recordset
      Dim rskey As Recordset, rstext As Recordset
      Dim Bdate As Date
      Dim Edate As Date
      Dim tst As String
      Dim txt As String, cnt As Integer
      Dim ans As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
      Dim xkey As Integer, xmonth As Integer, xquarter As Integer, xyear As Integer
      Dim keywant As Integer, qtrwant As Integer, yerwant As Integer
      Dim survey_form As Integer 'indicates which question set to use
      Dim qcvt(12) As Integer, flipit As Boolean
      Dim refcode As String
      Dim S(20) As Long
      Dim scores(20, 6) As Long
      Dim v1 As Long, v2 As Long
      Dim msg, style, response
      Set db = CurrentDb()
      Set rsdata = db.OpenRecordset("Data", dbOpenTable)
      rsdata.Index = "IDNmb"
      Set rstally = db.OpenRecordset("Tally", dbOpenTable)
      Set rskey = db.OpenRecordset("Types", dbOpenTable)
      rskey.Index = "Key"
      Set rstext = db.OpenRecordset("QText", dbOpenTable)
      rstext.Index = "RCode"
      qcvt(1) = 1
      qcvt(2) = 1
      qcvt(3) = 1
      qcvt(4) = 2
      qcvt(5) = 2
      qcvt(6) = 2
      qcvt(7) = 3
      qcvt(8) = 3
      qcvt(9) = 3
      qcvt(10) = 4
      qcvt(11) = 4
      qcvt(12) = 4
      Do While Not rskey.EOF
        keywant = rskey!Key
        survey_form = rskey!Key
        qtrwant = Forms!PreRep!TheQuarter
        yerwant = Forms!PreRep!TheYear
        Forms!Main!RpTitle = rskey!Descript & " Totals Report"
        GoSub DoTally
        msg = rskey!Descript & " - Print ?"
        style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
        response = MsgBox(msg, style)
        If response = vbYes Then    ' User chose Yes.
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1" ', acPreview
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2" ', acPreview
        End If
    Exit Sub
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
          DoCmd.RunSQL "delete * from Tally;"
          For j = 1 To 20
          For k = 1 To 6
            scores(j, k) = 0
          Next k
          Next j
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        Do While Not rsdata.EOF
          If Len(rsdata!Batch) = 7 Then
            xmonth = Val(Left(rsdata!Batch, 2))
            xquarter = qcvt(xmonth)
            If qtrwant = 5 Then xquarter = 5 'avz
            xyear = Val(Mid(rsdata!Batch, 4, 4))
            xkey = rsdata!Type
            'avz If keywant = 6 And xkey = 10 Then xkey = 6 'include Radiology in OP Services totals
            xquarter = 0
          End If
          If (xkey = keywant) And (xquarter = qtrwant) And (xyear = yerwant) Then
            Debug.Print Str(rsdata!IDNmb) & "--" & rsdata!Batch & "--" & Str(rsdata!Type)
            S(1) = Nz(rsdata!Q1)
            S(2) = Nz(rsdata!Q2)
            If S(2) > 9 Then
            v1 = S(2)
            v2 = (v1 / 10)
            S(2) = v1 - (v2 * 10)
            End If
            S(3) = Nz(rsdata!Q3)
            S(4) = Nz(rsdata!Q4)
            S(5) = Nz(rsdata!Q5)
            S(6) = Nz(rsdata!Q6)
            S(7) = Nz(rsdata!Q7)
            S(8) = Nz(rsdata!Q8)
            S(9) = Nz(rsdata!Q9)
            S(10) = Nz(rsdata!Q10)
            S(11) = Nz(rsdata!Q11)
            S(12) = Nz(rsdata!Q12)
            S(13) = Nz(rsdata!Q13)
            S(14) = Nz(rsdata!Q14)
            S(15) = Nz(rsdata!Q15)
            S(16) = Nz(rsdata!Q16)
            S(17) = Nz(rsdata!Q17)
            S(18) = Nz(rsdata!Q18)
            S(19) = Nz(rsdata!Q19)
            S(20) = Nz(rsdata!Q20)
            Debug.Print Str(rsdata!IDNmb) & "--" & rsdata!Batch & "--" & Str(rsdata!Type)
            For k = 1 To 20
              If Nz(S(k), 0) > 0 Then
              scores(k, S(k)) = scores(k, S(k)) + 1
              scores(k, 6) = scores(k, 6) + 1
              End If
            Next k
          End If
        'Debug.Print "Check Point Alpha"
        For k = 1 To 20
          rstally!SurveyID = 1
          rstally!QNmb = k
          refcode = Format(survey_form, "00") & Format(k, "00")
          'Debug.Print refcode
          rstally!RCode = refcode
          rstext.Seek "=", refcode
          If rstext.NoMatch Then
            flipit = False
            flipit = rstext!Flip
          End If
          If flipit = True Then
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
          End If
        Next k
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command14_Click()
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command17_Click()
      Dim db As Database
      Dim rsdata As Recordset, rstally As Recordset
      Dim rskey As Recordset, rstext As Recordset
      Dim Bdate As Date
      Dim Edate As Date
      Dim tst As String
      Dim txt As String, cnt As Integer
      Dim ans As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
      Dim xkey As String, xmonth As Integer, xquarter As Integer, xyear As Integer
      Dim keywant As String, qtrwant As Integer, yerwant As Integer
      Dim survey_form As Integer 'indicates which question set to use
      Dim qcvt(12) As Integer
      Dim btch As String
      Dim S(20) As Long
      Dim v1 As Long, v2 As Long
      Dim scores(20, 6) As Long
      Dim flipit As Boolean, refcode As String
      Dim msg, style, response
      Dim Trigger As Boolean '(avz 2012)
      Set db = CurrentDb()
      Set rsdata = db.OpenRecordset("Data", dbOpenTable)
      rsdata.Index = "IDNmb"
      Set rstally = db.OpenRecordset("Tally", dbOpenTable)
      Set rskey = db.OpenRecordset("Providers", dbOpenTable)
      rskey.Index = "RecNmb"
      Set rstext = db.OpenRecordset("QText", dbOpenTable)
      rstext.Index = "RCode"
      qcvt(1) = 1
      qcvt(2) = 1
      qcvt(3) = 1
      qcvt(4) = 2
      qcvt(5) = 2
      qcvt(6) = 2
      qcvt(7) = 3
      qcvt(8) = 3
      qcvt(9) = 3
      qcvt(10) = 4
      qcvt(11) = 4
      qcvt(12) = 4
      Do While Not rskey.EOF
        keywant = rskey!Key
        survey_form = 2 'Clinic Survey Form
        qtrwant = Forms!PreRep!TheQuarter
        yerwant = Forms!PreRep!TheYear
        Forms!Main!RpTitle = "Clinic Survey - " & rskey!RepName
        GoSub DoTally
        msg = rskey!Name & " - Print ?"
        style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
        response = MsgBox(msg, style)
        If response = vbYes Then    ' User chose Yes.
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1" ', acPreview
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2" ', acPreview
        End If
    Exit Sub
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        '(disabled 3/23/12)
        'If qtrwant = 5 Then
          'xkey = keywant
          'xquarter = qtrwant
          'xyear = yerwant
          'End If
          DoCmd.RunSQL "delete * from Tally;"
          For j = 1 To 20
          For k = 1 To 6
            scores(j, k) = 0
          Next k
          Next j
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        Do While Not rsdata.EOF
          If Len(rsdata!Batch) = 7 Then
            xmonth = Val(Left(rsdata!Batch, 2))
            xquarter = qcvt(xmonth)
            xyear = Val(Mid(rsdata!Batch, 4, 4))
            xkey = Nz(rsdata!Provider, " ")
            xquarter = 0
          End If
          '----- added (3/23/2012) -----
          If qtrwant = 5 Then xquarter = 5
          If (xkey = keywant) And (xquarter = qtrwant) And (xyear = yerwant) Then
            S(1) = Nz(rsdata!Q1)
            S(2) = Nz(rsdata!Q2)
            If S(2) > 9 Then
            v1 = S(2)
            v2 = (v1 / 10)
            S(2) = v1 - (v2 * 10)
            End If
            S(3) = Nz(rsdata!Q3)
            S(4) = Nz(rsdata!Q4)
            S(5) = Nz(rsdata!Q5)
            S(6) = Nz(rsdata!Q6)
            S(7) = Nz(rsdata!Q7)
            S(8) = Nz(rsdata!Q8)
            S(9) = Nz(rsdata!Q9)
            S(10) = Nz(rsdata!Q10)
            S(11) = Nz(rsdata!Q11)
            S(12) = Nz(rsdata!Q12)
            S(13) = Nz(rsdata!Q13)
            S(14) = Nz(rsdata!Q14)
            S(15) = Nz(rsdata!Q15)
            S(16) = Nz(rsdata!Q16)
            S(17) = Nz(rsdata!Q17)
            S(18) = Nz(rsdata!Q18)
            S(19) = Nz(rsdata!Q19)
            S(20) = Nz(rsdata!Q20)
            For k = 1 To 20
              If Nz(S(k), 0) > 0 Then
              scores(k, S(k)) = scores(k, S(k)) + 1
              scores(k, 6) = scores(k, 6) + 1
              End If
            Next k
          End If
        For k = 1 To 20
          rstally!SurveyID = 1
          rstally!QNmb = k
          refcode = Format(survey_form, "00") & Format(k, "00")
          rstally!RCode = refcode
          rstext.Seek "=", refcode
          If rstext.NoMatch Then
            flipit = False
            flipit = rstext!Flip
          End If
          If flipit = True Then
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
          End If
        Next k
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command18_Click()
      Dim db As Database
      Dim rsdata As Recordset, rstally As Recordset
      Dim rskey As Recordset, rstext As Recordset
      Dim Bdate As Date
      Dim Edate As Date
      Dim tst As String
      Dim atch As String
      Dim txt As String, cnt As Integer
      Dim ans As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
      Dim xkey As String, xmonth As Integer, xquarter As Integer, xyear As Integer
      Dim xtype As Integer
      Dim keywant As String, qtrwant As Integer, yerwant As Integer
      Dim survey_form As Integer 'indicates which question set to use
      Dim qcvt(12) As Integer
      Dim thebatch As String
      Dim S(20), btch As String
      Dim scores(20, 6) As Long
      Dim flipit As Boolean, refcode As String
      Dim msg, style, response
      Set db = CurrentDb()
      Set rsdata = db.OpenRecordset("Data", dbOpenTable)
      rsdata.Index = "IDNmb"
      Set rstally = db.OpenRecordset("Tally", dbOpenTable)
      Set rskey = db.OpenRecordset("OPServices", dbOpenTable)
      rskey.Index = "RecNmb"
      Set rstext = db.OpenRecordset("QText", dbOpenTable)
      rstext.Index = "RCode"
      qcvt(1) = 1
      qcvt(2) = 1
      qcvt(3) = 1
      qcvt(4) = 2
      qcvt(5) = 2
      qcvt(6) = 2
      qcvt(7) = 3
      qcvt(8) = 3
      qcvt(9) = 3
      qcvt(10) = 4
      qcvt(11) = 4
      qcvt(12) = 4
      Do While Not rskey.EOF
        keywant = rskey!Key
        survey_form = 10
        qtrwant = Forms!PreRep!TheQuarter
        yerwant = Forms!PreRep!TheYear
        'rstally!Abatch = rskey!Batch
        Forms!Main!RpTitle = "Ancillary Services - " & rskey!Name
        GoSub DoTally
        msg = rskey!Name & " - Print ?"
        style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
        response = MsgBox(msg, style)
        If response = vbYes Then    ' User chose Yes.
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1" ', acPreview
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2" ', acPreview
        End If
    Exit Sub
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
          DoCmd.RunSQL "delete * from Tally;"
          For j = 1 To 20
          For k = 1 To 6
            scores(j, k) = 0
          Next k
          Next j
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        Do While Not rsdata.EOF
          If Len(rsdata!Batch) = 7 Then
            xmonth = Val(Left(rsdata!Batch, 2))
            xquarter = qcvt(xmonth)
            If qtrwant = 5 Then xquarter = 5 'avz
            xyear = Val(Mid(rsdata!Batch, 4, 4))
            xtype = Nz(rsdata!Type, " ")
            xkey = Nz(rsdata!Service, " ")
            xquarter = 0
          End If
          If (xtype = 10) And (xkey = keywant) And (xquarter = qtrwant) And (xyear = yerwant) Then
            S(1) = rsdata!Q1
            S(2) = rsdata!Q2
            S(3) = rsdata!Q3
            S(4) = rsdata!Q4
            S(5) = rsdata!Q5
            S(6) = rsdata!Q6
            S(7) = rsdata!Q7
            S(8) = rsdata!Q8
            S(9) = rsdata!Q9
            S(10) = rsdata!Q10
            S(11) = rsdata!Q11
            S(12) = rsdata!Q12
            S(13) = rsdata!Q13
            S(14) = rsdata!Q14
            S(15) = rsdata!Q15
            S(16) = rsdata!Q16
            S(17) = rsdata!Q17
            S(18) = rsdata!Q18
            S(19) = rsdata!Q19
            S(20) = rsdata!Q20
            For k = 1 To 20
              If Nz(S(k), 0) > 0 Then
              scores(k, S(k)) = scores(k, S(k)) + 1
              scores(k, 6) = scores(k, 6) + 1
              End If
            Next k
          End If
        For k = 1 To 20
          'rstally!tbatch = thebatch 'avz
          rstally!SurveyID = 1
          rstally!QNmb = k
          refcode = Format(survey_form, "00") & Format(k, "00")
          rstally!RCode = refcode
          rstext.Seek "=", refcode
          If rstext.NoMatch Then
            flipit = False
            flipit = rstext!Flip
          End If
          If flipit = True Then
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
          End If
        Next k
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command19_Click()
    Dim db As Database
      Dim rsdata As Recordset, rstally As Recordset
      Dim rskey As Recordset, rstext As Recordset
      Dim Bdate As Date
      Dim Edate As Date
      Dim tst As String
      Dim txt As String, cnt As Integer
      Dim ans As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
      Dim xkey As String, xmonth As Integer, xquarter As Integer, xyear As Integer
      Dim xtype As Integer
      Dim keywant As String, qtrwant As Integer, yerwant As Integer
      Dim survey_form As Integer 'indicates which question set to use
      Dim qcvt(12) As Integer
      Dim S(20), btch As String
      Dim scores(20, 6) As Long
      Dim flipit As Boolean, refcode As String
      Dim msg, style, response
      Set db = CurrentDb()
      Set rsdata = db.OpenRecordset("Data", dbOpenTable)
      rsdata.Index = "IDNmb"
      Set rstally = db.OpenRecordset("Tally", dbOpenTable)
      Set rskey = db.OpenRecordset("OPProviders", dbOpenTable)
      rskey.Index = "RecNmb"
      Set rstext = db.OpenRecordset("QText", dbOpenTable)
      rstext.Index = "RCode"
      qcvt(1) = 1
      qcvt(2) = 1
      qcvt(3) = 1
      qcvt(4) = 2
      qcvt(5) = 2
      qcvt(6) = 2
      qcvt(7) = 3
      qcvt(8) = 3
      qcvt(9) = 3
      qcvt(10) = 4
      qcvt(11) = 4
      qcvt(12) = 4
      Do While Not rskey.EOF
        keywant = rskey!Key
        survey_form = 3 'Outpatient Dept Form
        qtrwant = Forms!PreRep!TheQuarter
        yerwant = Forms!PreRep!TheYear
        Forms!Main!RpTitle = "Outpatient Providers - " & rskey!Name
        GoSub DoTally
        msg = rskey!Name & " - Print ?"
        style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
        response = MsgBox(msg, style)
        If response = vbYes Then    ' User chose Yes.
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1" ', acPreview
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2" ', acPreview
        End If
    Exit Sub
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
          DoCmd.RunSQL "delete * from Tally;"
          For j = 1 To 20
          For k = 1 To 6
            scores(j, k) = 0
          Next k
          Next j
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        Do While Not rsdata.EOF
          If Len(rsdata!Batch) = 7 Then
            xmonth = Val(Left(rsdata!Batch, 2))
            xquarter = qcvt(xmonth)
            xyear = Val(Mid(rsdata!Batch, 4, 4))
            xtype = Nz(rsdata!Type, " ")
            xkey = Nz(rsdata!Specialist, " ")
            xquarter = 0
          End If
          If (xtype = 3) And (xkey = keywant) And (xquarter = qtrwant) And (xyear = yerwant) Then
            S(1) = rsdata!Q1
            S(2) = rsdata!Q2
            S(3) = rsdata!Q3
            S(4) = rsdata!Q4
            S(5) = rsdata!Q5
            S(6) = rsdata!Q6
            S(7) = rsdata!Q7
            S(8) = rsdata!Q8
            S(9) = rsdata!Q9
            S(10) = rsdata!Q10
            S(11) = rsdata!Q11
            S(12) = rsdata!Q12
            S(13) = rsdata!Q13
            S(14) = rsdata!Q14
            S(15) = rsdata!Q15
            S(16) = rsdata!Q16
            S(17) = rsdata!Q17
            S(18) = rsdata!Q18
            S(19) = rsdata!Q19
            S(20) = rsdata!Q20
            For k = 1 To 20
              If Nz(S(k), 0) > 0 Then
              scores(k, S(k)) = scores(k, S(k)) + 1
              scores(k, 6) = scores(k, 6) + 1
              End If
            Next k
          End If
        For k = 1 To 20
          rstally!SurveyID = 1
          rstally!QNmb = k
          refcode = Format(survey_form, "00") & Format(k, "00")
          rstally!RCode = refcode
          rstext.Seek "=", refcode
          If rstext.NoMatch Then
            flipit = False
            flipit = rstext!Flip
          End If
          If flipit = True Then
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
          End If
        Next k
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command20_Click()
      Dim db As Database
      Dim rsdata As Recordset, rstally As Recordset
      Dim rskey As Recordset, rstext As Recordset
      Dim Bdate As Date
      Dim Edate As Date
      Dim tst As String
      Dim txt As String, cnt As Integer
      Dim ans As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
      Dim xkey As String, xmonth As Integer, xquarter As Integer, xyear As Integer
      Dim xtype As Integer
      Dim keywant As String, qtrwant As Integer, yerwant As Integer
      Dim survey_form As Integer 'indicates which question set to use
      Dim qcvt(12) As Integer
      Dim btch As String
      Dim S(20) As Long
      Dim scores(20, 6) As Long
      Dim v1 As Long, v2 As Long
      Dim flipit As Boolean, refcode As String
      Dim msg, style, response
      Set db = CurrentDb()
      Set rsdata = db.OpenRecordset("Data", dbOpenTable)
      rsdata.Index = "IDNmb"
      Set rstally = db.OpenRecordset("Tally", dbOpenTable)
      Set rskey = db.OpenRecordset("Clinics", dbOpenTable)
      rskey.Index = "RecNmb"
      Set rstext = db.OpenRecordset("QText", dbOpenTable)
      rstext.Index = "RCode"
      qcvt(1) = 1
      qcvt(2) = 1
      qcvt(3) = 1
      qcvt(4) = 2
      qcvt(5) = 2
      qcvt(6) = 2
      qcvt(7) = 3
      qcvt(8) = 3
      qcvt(9) = 3
      qcvt(10) = 4
      qcvt(11) = 4
      qcvt(12) = 4
      Do While Not rskey.EOF
        keywant = rskey!Key
        survey_form = 2 'Clinic Survey Form
        qtrwant = Forms!PreRep!TheQuarter
        yerwant = Forms!PreRep!TheYear
        Forms!Main!RpTitle = "Clinic Survey - " & rskey!Name
        GoSub DoTally
        msg = rskey!Name & " - Print ?"
        style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
        response = MsgBox(msg, style)
        If response = vbYes Then    ' User chose Yes.
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1" ', acPreview
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2" ', acPreview
        End If
    Exit Sub
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
          DoCmd.RunSQL "delete * from Tally;"
          For j = 1 To 20
          For k = 1 To 6
            scores(j, k) = 0
          Next k
          Next j
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        Do While Not rsdata.EOF
          If Len(rsdata!Batch) = 7 Then
            xmonth = Val(Left(rsdata!Batch, 2))
            xquarter = qcvt(xmonth)
            xyear = Val(Mid(rsdata!Batch, 4, 4))
            xtype = Nz(rsdata!Type, " ")
            xkey = Nz(rsdata!Clinic, " ")
            xquarter = 0
          End If
          If (xtype = 2) And (xkey = keywant) And (xquarter = qtrwant) And (xyear = yerwant) Then
            S(1) = Nz(rsdata!Q1)
            S(2) = Nz(rsdata!Q2)
            If S(2) > 9 Then
            v1 = S(2)
            v2 = (v1 / 10)
            S(2) = v1 - (v2 * 10)
            End If
            S(3) = Nz(rsdata!Q3)
            S(4) = Nz(rsdata!Q4)
            S(5) = Nz(rsdata!Q5)
            S(6) = Nz(rsdata!Q6)
            S(7) = Nz(rsdata!Q7)
            S(8) = Nz(rsdata!Q8)
            S(9) = Nz(rsdata!Q9)
            S(10) = Nz(rsdata!Q10)
            S(11) = Nz(rsdata!Q11)
            S(12) = Nz(rsdata!Q12)
            S(13) = Nz(rsdata!Q13)
            S(14) = Nz(rsdata!Q14)
            S(15) = Nz(rsdata!Q15)
            S(16) = Nz(rsdata!Q16)
            S(17) = Nz(rsdata!Q17)
            S(18) = Nz(rsdata!Q18)
            S(19) = Nz(rsdata!Q19)
            S(20) = Nz(rsdata!Q20)
            For k = 1 To 20
              If Nz(S(k), 0) > 0 Then
              scores(k, S(k)) = scores(k, S(k)) + 1
              scores(k, 6) = scores(k, 6) + 1
              End If
            Next k
          End If
        For k = 1 To 20
          rstally!SurveyID = 1
          rstally!QNmb = k
          refcode = Format(survey_form, "00") & Format(k, "00")
          rstally!RCode = refcode
          rstext.Seek "=", refcode
          If rstext.NoMatch Then
            flipit = False
            flipit = rstext!Flip
          End If
          If flipit = True Then
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
          End If
        Next k
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command21_Click()
    Dim db As Database
      Dim rsdata As Recordset, rstally As Recordset
      Dim rskey As Recordset, rstext As Recordset
      Dim Bdate As Date
      Dim Edate As Date
      Dim tst As String
      Dim txt As String, cnt As Integer
      Dim ans As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
      Dim xkey As String, xmonth As Integer, xquarter As Integer, xyear As Integer
      Dim keywant As String, qtrwant As Integer, yerwant As Integer
      Dim survey_form As Integer 'indicates which question set to use
      Dim qcvt(12) As Integer
      Dim S(20), btch As String
      Dim scores(20, 6) As Long
      Dim flipit As Boolean, refcode As String
      Dim msg, style, response
      Set db = CurrentDb()
      Set rsdata = db.OpenRecordset("Data", dbOpenTable)
      rsdata.Index = "IDNmb"
      Set rstally = db.OpenRecordset("Tally", dbOpenTable)
      Set rskey = db.OpenRecordset("NWSProviders", dbOpenTable)
      rskey.Index = "RecNmb"
      Set rstext = db.OpenRecordset("QText", dbOpenTable)
      rstext.Index = "RCode"
      qcvt(1) = 1
      qcvt(2) = 1
      qcvt(3) = 1
      qcvt(4) = 2
      qcvt(5) = 2
      qcvt(6) = 2
      qcvt(7) = 3
      qcvt(8) = 3
      qcvt(9) = 3
      qcvt(10) = 4
      qcvt(11) = 4
      qcvt(12) = 4
      Do While Not rskey.EOF
        keywant = rskey!Key
        survey_form = 12 'NW Surgery Providers Form
        qtrwant = Forms!PreRep!TheQuarter
        yerwant = Forms!PreRep!TheYear
        Forms!Main!RpTitle = "NW Surgery Survey - " & rskey!Name
        GoSub DoTally
        msg = rskey!Name & " - Print ?"
        style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
        response = MsgBox(msg, style)
        If response = vbYes Then    ' User chose Yes.
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1" ', acPreview
          DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2" ', acPreview
        End If
    Exit Sub
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
          DoCmd.RunSQL "delete * from Tally;"
          For j = 1 To 20
          For k = 1 To 6
            scores(j, k) = 0
          Next k
          Next j
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        Do While Not rsdata.EOF
          If Len(rsdata!Batch) = 7 Then
            xmonth = Val(Left(rsdata!Batch, 2))
            xquarter = qcvt(xmonth)
            xyear = Val(Mid(rsdata!Batch, 4, 4))
            xkey = Nz(rsdata!NWSProvider, " ")
            xquarter = 0
          End If
          If (xkey = keywant) And (xquarter = qtrwant) And (xyear = yerwant) Then
            S(1) = rsdata!Q1
            S(2) = rsdata!Q2
            S(3) = rsdata!Q3
            S(4) = rsdata!Q4
            S(5) = rsdata!Q5
            S(6) = rsdata!Q6
            S(7) = rsdata!Q7
            S(8) = rsdata!Q8
            S(9) = rsdata!Q9
            S(10) = rsdata!Q10
            S(11) = rsdata!Q11
            S(12) = rsdata!Q12
            S(13) = rsdata!Q13
            S(14) = rsdata!Q14
            S(15) = rsdata!Q15
            S(16) = rsdata!Q16
            S(17) = rsdata!Q17
            S(18) = rsdata!Q18
            S(19) = rsdata!Q19
            S(20) = rsdata!Q20
            For k = 1 To 20
              If Nz(S(k), 1) > 0 Then
              scores(k, S(k)) = scores(k, S(k)) + 1
              scores(k, 6) = scores(k, 6) + 1
              End If
            Next k
          End If
        For k = 1 To 20
          rstally!SurveyID = 1
          rstally!QNmb = k
          refcode = Format(survey_form, "00") & Format(k, "00")
          rstally!RCode = refcode
          rstext.Seek "=", refcode
          If rstext.NoMatch Then
            flipit = False
            flipit = rstext!Flip
          End If
          If flipit = True Then
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
            rstally!Poor = scores(k, 1)
            rstally!Fair = scores(k, 2)
            rstally!Good = scores(k, 3)
            rstally!VeryGood = scores(k, 4)
            rstally!Excellent = scores(k, 5)
            rstally!Total = scores(k, 6)
            If scores(k, 6) > 0 Then
              rstally!PoorPct = scores(k, 1) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!FairPct = scores(k, 2) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!GoodPct = scores(k, 3) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!VeryGoodPct = scores(k, 4) / scores(k, 6)
              rstally!ExcellentPct = scores(k, 5) / scores(k, 6)
            End If
          End If
        Next k
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Micron is offline Virtually Inert Person
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    Ontario, Canada
    I stopped when I saw the single quote DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1" ', acPreview
    The syntax is Docmd.OpenReport(ReportName, View, FilterName, WhereCondition, WindowMode, OpenArgs)
    the parameter you want is acViewPreview, not acPreview, thus

    DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewPreview
    Here's more info on the subject
    The more we hear silence, the more we begin to think about our value in this universe.
    Paraphrase of Professor Brian Cox.

  3. #3
    Micron is offline Virtually Inert Person
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    Ontario, Canada
    Consider reclaiming the memory space allocated to these recordsets. Closing them is only half of it.

    Set rsdata = Nothing
    Set rstally = Nothing
    Set rskey = Nothing
    Set rstext = Nothing
    The more we hear silence, the more we begin to think about our value in this universe.
    Paraphrase of Professor Brian Cox.

  4. #4
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    Anchorage, Alaska, USA
    Whew... That is a lot of code!

    OK, try this. In a COPY of the dB, everywhere you want to preview the report, change the command
                DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1"    ', acPreview
                DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2"    ', acPreview
                DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewPreview
                DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2", acViewPreview
    I would try it in one sub before changing it everywhere....

    ================================================== =====

    Other changes:

    Wherever you have
        Dim db As Database
        Dim rsdata As Recordset, rstally As Recordset
        Dim rskey As Recordset, rstext As Recordset
    I would change it to
        Dim db As DAO.Database
        Dim rsdata As DAO.Recordset, rstally As DAO.Recordset
        Dim rskey As DAO.Recordset, rstext As DAO.Recordset

    And where you see
    I would add these lines
        Set rsdata = Nothing
        Set rstally = Nothing
        Set rskey = Nothing
        Set rstext = Nothing
        Set db  = Nothing

    Edit: Drat!! Beat by Micron... AGAIN!!!

  5. #5
    Micron is offline Virtually Inert Person
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    Turnabout is fair play
    Good catch on the Set db = Nothing
    If it were me, and I advised OP to specify DAO as the reference library, I'd warn about ensuring the library was referenced. If not, it will likely cause an error.
    Just sayin'.

  6. #6
    Canadiangal is offline Advanced Beginner
    Windows XP Access 2007
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    Sep 2009
    Thank you all for your help!

  7. #7
    orange's Avatar
    orange is offline Moderator
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    In addition to comments/advice from Steve and Micron, I would also suggest:

    Change this construct
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
          DoCmd.RunSQL "delete * from Tally;"
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Change the
    "delete * from Tally;" to a variable

    eg : Dim Delsql as string
    Delsql = "delete * from Tally;"

    Then use
    db.execute Delsql,dbFailOnError
    this will eliminate the need for SetWarnings, and will give an error
    if a failure occurs.

    I don't know that this will improve anything other than removing
    some of the annoyance of SetWarnings.

    I haven't looked at the logic.

    Dim S(20), btch As String
    Dim S(20) as Variant and btch as String

    Nicely indented code, and use of arrays.

    Good luck with the project.

  8. #8
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    Anchorage, Alaska, USA
    And I would rename the buttons/code (a real annoyance to me)
    Private Sub Command14_Click()
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnClose_Click()
    End Sub
    Easier to read through code and get a little understanding what the code might do....

    I'm just sayn' .....

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