Hi There,

When interrogating the MYOB API for cloud-based company file details I get the error "596 Service not found".
Set objXMLRequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

With objXMLRequest
.Open "GET", "https://api.myob.com/accountright", False
.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & [Access Token]
.setRequestHeader "x-myobapi-cftoken", Base64Encode(csUsername + ":" + csPassword)
.setRequestHeader "x-myobapi-key", [API Key]
.setRequestHeader "x-myobapi-version", "v2"
End With

I am able to get the access token without a problem, but now I cannot retrieve any data. It used to work, and my code for local company files still does work, but I've checked everything I can think to check.
Any ideas?