I am at the last end of doing database. i left the part i have avoided to the last.

I am unsure what the best way to retrieve what i need would be.

In the database i have 50 company stored receipts entered. EAch company for the month may have 300 dockets/receipts each.

The information on each receipt has been sent to tables sitting waiting to be retrieved

this is the problem i have. I need to retrieve dockets between dates and those dockets need to show up on to allow a person to check them against the payment claim (invoice) the company sends at the end of the month. There will be errors in the entries that will need to be changed. once it has been edited, agreed on. it will be ticked claimed. this will then show up in future if the company tries to claim against that specific docket number again.

there are different setups for different companies, retrieving just what i have entered for that companies docket is where i am having issues. i don't know how i should design the set up in a query/form.
All companies contain are related to "Dockets" table.
Docket Lines will have some fields used on each docket but never all of the fields.
Dockets Docket Lines Docket Status
Docket_ID Docket_ID Docket_ID
Company_ID Resource_ID Status_ID
DocketNumber CostCode StatusText
DocketDate Operator_ID
Status Quantity
Submitted Dte StartTime
Approved Dte Breaks
Rejected Dte FinishTime
Invoiced Dte Thours
DocketTotal VStart
Is Claimed Y/N VFinish
Is Approved Y/N Vhours
Is Rejected Y/N Attach_ID
Still can't get a solution to how do i get only what information is needed for each company to show up on the edit query/form.

quarry company will have Material and AddOn, but won't need to show anything else.
Plant company will have hours vehicle and operator were used for and may have Attach, Addon, but won't have vehicle hours
Specialised Plant company will have what plant company has but also has vehicle hours.

Does this make sense?