I have a table that records Name for Place and uses a Metric field to order Names when there is more than one Name for a Place. Unfortunately when I inherited this database, duplicates existed in the Metric field for some Places. Some Places have up to 20 Names, and some have 1. Though the Metric is used to put the most preferred Name first in a list, and that can only be determined case by case, I would like to have each Name per Place to have a unique Metric while preserving the existing order of Metric as much as possible.

I have no idea how to go about this, but some kind of loop that checked for duplicate Metric in each Place, increased the value of one of the dupes by one, then repeated until there were no more dupes for each Place would do the trick, I think. I assume I would have to create a VBA module, but could it be done through a series of queries? Any insight would be appreciated.