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  1. #1
    azdjedi is offline Novice
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    Question Creating a custom task schedule


    I'm trying to duplicate the Windows Task Scheduler functionality (not to run Windows tasks but rather the actual scheduling capabilities). I have most of it working but there are a few bugs in my code and whenever I fix one bug another is created. I don't think my logic is correct and I'm hoping somebody either has already done this or can help me out. The basic idea is to allow my users to have tasks repeat daily, weekly (Mon-Sun), monthly (1-31, 1st of the month, second Tuesday, last of the month, etc). Thanks for any help...

    CREATE TABLE `task_list_repeat` (
      `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `TaskID` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `TypeID` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `Sunday` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `Monday` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `Tuesday` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `Wednesday` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `Thursday` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `Friday` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `Frequency` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `OnDay` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `AtTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
      `Minutes` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)

    Public Function GetNextOccurance(TaskID As Long, Optional LastRun As Date) As Date
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
        Dim datNext As Date, datRepeat As Date
        Dim iDay As Integer
        If LastRun = #12:00:00 AM# Then LastRun = date
        LastRun = DateValue(LastRun)
        GetNextOccurance = #1/1/3000# 'We should have a new system in place by then :P
        With rs
            Call PassThrough("SELECT * FROM task_list_repeat WHERE TypeID=0 AND TaskID=" & TaskID & " ORDER BY AtTime DESC", True)
            .Open "SELECT * FROM [Pass Through]", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
            Do Until .EOF
                'No Time specified so always use next Frequency
                If TimeValue(!AtTime) = #12:00:00 AM# Then
                    datRepeat = DateAdd("d", !Frequency, LastRun)
                    'If the run time is in the past set it for the next frequency, else it's today
                    datRepeat = IIf(TimeValue(!AtTime) < Time, DateAdd("d", !Frequency, LastRun), date)
                End If
                'Future time
                If Nz(TimeValue(!AtTime), #5:30:00 AM#) > Time Then
                    GetNextOccurance = datRepeat + Nz(TimeValue(!AtTime), #5:30:00 AM#)
                Else 'Past time but future date
                    If GetNextOccurance > datRepeat + Nz(TimeValue(!AtTime), #5:30:00 AM#) Then GetNextOccurance = datRepeat + Nz(TimeValue(!AtTime), #5:30:00 AM#)
                End If
        End With
        With rs
            .Open "SELECT * FROM task_list_repeat WHERE TypeID<>0 AND TaskID=" & TaskID, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
            'Loop through each Repeat and return the soonest one
            Do Until .EOF
                Select Case !TypeID
                    Case 1 'Weekly
                        If Weekday(LastRun) = vbSaturday Then
                            datRepeat = LastRun + 1 'Get start of next week
                            datRepeat = LastRun - Weekday(LastRun) + 1 'Get start of week
                        End If
                        'Check each day to see if it's scheduled
                        For iDay = 1 To 7
                            If .Fields(Format(datRepeat + iDay, "dddd")) And datRepeat + iDay > LastRun Then
                                datRepeat = datRepeat + iDay
                                GoTo DateFound
                            End If
    The below comments was what I originally had but I switched it out for the above 6 lines. The main problem I'm getting is for tasks that are run daily multiple times; after the 7AM task runs it goes to tomorrow instead of reporting back the 9AM task on the same day.
    '                    iDay = 0
    '                    If !Friday Then iDay = vbFriday
    '                    If !Thursday Then iDay = vbThursday
    '                    If !Wednesday Then iDay = vbWednesday
    '                    If !Tuesday Then iDay = vbTuesday
    '                    If !Monday Then iDay = vbMonday
    '                    If !Sunday Then iDay = vbSunday
    '                    'Ensure it happens on the chosen day
    '                    If iDay Then
    '                        Do Until Weekday(datRepeat) = iDay
    '                            datRepeat = datRepeat + 1
    '                        Loop
    '                        GoTo DateFound
    '                    End If
                    Case 2 'Monthly
                        'Last day
                        If !OnDay = 32 Then
                            If Day(LastRun) <= 7 Then 'They probably just missed the run-date, so make the next one include this month
                                datRepeat = DateSerial(Year(LastRun), Month(LastRun) + !Frequency, 1) - 1
                                datRepeat = DateSerial(Year(LastRun), Month(LastRun) + !Frequency + 1, 1) - 1
                            End If
                        Else 'Specific day
                            If !Sunday = False And !Monday = False And !Tuesday = False And !Wednesday = False And !Thursday = False And !Friday = False Then
                                datRepeat = DateSerial(Year(LastRun), Month(LastRun), !OnDay) 'Get the date it should have been run for this month (in case they missed it)
                                datRepeat = DateAdd("m", !Frequency, datRepeat)
                                'Start from the 1st of the month and count to the proper date
                                datRepeat = DateSerial(Year(LastRun), Month(LastRun) + !Frequency, 1)
                                If !OnDay > 1 Then datRepeat = datRepeat + (7 * (!OnDay - 1))
                                iDay = 0
                                If !Friday Then iDay = vbFriday
                                If !Thursday Then iDay = vbThursday
                                If !Wednesday Then iDay = vbWednesday
                                If !Tuesday Then iDay = vbTuesday
                                If !Monday Then iDay = vbMonday
                                If !Sunday Then iDay = vbSunday
                                'Ensure it happens on the chosen day
                                If iDay Then
                                    Do Until Weekday(datRepeat) = iDay
                                        datRepeat = datRepeat + 1
                                    GoTo DateFound
                                End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                    Case 3 'Minutes
                        datRepeat = DateAdd("n", !Frequency, DLookup("DateCompleted", "task_list_log", "ID=" & TaskID))
                        'Missed, so force it to now
                        If datRepeat < Now Then datRepeat = Now
                        'Cycle to next day
                        If TimeValue(datRepeat) > DATE_LAST_ATTEMPT_NIGHT Then datRepeat = LastRun + DATE_FIRST_ATTEMPT
                    End Select
                If datRepeat + Nz(TimeValue(!AtTime), #5:30:00 AM#) < GetNextOccurance Then GetNextOccurance = datRepeat + Nz(TimeValue(!AtTime), #5:30:00 AM#)
        End With
        If TimeValue(GetNextOccurance) = #12:00:00 AM# Then GetNextOccurance = GetNextOccurance + DATE_FIRST_ATTEMPT
        Set rs = Nothing
    End Function

  2. #2
    ipisors is offline Access Developer
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    "anyone done it before" ..

    This may give you some ideas, thoughts, or just general inspiration. Or maybe not.

  3. #3
    azdjedi is offline Novice
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    Thanks for the reply. The thread is the same idea but it doesn't actually address HOW to create the next schedule. The SQL looks like it's just grabbing the next one from a pre-deteremined table of schedules.

  4. #4
    ipisors is offline Access Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by azdjedi View Post
    Thanks for the reply. The thread is the same idea but it doesn't actually address HOW to create the next schedule. The SQL looks like it's just grabbing the next one from a pre-deteremined table of schedules.
    ... Exactly. So create a table of schedules with Report name, vba Sub name, Next scheduled due, Interval (days, number datatype).

  5. #5
    azdjedi is offline Novice
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    I feel ya


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