How to create an append query to insert data to an a ULS secured mdb file from an external database file(accdb) ?
I tried with the normal query design and selected the mdb file to insert data.
Here is a sample code of SQL as seen.
INSERT INTO MyTable ( WDate, LicNo ) IN 'D:\Current Project\BData\OldData.mdb'
SELECT NewTable.WorkDate, NewTable.LicenseID FROM NewTable;
But due to the ULS, there was an error due to access denial. How to input Username and Password in the above ??

I found one thread in this forum with a suggestion from June7.
Here is quote from it.

Alternatively, try opening a connection to the other database and pulling the data from first database. Example:
Dim A As New Access.Application

Set A = CreateObject("Access.Application")
A.Visible = False
A.OpenCurrentDatabase "path\other filename.mdb", False, "password here"
'my code then does A.Run "GetPaverData" to run a procedure in the connected project. The following might work for you.
A.Execute "INSERT INTO Table1 SELECT * FROM [;DATABASE=<path from source db>].Table1;"
I successfully tried delete queries by using opendatabase method. But struggled for Append queries.
I am looking for correct syntax for the last line in the quote or is there any other way to accomplish the task ?