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  1. #1
    pimpzter is offline Novice
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    Speed up Query AND Make a selection from given options

    The guy who created this cluster of a database no longer works here. There is a section in it that has a user select an option (0-30) then click a button. When that button is clicked it runs a series of queries based on the selection. Each selection chosen takes 90 minutes to update. I am looking to see if there is any way to do the same in less time. Additionally.. I am having to select 1, click the button, wait 90 minutes. select 2, click the button, wait 90 minutes. select 3, click the button, wait 90 minutes.... and so on. Therefore I am also trying to come up with a way to have to have a button that will do selections 1-10 all in one run. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

    Private Sub btn_download_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err_btn_download_Click
    Dim db As Database, qwo As QueryDef, rs As Recordset, x, numrec As Long, rt As Recordset, rwo As Recordset
    Dim stDocName As String, i As Long, rwot As Recordset, qwot As QueryDef, qs As QueryDef, xcount As Long, xmsg As Integer
    Dim stLinkCriteria As String, xtag_name As String, x_tag_name As String, x_tag_suffix_name As String, x_short_name As String
    Dim qrq As QueryDef, rrq As Recordset, qd As QueryDef, RD As Recordset, qb As QueryDef, rb As Recordset
    Dim q_sched As QueryDef, r_sched As Recordset, x_sched As String, x_sched_start_date As Date
    Dim q_wowrk As QueryDef, q_wrreq As QueryDef, q_ecpms As QueryDef, q_echdr As QueryDef, qm As QueryDef
    Dim r_wowrk As Recordset, r_wrreq As Recordset, r_ecpms As Recordset, r_echdr As Recordset, rm As Recordset
    Dim q_wrstr As QueryDef, r_wrstr As Recordset, x_task As Integer, x_count As Long, ru As Recordset, qu As QueryDef
    Dim r_rev As Recordset
    If IsNull(Me!opt_t) Then
        MsgBox "No T Schedule has been selected.", 16, "Stop"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Select Case Me!opt_t
        Case 0
            If Me!T0_Downloaded = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T0 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!TO_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 1
            If Me!T1_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T1 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T1_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 2
            If Me!T2_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T2 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T2_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 3
            If Me!T3_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T3 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T3_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 4
            If Me!T4_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T4 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T4_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 5
            If Me!T5_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T5 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T5_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 6
            If Me!T6_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T6 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T6_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
             End If
        Case 7
            If Me!T7_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T7 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T7_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 8
            If Me!T8_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T8 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T8_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 9
            If Me!T9_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T9 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T9_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 10
            If Me!T10_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T10 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T10_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 11
            If Me!T11_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T11 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T11_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 12
            If Me!T12_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T12 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T12_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 13
            If Me!T13_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T13 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T13_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 14
            If Me!T14_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T14 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T14_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 15
            If Me!T15_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T15 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T15_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 16
            If Me!T16_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T16 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T16_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 17
            If Me!T17_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T17 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T17_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 18
            If Me!T18_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T18 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T18_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 19
            If Me!T19_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T19 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T19_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 20
            If Me!T20_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T20 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T20_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 21
            If Me!T20_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T21 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T21_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 22
            If Me!T22_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T22 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T22_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 23
            If Me!T23_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T23 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T23_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 24
            If Me!T24_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T24 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T24_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 25
            If Me!T25_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T25 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T25_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 26
            If Me!T26_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T26 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T26_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 27
            If Me!T27_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T27 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T27_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 28
            If Me!T28_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T28 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T28_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 29
            If Me!T29_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T29 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T29_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 30
            If Me!T30_DOWNLOADED = -1 Then
                MsgBox "T30 Schedule has already been downloaded for Week " & Me!T30_START, 16, "Stop"
                Exit Sub
            End If
    End Select
    xmsg = MsgBox("This download may require 90 minutes or more to perform.  Please do not exit the database during the download.  Continue?", 36, "Stop")
    If xmsg = 7 Then Exit Sub
    'this section downloads the schedule and queries passport for info
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    'Set q_sched = db.QueryDefs("Q_P3E_TASK_1_PARAM")
    x = create_tstrm_on_cdrive()
    x = create_lco_equip_db_in_tstrm()
    x = transfer_o_tags_work_requests()
    x = transfer_o_schedule()
    'x = transfer_o_link()
    If IsNull(Me!SD) Or IsNull(Me!ED) Then
        MsgBox "Start and/or End Dates are null.", 16, "Stop"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    DoCmd.OpenForm "F_WAIT"
    DoCmd.Hourglass True
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "Q_P3E_TASK_1_PARAM_APPEND"
    Set rt = db.OpenRecordset("Q_SCHEDULE_P3E")
    'search work order descriptions and work order tasks
    Set qwo = db.QueryDefs("Q_PASSPORT_WORK_ORDER_PARAM")
    Set qwot = db.QueryDefs("Q_PASSPORT_WORK_ORDER_TASK_PARAM_1")
    Set qs = db.QueryDefs("Q_SCHEDULE_P3E_PARAM")
    Set qrq = db.QueryDefs("Q_PASSPORT_WOTRQ_PARAM")
    Do While Not rt.EOF
        If Not IsNull(rt!USER_TEXT8) And Len(rt!USER_TEXT8) = 8 Then
            qwo.Parameters("INPUT_WORK_ORDER_NBR") = rt!USER_TEXT8
            qwot.Parameters("INPUT_WORK_ORDER_NBR") = rt!USER_TEXT8
            qwot.Parameters("INPUT_WORK_ORDER_TASK") = rt!WORK_ORDER_TASK
            qs.Parameters("INPUT_USER_TEXT8") = rt!USER_TEXT8
            qrq.Parameters("INPUT_WORK_ORDER_NBR") = rt!USER_TEXT8
            qrq.Parameters("INPUT_WORK_ORDER_TASK") = rt!WORK_ORDER_TASK
            Set rwo = qwo.OpenRecordset()
            Set rwot = qwot.OpenRecordset()
            Set rrq = qrq.OpenRecordset()
            'update work order info for each instance of the work order in the schedule
            If Not rwo.EOF Then
                rt!WO_DESCRIPTION = Trim(rwo!WO_DESCRIPTION)
                rt!MODEL_WORK_ORDER = Trim(rwo!MODEL_WO_NUMBER)
                rt!PM_ID_NUMBER = Trim(rwo!PM_ID_NUMBER)
                rt!PM_RQ_NUMBER = Trim(rwo!PM_RQ_NUMBER)
                rt!OLD_PREDEFINED_ID = Trim(rwo!REFERENCE_NBR)
                If Len(Trim(rwo!WO_DUE_LATEST_DATE)) > 0 Then
                End If
                If Len(Trim(rwo!WO_DUE_BY_DATE)) > 0 Then
                    rt!LATE_DATE = CREATE_DATE_FROM_STRING(rwo!WO_DUE_BY_DATE)
                End If
            End If
            'update work order task info for each instance of the work order in the schedule
            If Not rwot.EOF Then
                rt!WO_TSK_STATUS = rwot!WO_TSK_STATUS
                rt!EQUIPMENT_NUMBER = Trim(rwot!EQUIPMENT_NUMBER)
                rt!COMPONENT_NUMBER = Trim(rwot!COMPONENT_NUMBER)
                rt!EQUIPMENT_TYPE = Trim(rwot!EQUIPMENT_TYPE)
                rt!WO_TSK_STATUS_DATE = Trim(rwot!WO_TSK_STATUS_DATE)
                rt!WO_TSK_STATUS_TIME = Trim(rwot!WO_TSK_STATUS_TIME)
                rt!DISCIPLINE = Trim(rwot!DISCIPLINE)
                rt!POST_MAINT_TST_IND = rwot!POST_MAINT_TST_IND
                rt!PARTS = rwot!PARTS_PLAN
                If rwot!QC_RQMNTS_PLAN = "+" Then
                    rt!QC_REQD = "Y"
                End If
            End If
            'Look to see if tagging is required
            If Not rrq.EOF Then
                Do While Not rrq.EOF
                    If Trim(rrq!EQUIP_REQUIREMENT) = "TAGOUT" Then
                        rt!TAG_REQD = "Y"
                    End If
            End If
        End If
    'this section will look for Equipment Numbers (P3e only contains the first field)
    x_count = 0
    x_task = 0
    Set q_ecpms = db.QueryDefs("Q_PASSPORT_ECPMS_MWO_PARAM")
    Set q_echdr = db.QueryDefs("Q_PASSPORT_ECHDR_ECODE_PARAM")
    Set q_wrstr = db.QueryDefs("Q_PASSPORT_WR_TO_WO_PARAM_WO")
    Set q_wrreq = db.QueryDefs("Q_PASSPORT_WORK_REQUEST_PARAM")
    Do While Not rt.EOF
        If Len(rt!USER_TEXT8) = 8 And Len(Trim(rt!EQUIPMENT_NUMBER)) < 4 Then 'confirm the record is a work order
            'look in task table then equipment table for equipment numbers
            If Not IsNull(rt!MODEL_WORK_ORDER) Then
                q_ecpms.Parameters("INPUT_MODEL_WO_NUMBER") = rt!MODEL_WORK_ORDER
                Set r_ecpms = q_ecpms.OpenRecordset()
                If Not r_ecpms.EOF Then
                    q_echdr.Parameters("INPUT_E_CODE") = r_ecpms!OWNER_CODE
                    Set r_echdr = q_echdr.OpenRecordset()
                    If Not r_echdr.EOF Then
                        x_task = 1
                        rt!EQUIPMENT_NUMBER = Trim(r_echdr!EQUIPMENT_NUMBER)
                        rt!COMPONENT_NUMBER = Trim(r_echdr!COMPONENT_NUMBER)
                        rt!EQUIPMENT_NAME = Trim(r_echdr!EQUIPMENT_NAME)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            'Try searching work requests; ignore if tasks already searched but equipment not found
            If Len(Trim(rt!EQUIPMENT_NUMBER)) < 4 And x_task = 0 Then
                q_wrstr.Parameters("INPUT_RLT_WORK_ORDER_NBR") = rt!USER_TEXT8
                Set r_wrstr = q_wrstr.OpenRecordset()
                If Not r_wrstr.EOF Then
                    q_wrreq.Parameters("INPUT_WO_REQ_NUMBER") = r_wrstr!WO_REQ_NUMBER
                    Set r_wrreq = q_wrreq.OpenRecordset()
                    If Not r_wrreq.EOF Then
                        rt!EQUIPMENT_NUMBER = Trim(r_wrreq!EQUIPMENT_NUMBER)
                        rt!COMPONENT_NUMBER = Trim(r_wrreq!COMPONENT_NUMBER)
                        rt!EQUIPMENT_TYPE = Trim(r_wrreq!EQUIPMENT_TYPE)
                        rt!EQUIPMENT_NAME = Trim(r_wrreq!EQUIPMENT_NAME)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            'Try searching WMS for equipment numbers
            If Len(Trim(rt!EQUIPMENT_NUMBER)) < 4 And Left(rt!OLD_PREDEFINED_ID, 2) = "WM" Then
            End If
        End If
        x_task = 0
    'this section will find impact statements for work orders
    Set qd = db.QueryDefs("Q_PASSPORT_WOSTD_OPSIMPCT_PARAM_1")
    Set qb = db.QueryDefs("Q_PASSPORT_BLOB_PARAM")
    Do While Not rt.EOF
        If Not IsNull(rt!USER_TEXT8) Then
            qd.Parameters("INPUT_REFERENCE_NBR") = rt!USER_TEXT8
            qd.Parameters("INPUT_REFERENCE_SUB_NBR") = rt!WORK_ORDER_TASK
            Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset()
            If Not rs.EOF Then
                qb.Parameters("INPUT_OLE_OBJECT_ID") = rs!OLE_OBJECT_ID
                Set rb = qb.OpenRecordset()
                If Not rb.EOF Then
                    rt!TEXT_LENGTH = rb!TEXT_LENGTH
                    rt!Text1 = rb!Text1
                    rt!Text2 = rb!Text2
                    rt!Text3 = rb!Text3
                    rt!Text4 = rb!Text4
                    rt!Text5 = rb!Text5
                    rt!Text6 = rb!Text6
                    rt!Text7 = rb!Text7
                    rt!Text8 = rb!Text8
                    rt!Text9 = rb!Text9
                    rt!Text10 = rb!Text10
                    rt!Text11 = rb!Text11
                    rt!Text12 = rb!Text12
                    rt!Text13 = rb!Text13
                    rt!Text14 = rb!Text14
                    rt!Text15 = rb!Text15
                    rt!Text16 = rb!Text16
                    rt!Text17 = rb!Text17
                    rt!Text18 = rb!Text18
                    rt!Text19 = rb!Text19
                    rt!Text20 = rb!Text20
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text1) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text1)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text2) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text2)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text3) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text3)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text4) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text4)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text5) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text5)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text6) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text6)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text7) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text7)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text8) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text8)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text9) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text9)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text10) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text10)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text11) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text11)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text12) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text12)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text13) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text13)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text14) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text14)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text15) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text15)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text16) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text16)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text17) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text17)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text18) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text18)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text19) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text19)
                    If Not IsNull(rt!Text20) Then rt!OPS_IMPACT = rt!OPS_IMPACT & " " & Trim(rt!Text20)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    'dump in non-discipline activities
    Set qu = db.QueryDefs("Q_SCHEDULE_P3E_UPDATE_ACTIVITIES")
    qu.Parameters("SD") = Me!SD
    qu.Parameters("ED") = Me!ED
    Set ru = qu.OpenRecordset()
    If Not ru.EOF Then
        Do While Not ru.EOF
            rt!T_SCHEDULE = Me!opt_t
            rt!T_SCHEDULE_START_DATE = Me!SD
            rt!TASK_ID = ru!TASK_ID
            rt!PROJ_ID = ru!PROJ_ID
            rt!WBS_ID = ru!WBS_ID
            rt!STATUS_CODE = ru!STATUS_CODE
            rt!TASK_CODE = ru!TASK_CODE
            rt!TASK_NAME = ru!TASK_NAME
            rt!RSRC_ID = ru!RSRC_ID
            'rt!USER_TEXT1 = ru!USER_TEXT1
            rt!USER_TEXT8 = Left(LTrim(ru!TASK_CODE), 8)
            rt!WORK_ORDER_NBR = Left(LTrim(ru!TASK_CODE), 8)
            'If Left(ru!TASK_DISCIPLINE, 3) = "OPS" Then
            '    rt!DISCIPLINE = "OPS"
            '    rt!DISCIPLINE = ru!TASK_DISCIPLINE
            'End If
            If Len(ru!TASK_CODE) > 10 Then
                rt!WORK_ORDER_TASK = Mid(ru!TASK_CODE, 10, 2)
            End If
    End If
    'Add in equipment numbers
    Set qu = db.QueryDefs("Q_SCHEDULE_P3E_UPDATE_ACTIVITIES_2")
    qu.Parameters("SD") = Me!SD
    qu.Parameters("ED") = Me!ED
    Set ru = qu.OpenRecordset()
    If Not ru.EOF Then
        Do While Not ru.EOF
            rt.FindFirst "[ID] = " & ru!ID
            If Not rt.NoMatch Then
                rt!USER_TEXT1 = Trim(Left(ru!USER_TEXT1, 20))
            End If
    End If
    DoCmd.Close acForm, "F_WAIT"
    DoCmd.Hourglass False
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "Q_SCHEDULE_P3E_APPEND"
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    MsgBox "Download Complete.", 64, "Done"
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.DESCRIPTION
        Resume Exit_btn_download_Click
    End Sub

  2. #2
    pbaldy's Avatar
    pbaldy is offline Who is John Galt?
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    90 minutes?!? Are you dealing with Amazon's historical transaction database or something? I'd be annoyed if something took 90 seconds. In any case, you should be able to use a For/Next loop to process 1-10. Programmatically set the value, then run this process.
    Paul (wino moderator)
    MS Access MVP 2007-2019

  3. #3
    pimpzter is offline Novice
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    Thank you for the quick reply. Im not exactly sure where to add the for next loop. Can you give me a little guidance ? Yeah.. the 90 minutes each part does cause a little headache and it ties up at least 1 PC during the time its running. Im sure there is a way to speed it up but I dont even know where to start.. lol

  4. #4
    pbaldy's Avatar
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    If you want to leave that process alone, perhaps a second button that runs 1-10?

    As to speed, I might set a breakpoint and step through the code to see which steps take a lot of time. Recordset loops are handy tools, but are often overused. An update query is typically a faster way to update a batch of records, if the situation permits.
    Paul (wino moderator)
    MS Access MVP 2007-2019

  5. #5
    pimpzter is offline Novice
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbaldy View Post
    If you want to leave that process alone, perhaps a second button that runs 1-10?
    thats exactly what im looking to do. ive tried copying the code to the new button on click and manipulating it to do just that but no luck so far.

    Quote Originally Posted by pbaldy View Post
    As to speed, I might set a breakpoint and step through the code to see which steps take a lot of time. Recordset loops are handy tools, but are often overused. An update query is typically a faster way to update a batch of records, if the situation permits.
    If you cant see anything that jumps out at you from looking at the code I know I surely wouldnt be able to find a way. This database is a mess. This is a very small portion of the entire mdb

  6. #6
    pimpzter is offline Novice
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    I had only posted the code from the onclick for that 1 particular button. Shall I post all the code for that particular form ?

  7. #7
    pbaldy's Avatar
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    I probably wouldn't bother copying the code to the new button. I'd try this within a For/Next loop:

    Me!opt_t = YourLoopCounterVariable
    Call btn_download_Click()
    Paul (wino moderator)
    MS Access MVP 2007-2019

  8. #8
    pimpzter is offline Novice
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbaldy View Post
    I probably wouldn't bother copying the code to the new button. I'd try this within a For/Next loop:

    Me!opt_t = YourLoopCounterVariable
    Call btn_download_Click()

    inside the code for the current button?

    exactly where would be a good place to put this ? im not even 100% sure what checks to see what option is selected.

  9. #9
    pimpzter is offline Novice
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     Dim Tloop As Integer
    Tloop = 28
    Me!opt_t = Tloop
    If IsNull(Me!opt_t) Then
        MsgBox "No T Schedule has been selected.", 16, "Stop"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    and removed the lines that caused popup warnings. Looks like this runs the code for the "1" selected - perfect. I havent let it completely run yet because of that whole 90 minute thing.. If you could speed that up I would worship you. .lol

    still fishing... I think i have it running starting with "1" and working its way to "10" as long its case me!t?_downloaded does not equal -1. So now I am trying to figure out how to... when it starts with 1 and it has already been downloaded.. to skip to the next case until it get to one that needs to be downloaded.

    Thank you for the continued guidance
    Last edited by pimpzter; 04-25-2013 at 08:56 AM.

  10. #10
    pbaldy's Avatar
    pbaldy is offline Who is John Galt?
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    No, new button:

    Dim Tloop As Integer
    For Tloop = 1 To 10
      Me!opt_t = Tloop
      Call btn_download_Click()
    Next Tloop
    You could temporarily put something like this at the beginning of the old button's code:

    MsgBox "Now working on option " & Me!opt_t
    Exit Sub

    Which should make you get 10 message boxes with the appropriate value.

    As to speeding up the code, I've already suggested setting a breakpoint and stepping through. If a particular line takes a long time to execute, you're on the way to determining the culprit. It's likely outside the scope of this forum for anybody here to get far with that, as we can't play with it. Plus, you'd need to describe what the process is intended to accomplish.
    Paul (wino moderator)
    MS Access MVP 2007-2019

  11. #11
    pimpzter is offline Novice
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    thank you very much for your help and time. Once I get this part down... I will try your suggestion for an attempt to speed this code up. It may not be possible because of all the tables and queries involved.

  12. #12
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    No problem. 90 minutes might be a record. I work with any number of tables with millions of records, and like I said I'd be annoyed by 90 seconds.
    Paul (wino moderator)
    MS Access MVP 2007-2019

  13. #13
    pimpzter is offline Novice
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbaldy View Post
    No problem. 90 minutes might be a record. I work with any number of tables with millions of records, and like I said I'd be annoyed by 90 seconds.
    hmmm.. wonder whats taking this one so long to run then. Ill see what i can figure out but im still having issues with the simple stuff.. like what we worked on earlier... thought it was working but it just told me it wasnt.. uh

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