you can write some code to build the sql for all 23 fields with one text input.

Public Sub SetQuery(datQry As String, datWord As String)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String

'keep adding fld1..fldn
strSQL = "SELECT fld1, fld2, fld4 " & _
"FROM Table1 " & _
"WHERE (fld1 Like '*" & datWord & "*') OR " & _
"(fld2 Like '*" & datWord & "*') OR " & _
"(fld4 Like '*" & datWord & "*');"
'just keep adding fields here with the or.. statement..

Set db = CurrentDb()

Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(datQry)
qdf.SQL = strSQL

End Sub

you be surprised how fast this would be on your fields..

add this to a module

then call it using this..

setquery "qrySameSearchinAllFlds", "test"

use the db that I sent you for the test.. then add this to your database..