Hey there, I have scoured the internet and attempted to reverse engineer things myself, but have given up. Does anyone know of any documentation regarding the file structure of data stored in the OLEObject binary data for the image type field?

When you export to XML it creates base64 encoded data that, when decoded, reveals there's an OLEObject wrapper around the file names and paths. There seems to be some length data and checksums there as well (too difficult for me to reverse engineer within any reasonable time).

My goal is to manually edit XML base64 data (programmatically of course) and then import that back into MSAccess. But first, I must find out the binary structure to know how to encode images into the proper OLEObject format.

Any help or redirection is much appreciated!

P.S. This is what the field is like in the xsd:
<xsd:element name="Photo" minOccurs="0" od:jetType="oleobject" od:sqlSType="image">
<od:fieldProperty name="ColumnWidth" type="3" value="-1"/>
<od:fieldProperty name="ColumnOrder" type="3" value="0"/>
<od:fieldProperty name="ColumnHidden" type="1" value="0"/>
<od:fieldProperty name="TextAlign" type="2" value="0"/>
<od:fieldProperty name="AggregateType" type="4" value="-1"/>
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:base64Binary">
<xsd:maxLength value="1476395008"/>