Hi All
I know my way around access quite well and I have written quite a few succesfull databases both in pure access and for the web using MySQL and PHP. My latest venture though has me quite stuck and i thought that would post here to see if anyome has any ideas or of course has run into this type of Database before.

A friend has asked me to look at building a valuations database for him. While the majority of the Db is quite stright forward the issue that I am stuck on is this requirement:-

The database must be able to calculate valuation amounts by quater of year from the last valuation date to either the termination date or for 100 years whichever is the sooner.

I am woundering, should this be a VB calculation that writes to a table? Should it be a query that runs everytime that form or report is generated? That could be quite heavy overhead on calculations everytime! There willl be items that require a single calculation and there will be items that have multiple calculations. The scheme is currently looking like this

TblPlatform 1-many TblComponent

TblComponent has fdstartdate, fdenddate and fdstartvalue

Should it also hold upto 400 dates? (100 years/4 quaters and a value for each) or how should it be done?
I am still at the Db Schema stage so any pointers or advice will be appreciated.