I have 7 fields:

1. Monthly allowance
2. maintenance cost
3. road tax
4. proposed effective date
5. calc - to calculate prorated amount for monthly allowance
6. calc2 - to calculate prorated amount fr maintenance cost
7. calc3 - to calculated prorated amount fr road tax
I have created code which calculated prorated amount based on this formula:
((Date - proposed effective date)/365) * monthly allowance or maintenance cost or road tax
my code is :

Private Sub Text41_Change() (text41 = proposed effective date)
End Sub

Private Sub Text41_LostFocus()
If (Date - Me.Text41.Value) / 365 < 1 Then
Me.calc.Value = ((Date - Me.Text41.Value) / 365) * Me.Text31.Value
End If
End Sub

When I created another code with the same coding but different parameter. e.g Me.Text31.Value change to Me.text37.value, error appeared saying that expression created produced ambigious name.
how to solve this problem?
as the coding refer to the same proposed effective, can I still use Text41_change () for the other two code?