Hi Guys,

First time poster here. This is probably a really stupid question, but here goes.

I am trying to group by a text string in order to dedupe some records and I keep getting 'Invalid Procedure Call' error. I imported the raw data from excel and I imported the text as text and the numbers as double.

What is the cause of this error and how do I fix this?

My Query:
SELECT Replace(Replace(Mid([Discover String],InStr([Discover String],">category>"),Len([Discover String])),">category>","http://www.website.com/category/",1,1),">","/") AS [DataW URL], [Page Number Index].[MAX Pages] AS [Num Pages]
FROM [Page Number Index]
GROUP BY Replace(Replace(Mid([Discover String],InStr([Discover String],">category>"),Len([Discover String])),">category>","http://www.website.com/category/",1,1),">","/"), [Page Number Index].[MAX Pages];