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  1. #1
    AndycompanyZ is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Jun 2011

    Working days module help for noob

    I am trying to work out on a form how to calculate how many working days are subtracted forma date. On a form I have a date of an event and on a subform I have a combobox that the user selects from a number of options what kind of communications are needed for this event. For instance I have one that will select an invite (1) which will notify the user that an invite needs to be sent 7 days before the event. This then fills in a form field showing the date when it needs to be sent. I have this working correctly as below:
    If Me.cmboCommunicationName.Value = 1 Then
    Me.CommunicationDueDate = DateAdd("d", -7, Forms![frmMainNavigation]![NavigationSubform].Form![EventStartDayDate])
    But I need to work out the date taking into account weekends (and better still public holidays as well) so that the communication is not sent out on a weekend as if the event fell on a Tuesday and as one of the options sends out a communication 3 days before it would be sent out on a saturday and if the recipient didn't get their email until they came into work they wouldn't get it until monday the day before the event!
    I have read quite a bit about this and realise that I have to put a function into a module to work out the weekdays. But I have no idea how to go about putting the function into the code. I have found some code online that will work it out as belowthat I have adapted for the UK holidays this year:
    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Const vbNewYear = "01/01/"
    Const vbChristmasDay = "25/12/"
    Const vbBoxingDay = "26/12/"
    Public Function DaysInMonth(ByVal dteMonth As Date) As Integer
        Dim dteStart As Date
        Dim dteEnd As Date
        dteStart = DateSerial(Year(dteMonth), Month(dteMonth), 1)
        dteEnd = DateAdd("m", 1, dteStart) - 1
        DaysInMonth = CalculateDays(dteStart, dteEnd, True)
    End Function
    Public Function CalculateDays(ByVal dteStart As Date, _
        ByVal dteEnd As Date, Optional Include As Boolean) As Long
        Dim dteTemp As Date
        Dim lngDays As Long
        dteTemp = dteStart
        Do While dteTemp <> dteEnd
            If Not IsHoliday(dteTemp) Then
                Select Case Weekday(dteTemp)
                    Case vbMonday, vbTuesday, vbWednesday, vbThursday, vbFriday
                        lngDays = lngDays + 1
                End Select
            End If
            dteTemp = DateAdd("d", 1, dteTemp)
        If Include = True Then lngDays = lngDays + 1
        CalculateDays = lngDays
    End Function
    Public Function IsHoliday(ByVal dteTemp As Date) As Boolean
        On Error GoTo Err_IsHoliday
        Dim intYear As Integer
        intYear = Year(dteTemp)
        If DCount("HolidayID", "tblHolidays", "HolidayDate = #" & dteTemp & "#") > 0 Then
            IsHoliday = True
            Exit Function
            Select Case dteTemp
                Case Is = CDate(vbNewYear & intYear)
                    IsHoliday = True
                    Exit Function
                Case Is = GoodFriday(intYear)
                    IsHoliday = True
                    Exit Function
                Case Is = EasterMonday(intYear)
                    IsHoliday = True
                    Exit Function
                Case Is = EarlySpringBankHoliday(intYear)
                    IsHoliday = True
                    Exit Function
                Case Is = LateSpringBankHoliday(intYear)
                    IsHoliday = True
                    Exit Function
                Case Is = SummerBankHoliday(intYear)
                    IsHoliday = True
                    Exit Function
                Case Is = CDate(vbChristmasDay & intYear)
                    IsHoliday = True
                    Exit Function
                Case Is = CDate(vbBoxingDay & intYear)
                    IsHoliday = True
                    Exit Function
                Case Else
                    IsHoliday = False
            End Select
        End If
        Exit Function
        IsHoliday = False
        Resume Exit_IsHoliday
    End Function
    Private Function EarlySpringBankHoliday(ByVal intYear As Integer) As Date
        Dim dteStart As Date, intWeekDay As Integer
        dteStart = DateSerial(intYear, 5, 2)
        intWeekDay = Weekday(dteStart)
        dteStart = DateAdd("d", IIf(2 < intWeekDay, 7 - intWeekDay + 2, 2 - intWeekDay), dteStart)
        EarlySpringBankHoliday = dteStart
    End Function
    Private Function LateSpringBankHoliday(ByVal intYear As Integer) As Date
        Dim dteStart As Date, intWeekDay As Integer
        dteStart = DateSerial(intYear, 5, 30)
        intWeekDay = Weekday(dteStart)
        dteStart = DateAdd("d", IIf(2 < intWeekDay, 7 - intWeekDay + 2, 2 - intWeekDay), dteStart) - 7
        LateSpringBankHoliday = dteStart
    End Function
    Private Function GoodFriday(ByVal intYear As Integer) As Date
        GoodFriday = DateAdd("d", -2, Easter(intYear))
    End Function
    Private Function Easter(ByVal intYear As Integer) As Date
        Dim intDominical As Integer, intEpact As Integer, intQuote As Integer
        intDominical = 225 - (11 * (intYear Mod 19))
        If intDominical > 50 Then
            While intDominical > 50
                intDominical = intDominical - 30
        End If
        If intDominical > 48 Then intDominical = intDominical - 1
        intEpact = (intYear + Int(intYear / 4) + intDominical + 1) Mod 7
        intQuote = intDominical + 7 - intEpact
        If intQuote > 31 Then
            Easter = DateSerial(intYear, 4, intQuote - 31)
            Easter = DateSerial(intYear, 3, intQuote)
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function EasterMonday(ByVal intYear As Integer) As Date
        EasterMonday = DateAdd("d", -2, Easter(intYear))
    End Function
    Private Function SummerBankHoliday(ByVal intYear As Integer) As Date
        Dim dteStart As Date, intWeekDay As Integer
        dteStart = DateSerial(intYear, 8, 29)
        intWeekDay = Weekday(dteStart)
        dteStart = DateAdd("d", IIf(2 < intWeekDay, 7 - intWeekDay + 2, 2 - intWeekDay), dteStart) - 7
        SummerBankHoliday = dteStart
    End Function
    But I have no idea what to do with this as it seems to my limited knowledge to have a number of functions in it and have no idea what to do next. I imagine it is something along the lines of:

    If Me.cmboCommunicationName.Value = 1 Then
    Me.CommunicationDueDate = CalculateDays("#Forms![frmMainNavigation]![NavigationSubform].Form![EventStartDayDate]#", 7, False)
    End If
    But I have no idea at all.
    Can anyone point me where to look for help on this please or an easy way of doing this. Thank you all.

  2. #2
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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  3. #3
    AndycompanyZ is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Thanks for the link. As I said in my original post I am a complete newbie to functions and am at a loss as to how to call this function or indeed what part of the linked code to call within a piece of code. Do I need to just copy the code into a module (or class module not sure which) and then put:
    call "name of function"
    I need to calculate the days from a form's field ie if the date I need is 7 days before the date showing on the form I need it to fill in another field with what date to send the communication taking into account the weekend. I have no idea at all about how to do this but want to learn more is there anywhere I can read about functions at a very basic level to learn and understand. All the sites I've read ssem to assume a knowledge about functions and I just want somewhere where i can read from the start.

  4. #4
    AndycompanyZ is offline Advanced Beginner
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    Jun 2011
    I have tried a different function I found :
    Function UpBusDays3(pstart As Date, _
                        pNum As Integer, _
                        Optional pAdd As Boolean = True) As Date
    'Purpose:   Add or subtract business days
    '           from a date
    'Coded by:  raskew
    'Inputs:    1) +) ? UpBusDays3(#2/17/06#, 3, True)
    '           2) -) ? UpBusDays3(#2/22/06#, 3, False)
    'Output:    1) +) 2/22/06
    '           2) -) 2/17/06
    Dim dteHold As Date
    Dim i       As Integer
    Dim n       As Integer
        dteHold = pstart
        n = pNum
        For i = 1 To n
           If pAdd Then  'add days
              dteHold = dteHold + IIf(Weekday(dteHold) > 5, 9 - Weekday(dteHold), 1)
           Else          'subtract days
              dteHold = dteHold - IIf(Weekday(dteHold) < 3, Choose(Weekday(dteHold), 2, 3), 1)
           End If
        Next i
        UpBusDays3 = dteHold
    End Function
    And I was thinking this would work:
    Private Sub cmboCommunicationName_AfterUpdate()
    If Me.cmboCommunicationName.Value = 1 Then
    Me.CommunicationDueDate = UpBusDays3("#Forms![frmMainNavigation]![NavigationSubform].Form![EventStartDayDate]#", 7, False)
    End If
    If Me.cmboCommunicationName.Value = 2 Then
    Me.CommunicationDueDate = UpBusDays3("#Forms![frmMainNavigation]![NavigationSubform].Form![EventStartDayDate]#", 3, False)
    End If
    If Me.cmboCommunicationName.Value = 3 Then
    Me.CommunicationDueDate = UpBusDays3("#Forms![frmMainNavigation]![NavigationSubform].Form![EventStartDayDate]#", 1, False)
    End If
    If Me.cmboCommunicationName.Value = 4 Then
    Me.CommunicationDueDate = UpBusDays3("#Forms![frmMainNavigation]![NavigationSubform].Form![EventStartDayDate]#", 2, True)
    End If
    If Me.cmboCommunicationName.Value = 5 Then
    Me.CommunicationDueDate = UpBusDays3("#Forms![frmMainNavigation]![NavigationSubform].Form![EventStartDayDate]#", 7, True)
    End If
    End Sub
    But it gives me a type mismatch error which I hope is just to do with the date but as i say I'm still learning and I have little idea what I'm doing.

  5. #5
    ssanfu is offline Master of Nothing
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    This goes into a standard module. The name of the module cannot be the same name as any other object. I would suggest "MyFunctions" (without the quotes)
    Function UpBusDays3(pstart As Date, _
                        pNum As Integer, _
                        Optional pAdd As Boolean = True) As Date
    'Purpose:   Add or subtract business days
    '           from a date
    'Coded by:  raskew
    'Inputs:    1) +) ? UpBusDays3(#2/17/06#, 3, True)
    '           2) -) ? UpBusDays3(#2/22/06#, 3, False)
    'Output:    1) +) 2/22/06
    '           2) -) 2/17/06
    Dim dteHold As Date
    Dim i       As Integer
    Dim n       As Integer
        dteHold = pstart
        n = pNum
        For i = 1 To n
           If pAdd Then  'add days
              dteHold = dteHold + IIf(Weekday(dteHold) > 5, 9 - Weekday(dteHold), 1)
           Else          'subtract days
              dteHold = dteHold - IIf(Weekday(dteHold) < 3, Choose(Weekday(dteHold), 2, 3), 1)
           End If
        Next i
        UpBusDays3 = dteHold
    End Function
    This goes in the after update event of the combo box. I re-wrote your function.....
    Private Sub cmboCommunicationName_AfterUpdate()
       Dim pBaseDate As Date  'EventStartDayDate
       Dim pNumDays As Integer  'number of days
       Dim pP_M As Boolean    'plus or minus (Add or Subtract)
       pBaseDate = Forms![frmMainNavigation]![NavigationSubform].Form![EventStartDayDate]
    '   pBaseDate = #8/1/2011#   'for testing - delete whenever.....
    'for debugging - comment out or delete  when ready
    MsgBox "The starting date is " & pBaseDate
       Select Case Me.cmboCommunicationName
          Case 1
             pNumDays = 7
             pP_M = False
          Case 2
             pNumDays = 3
             pP_M = False
          Case 3
             pNumDays = 1
             pP_M = False
          Case 4
             pNumDays = 2
             pP_M = True
          Case 5
             pNumDays = 7
             pP_M = True
       End Select
       Me.CommunicationDueDate = UpBusDays3(pBaseDate, pNumDays, pP_M)
    End Sub

  6. #6
    AndycompanyZ is offline Advanced Beginner
    Windows Vista Access 2010 32bit
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    Jun 2011
    Thank you so much that works perfectly. I understand a lot more now how it works and hopefully I will now be able to use UDFs a lot more thanks to your help.

Please reply to this thread with any new information or opinions.

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