
Could someone advise how it is best to append records to a table that has existing relationships that enforce referential integrity.

The table I am appending to (table X) has a number of foregin keys that form the many part of a one to many relationship.

Unfortunately the related tables on the "one side" of the relationship (tables A, B C ) don't contain all of the values that are necessary to accomodate the new records being appended. i.e. referential integrity failure.

Is there a quick way to append the records to table X and ensure that the "one side" tables A, B, C are also updated with the necessary values.

The only way I can currently forsee doing this is to go through the data I am appending, pull out the values that are not currently in tables A, B, C and add them before appending the new records to table X.

Surely there must be an easier way.

Many thanks in advance.